package; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import tim.prune.App; import tim.prune.DataSubscriber; import tim.prune.FunctionLibrary; import tim.prune.I18nManager; import tim.prune.UpdateMessageBroker; import tim.prune.config.ColourScheme; import tim.prune.config.Config; import*; import tim.prune.function.compress.MarkPointsInRectangleFunction; import tim.prune.function.edit.FieldEdit; import tim.prune.function.edit.FieldEditList; import tim.prune.gui.IconManager; import tim.prune.gui.MultiStateCheckBox; import tim.prune.gui.colour.PointColourer; import; /** * Class for the map canvas, to display a background map and draw on it */ public class MapCanvas extends JPanel implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, DataSubscriber, KeyListener, MouseWheelListener, TileConsumer { /** App object for callbacks */ private App _app = null; /** Track object */ private Track _track = null; /** TrackInfo object */ private TrackInfo _trackInfo = null; /** Selection object */ private Selection _selection = null; /** Object to keep track of midpoints */ private MidpointData _midpoints = null; /** Index of point clicked at mouseDown */ private int _clickedPoint = -1; /** Previously selected point */ private int _prevSelectedPoint = -1; /** Tile manager */ private MapTileManager _tileManager = new MapTileManager(this); /** Image to display */ private BufferedImage _mapImage = null; /** Second image for drawing track (only needed for alpha blending) */ private BufferedImage _trackImage = null; /** Slider for transparency */ private JSlider _transparencySlider = null; /** Checkbox for scale bar */ private JCheckBox _scaleCheckBox = null; /** Checkbox for maps */ private JCheckBox _mapCheckBox = null; /** Checkbox for autopan */ private JCheckBox _autopanCheckBox = null; /** Checkbox for connecting track points */ private MultiStateCheckBox _connectCheckBox = null; /** Checkbox for enable edit mode */ private JCheckBox _editmodeCheckBox = null; /** Right-click popup menu */ private JPopupMenu _popup = null; /** Top component panel */ private JPanel _topPanel = null; /** Side component panel */ private JPanel _sidePanel = null; /** Scale bar */ private ScaleBar _scaleBar = null; /* Data */ private DoubleRange _latRange = null, _lonRange = null; private DoubleRange _xRange = null, _yRange = null; private boolean _recalculate = false; /** Flag to check bounds on next paint */ private boolean _checkBounds = false; /** Map position */ private MapPosition _mapPosition = null; /** coordinates of drag from point */ private int _dragFromX = -1, _dragFromY = -1; /** coordinates of drag to point */ private int _dragToX = -1, _dragToY = -1; /** coordinates of popup menu */ private int _popupMenuX = -1, _popupMenuY = -1; /** Flag to prevent showing too often the error message about loading maps */ private boolean _shownOsmErrorAlready = false; /** Current drawing mode */ private int _drawMode = MODE_DEFAULT; /** Current waypoint icon definition */ WpIconDefinition _waypointIconDefinition = null; /** Constant for click sensitivity when selecting nearest point */ private static final int CLICK_SENSITIVITY = 30; /** Constant for pan distance from key presses */ private static final int PAN_DISTANCE = 20; /** Constant for pan distance from autopan */ private static final int AUTOPAN_DISTANCE = 75; // Colours private static final Color COLOR_MESSAGES = Color.GRAY; // Drawing modes private static final int MODE_DEFAULT = 0; private static final int MODE_ZOOM_RECT = 1; private static final int MODE_DRAW_POINTS_START = 2; private static final int MODE_DRAW_POINTS_CONT = 3; private static final int MODE_DRAG_POINT = 4; private static final int MODE_CREATE_MIDPOINT = 5; private static final int MODE_MARK_RECTANGLE = 6; private static final int INDEX_UNKNOWN = -2; /** * Constructor * @param inApp App object for callbacks * @param inTrackInfo track info object */ public MapCanvas(App inApp, TrackInfo inTrackInfo) { _app = inApp; _trackInfo = inTrackInfo; _track = inTrackInfo.getTrack(); _selection = inTrackInfo.getSelection(); _midpoints = new MidpointData(); _mapPosition = new MapPosition(); addMouseListener(this); addMouseMotionListener(this); addMouseWheelListener(this); addKeyListener(this); // Make listener for changes to controls ItemListener itemListener = new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { _recalculate = true; repaint(); } }; // Make special listener for changes to map checkbox ItemListener mapCheckListener = new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { _tileManager.clearMemoryCaches(); _recalculate = true; Config.setConfigBoolean(Config.KEY_SHOW_MAP, e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED); UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(); // to let menu know // If the track is only partially visible and you turn the map off, make the track fully visible again if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.DESELECTED && _transparencySlider.getValue() < 0) { _transparencySlider.setValue(0); } } }; _topPanel = new OverlayPanel(); _topPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); // Make slider for transparency _transparencySlider = new JSlider(-6, 6, 0); _transparencySlider.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 20)); _transparencySlider.setMajorTickSpacing(1); _transparencySlider.setSnapToTicks(true); _transparencySlider.setOpaque(false); _transparencySlider.setValue(0); _transparencySlider.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { int val = _transparencySlider.getValue(); if (val == 1 || val == -1) _transparencySlider.setValue(0); else { _recalculate = true; repaint(); } } }); _transparencySlider.setFocusable(false); // stop slider from stealing keyboard focus _topPanel.add(_transparencySlider); // Add checkbox button for enabling scale bar _scaleCheckBox = new JCheckBox(IconManager.getImageIcon(IconManager.SCALEBAR_BUTTON), true); _scaleCheckBox.setSelectedIcon(IconManager.getImageIcon(IconManager.SCALEBAR_BUTTON_ON)); _scaleCheckBox.setOpaque(false); _scaleCheckBox.setToolTipText(I18nManager.getText("")); _scaleCheckBox.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { _scaleBar.setVisible(_scaleCheckBox.isSelected()); } }); _scaleCheckBox.setFocusable(false); // stop button from stealing keyboard focus _topPanel.add(_scaleCheckBox); // Add checkbox button for enabling maps or not _mapCheckBox = new JCheckBox(IconManager.getImageIcon(IconManager.MAP_BUTTON), false); _mapCheckBox.setSelectedIcon(IconManager.getImageIcon(IconManager.MAP_BUTTON_ON)); _mapCheckBox.setOpaque(false); _mapCheckBox.setToolTipText(I18nManager.getText("")); _mapCheckBox.addItemListener(mapCheckListener); _mapCheckBox.setFocusable(false); // stop button from stealing keyboard focus _topPanel.add(_mapCheckBox); // Add checkbox button for enabling autopan or not _autopanCheckBox = new JCheckBox(IconManager.getImageIcon(IconManager.AUTOPAN_BUTTON), true); _autopanCheckBox.setSelectedIcon(IconManager.getImageIcon(IconManager.AUTOPAN_BUTTON_ON)); _autopanCheckBox.setOpaque(false); _autopanCheckBox.setToolTipText(I18nManager.getText("")); _autopanCheckBox.addItemListener(itemListener); _autopanCheckBox.setFocusable(false); // stop button from stealing keyboard focus _topPanel.add(_autopanCheckBox); // Add checkbox button for connecting points or not _connectCheckBox = new MultiStateCheckBox(4); _connectCheckBox.setIcon(0, IconManager.getImageIcon(IconManager.POINTS_WITH_ARROWS_BUTTON)); _connectCheckBox.setIcon(1, IconManager.getImageIcon(IconManager.POINTS_HIDDEN_BUTTON)); _connectCheckBox.setIcon(2, IconManager.getImageIcon(IconManager.POINTS_CONNECTED_BUTTON)); _connectCheckBox.setIcon(3, IconManager.getImageIcon(IconManager.POINTS_DISCONNECTED_BUTTON)); _connectCheckBox.setCurrentState(0); _connectCheckBox.setOpaque(false); _connectCheckBox.setToolTipText(I18nManager.getText("")); _connectCheckBox.addItemListener(itemListener); _connectCheckBox.setFocusable(false); // stop button from stealing keyboard focus _topPanel.add(_connectCheckBox); // Add checkbox button for edit mode or not _editmodeCheckBox = new JCheckBox(IconManager.getImageIcon(IconManager.EDIT_MODE_BUTTON), false); _editmodeCheckBox.setSelectedIcon(IconManager.getImageIcon(IconManager.EDIT_MODE_BUTTON_ON)); _editmodeCheckBox.setOpaque(false); _editmodeCheckBox.setToolTipText(I18nManager.getText("")); _editmodeCheckBox.addItemListener(itemListener); _editmodeCheckBox.setFocusable(false); // stop button from stealing keyboard focus _topPanel.add(_editmodeCheckBox); // Add zoom in, zoom out buttons _sidePanel = new OverlayPanel(); _sidePanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(_sidePanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); JButton zoomInButton = new JButton(IconManager.getImageIcon(IconManager.ZOOM_IN_BUTTON)); zoomInButton.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)); zoomInButton.setContentAreaFilled(false); zoomInButton.setToolTipText(I18nManager.getText("")); zoomInButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { zoomIn(); } }); zoomInButton.setFocusable(false); // stop button from stealing keyboard focus _sidePanel.add(zoomInButton); JButton zoomOutButton = new JButton(IconManager.getImageIcon(IconManager.ZOOM_OUT_BUTTON)); zoomOutButton.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)); zoomOutButton.setContentAreaFilled(false); zoomOutButton.setToolTipText(I18nManager.getText("")); zoomOutButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { zoomOut(); } }); zoomOutButton.setFocusable(false); // stop button from stealing keyboard focus _sidePanel.add(zoomOutButton); // Bottom panel for scale bar _scaleBar = new ScaleBar(); // add control panels to this one setLayout(new BorderLayout()); _topPanel.setVisible(false); _sidePanel.setVisible(false); add(_topPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); add(_sidePanel, BorderLayout.WEST); add(_scaleBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // Make popup menu makePopup(); // Get currently selected map from Config, pass to MapTileManager _tileManager.setMapSource(Config.getConfigInt(Config.KEY_MAPSOURCE_INDEX)); // Update display settings dataUpdated(MAPSERVER_CHANGED); } /** * Make the popup menu for right-clicking the map */ private void makePopup() { _popup = new JPopupMenu(); JMenuItem zoomInItem = new JMenuItem(I18nManager.getText("")); zoomInItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { panMap((_popupMenuX - getWidth()/2)/2, (_popupMenuY - getHeight()/2)/2); zoomIn(); }}); _popup.add(zoomInItem); JMenuItem zoomOutItem = new JMenuItem(I18nManager.getText("")); zoomOutItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { panMap(-(_popupMenuX - getWidth()/2), -(_popupMenuY - getHeight()/2)); zoomOut(); }}); _popup.add(zoomOutItem); JMenuItem zoomFullItem = new JMenuItem(I18nManager.getText("")); zoomFullItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { zoomToFit(); _recalculate = true; repaint(); }}); _popup.add(zoomFullItem); _popup.addSeparator(); // Set background JMenuItem setMapBgItem = new JMenuItem( I18nManager.getText(FunctionLibrary.FUNCTION_SET_MAP_BG.getNameKey())); setMapBgItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { FunctionLibrary.FUNCTION_SET_MAP_BG.begin(); }}); _popup.add(setMapBgItem); // new point option JMenuItem newPointItem = new JMenuItem(I18nManager.getText("")); newPointItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { _app.createPoint(createPointFromClick(_popupMenuX, _popupMenuY)); }}); _popup.add(newPointItem); // draw point series JMenuItem drawPointsItem = new JMenuItem(I18nManager.getText("")); drawPointsItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { _drawMode = MODE_DRAW_POINTS_START; } }); _popup.add(drawPointsItem); } /** * Zoom to fit the current data area */ private void zoomToFit() { _latRange = _track.getLatRange(); _lonRange = _track.getLonRange(); _xRange = new DoubleRange(MapUtils.getXFromLongitude(_lonRange.getMinimum()), MapUtils.getXFromLongitude(_lonRange.getMaximum())); _yRange = new DoubleRange(MapUtils.getYFromLatitude(_latRange.getMinimum()), MapUtils.getYFromLatitude(_latRange.getMaximum())); _mapPosition.zoomToXY( _xRange.getMinimum(), _xRange.getMaximum(), _yRange.getMinimum(), _yRange.getMaximum(), getWidth(), getHeight(), _tileManager.getMaxZoomLevel()); } /** * Paint method * @see java.awt.Canvas#paint(java.awt.Graphics) */ public void paint(Graphics inG) { super.paint(inG); if (_mapImage != null && (_mapImage.getWidth() != getWidth() || _mapImage.getHeight() != getHeight())) { _mapImage = null; } if (_track.getNumPoints() > 0) { // Check for autopan if enabled / necessary if (_autopanCheckBox.isSelected()) { int selectedPoint = _selection.getCurrentPointIndex(); if (selectedPoint >= 0 && _dragFromX == -1 && selectedPoint != _prevSelectedPoint) { autopanToPoint(selectedPoint); } _prevSelectedPoint = selectedPoint; } // Draw the map contents if necessary if (_mapImage == null || _recalculate) { paintMapContents(); _scaleBar.updateScale(_mapPosition.getZoom(), _mapPosition.getYFromPixels(0, 0)); } // Draw the prepared image onto the panel if (_mapImage != null) { inG.drawImage(_mapImage, 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), null); } switch (_drawMode) { case MODE_DRAG_POINT: drawDragLines(inG, _selection.getCurrentPointIndex()-1, _selection.getCurrentPointIndex()+1); break; case MODE_CREATE_MIDPOINT: drawDragLines(inG, _clickedPoint-1, _clickedPoint); break; case MODE_ZOOM_RECT: case MODE_MARK_RECTANGLE: if (_dragFromX != -1 && _dragFromY != -1) { // Draw the zoom rectangle if necessary inG.setColor(Color.RED); inG.drawLine(_dragFromX, _dragFromY, _dragFromX, _dragToY); inG.drawLine(_dragFromX, _dragFromY, _dragToX, _dragFromY); inG.drawLine(_dragToX, _dragFromY, _dragToX, _dragToY); inG.drawLine(_dragFromX, _dragToY, _dragToX, _dragToY); } break; case MODE_DRAW_POINTS_CONT: // draw line to mouse position to show drawing mode inG.setColor(Config.getColourScheme().getColour(ColourScheme.IDX_POINT)); int prevIndex = _track.getNumPoints()-1; int px = getWidth() / 2 + _mapPosition.getXFromCentre(_track.getX(prevIndex)); int py = getHeight() / 2 + _mapPosition.getYFromCentre(_track.getY(prevIndex)); inG.drawLine(px, py, _dragToX, _dragToY); break; } } else { inG.setColor(Config.getColourScheme().getColour(ColourScheme.IDX_BACKGROUND)); inG.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); inG.setColor(COLOR_MESSAGES); inG.drawString(I18nManager.getText("display.nodata"), 50, getHeight()/2); _scaleBar.updateScale(-1, 0); } // Draw slider etc on top paintChildren(inG); } /** * @return true if the currently selected point is visible, false if off-screen or nothing selected */ private boolean isCurrentPointVisible() { if (_trackInfo.getCurrentPoint() == null) {return false;} final int selectedPoint = _selection.getCurrentPointIndex(); final int xFromCentre = Math.abs(_mapPosition.getXFromCentre(_track.getX(selectedPoint))); if (xFromCentre > (getWidth()/2)) {return false;} final int yFromCentre = Math.abs(_mapPosition.getYFromCentre(_track.getY(selectedPoint))); return yFromCentre < (getHeight()/2); } /** * If the specified point isn't visible, pan to it * @param inIndex index of selected point */ private void autopanToPoint(int inIndex) { int px = getWidth() / 2 + _mapPosition.getXFromCentre(_track.getX(inIndex)); int py = getHeight() / 2 + _mapPosition.getYFromCentre(_track.getY(inIndex)); int panX = 0; int panY = 0; if (px < PAN_DISTANCE) { panX = px - AUTOPAN_DISTANCE; } else if (px > (getWidth()-PAN_DISTANCE)) { panX = AUTOPAN_DISTANCE + px - getWidth(); } if (py < (2*PAN_DISTANCE)) { panY = py - AUTOPAN_DISTANCE; } if (py > (getHeight()-PAN_DISTANCE)) { panY = AUTOPAN_DISTANCE + py - getHeight(); } if (panX != 0 || panY != 0) { _mapPosition.pan(panX, panY); } } /** * Paint the map tiles and the points on to the _mapImage */ private void paintMapContents() { if (_mapImage == null || _mapImage.getWidth() != getWidth() || _mapImage.getHeight() != getHeight()) { _mapImage = new BufferedImage(getWidth(), getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); } Graphics g = _mapImage.getGraphics(); // Set antialiasing according to config ((Graphics2D) g).setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, Config.getConfigBoolean(Config.KEY_ANTIALIAS) ? RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON : RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF); // Clear to background g.setColor(Config.getColourScheme().getColour(ColourScheme.IDX_BACKGROUND)); g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); // Check whether maps are on or not final boolean showMap = Config.getConfigBoolean(Config.KEY_SHOW_MAP); _mapCheckBox.setSelected(showMap); // Check whether disk cache is on or not final boolean usingDiskCache = Config.getConfigString(Config.KEY_DISK_CACHE) != null; // Show tip to recommend setting up a cache if (showMap && !usingDiskCache && Config.getConfigBoolean(Config.KEY_ONLINE_MODE)) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { _app.showTip(TipManager.Tip_UseAMapCache); } }); } // reset error message if (!showMap) {_shownOsmErrorAlready = false;} _recalculate = false; // Only get map tiles if selected if (showMap) { // init tile cacher _tileManager.centreMap(_mapPosition.getZoom(), _mapPosition.getCentreTileX(), _mapPosition.getCentreTileY()); boolean loadingFailed = false; if (_mapImage == null) return; if (_tileManager.isOverzoomed()) { // display overzoom message g.setColor(COLOR_MESSAGES); g.drawString(I18nManager.getText("map.overzoom"), 50, getHeight()/2); } else { int numLayers = _tileManager.getNumLayers(); // Loop over tiles drawing each one int[] tileIndices = _mapPosition.getTileIndices(getWidth(), getHeight()); int[] pixelOffsets = _mapPosition.getDisplayOffsets(getWidth(), getHeight()); for (int tileX = tileIndices[0]; tileX <= tileIndices[1] && !loadingFailed; tileX++) { int x = (tileX - tileIndices[0]) * 256 - pixelOffsets[0]; for (int tileY = tileIndices[2]; tileY <= tileIndices[3]; tileY++) { int y = (tileY - tileIndices[2]) * 256 - pixelOffsets[1]; // Loop over layers for (int l=0; l 0) { final int[] alphas = {0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 210}; Color bgColor = Config.getColourScheme().getColour(ColourScheme.IDX_BACKGROUND); bgColor = new Color(bgColor.getRed(), bgColor.getGreen(), bgColor.getBlue(), alphas[brightnessIndex]); g.setColor(bgColor); g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); } } } // Work out track opacity according to slider final float[] opacities = {1.0f, 0.75f, 0.5f, 0.3f, 0.15f, 0.0f}; float trackOpacity = 1.0f; if (_transparencySlider.getValue() < 0) { trackOpacity = opacities[-1 - _transparencySlider.getValue()]; } if (trackOpacity > 0.0f) { // Paint the track points on top boolean pointsPainted = true; try { if (trackOpacity > 0.9f) { // Track is fully opaque, just draw it directly pointsPainted = paintPoints(g); _trackImage = null; } else { // Track is partly transparent, so use a separate BufferedImage if (_trackImage == null || _trackImage.getWidth() != getWidth() || _trackImage.getHeight() != getHeight()) { _trackImage = new BufferedImage(getWidth(), getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); } // Clear to transparent Graphics2D gTrack = _trackImage.createGraphics(); gTrack.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.CLEAR, 0.0f)); gTrack.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); gTrack.setPaintMode(); // Draw the track onto this separate image pointsPainted = paintPoints(gTrack); ((Graphics2D) g).setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, trackOpacity)); g.drawImage(_trackImage, 0, 0, null); } } catch (NullPointerException npe) {} // ignore, probably due to data being changed during drawing catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException obe) {} // also ignore // Zoom to fit if no points found if (!pointsPainted && _checkBounds) { zoomToFit(); _recalculate = true; repaint(); } } // free g g.dispose(); _checkBounds = false; // enable / disable transparency slider _transparencySlider.setEnabled(showMap); } /** * Paint the points using the given graphics object * @param inG Graphics object to use for painting * @return true if any points or lines painted */ private boolean paintPoints(Graphics inG) { // Set up colours final ColourScheme cs = Config.getColourScheme(); final Color pointColour = cs.getColour(ColourScheme.IDX_POINT); final Color rangeColour = cs.getColour(ColourScheme.IDX_SELECTION); final Color currentColour = cs.getColour(ColourScheme.IDX_PRIMARY); final Color secondColour = cs.getColour(ColourScheme.IDX_SECONDARY); final Color textColour = cs.getColour(ColourScheme.IDX_TEXT); final PointColourer pointColourer = _app.getPointColourer(); final int winWidth = getWidth(); final int winHeight = getHeight(); final int halfWinWidth = winWidth / 2; final int halfWinHeight = winHeight / 2; final int numPoints = _track.getNumPoints(); final int[] xPixels = new int[numPoints]; final int[] yPixels = new int[numPoints]; final int pointSeparationForArrowsSqd = 350; final int pointSeparation1dForArrows = (int) (Math.sqrt(pointSeparationForArrowsSqd) * 0.7); // try to set line width for painting if (inG instanceof Graphics2D) { int lineWidth = Config.getConfigInt(Config.KEY_LINE_WIDTH); if (lineWidth < 1 || lineWidth > 4) {lineWidth = 2;} ((Graphics2D) inG).setStroke(new BasicStroke(lineWidth)); } boolean pointsPainted = false; // draw track points inG.setColor(pointColour); int prevX = -1, prevY = -1; final int connectState = _connectCheckBox.getCurrentState(); final boolean drawLines = (connectState != 3); // 0, 1 or 2 final boolean drawPoints = (connectState != 1); // 0, 2 or 3 final boolean drawArrows = (connectState == 0); // 0 boolean prevPointVisible = false, currPointVisible = false; boolean anyWaypoints = false; boolean isWaypoint = false; boolean drawnLastArrow = false; // avoid painting arrows on adjacent lines, looks too busy for (int i=0; i= 0 && px < winWidth && py >= 0 && py < winHeight; isWaypoint = _track.getPoint(i).isWaypoint(); anyWaypoints = anyWaypoints || isWaypoint; if (!isWaypoint) { if (currPointVisible || (drawLines && prevPointVisible)) { // For track points, work out which colour to use if (_track.getPoint(i).getDeleteFlag()) { inG.setColor(currentColour); } else if (pointColourer != null) { // use the point colourer if there is one Color trackColour = pointColourer.getColour(i); inG.setColor(trackColour); } else { inG.setColor(pointColour); } // Draw rectangle for track point if it's visible if (currPointVisible) { if (drawPoints) { inG.drawRect(px-2, py-2, 3, 3); } pointsPainted = true; } } // Connect track points if either of them are visible if (drawLines && (currPointVisible || prevPointVisible) && !(prevX == -1 && prevY == -1) && !_track.getPoint(i).getSegmentStart()) { inG.drawLine(prevX, prevY, px, py); pointsPainted = true; // Now consider whether we need to draw an arrow as well if (drawArrows && !drawnLastArrow && (Math.abs(prevX-px) > pointSeparation1dForArrows || Math.abs(prevY-py) > pointSeparation1dForArrows)) { final double pointSeparationSqd = (prevX-px) * (prevX-px) + (prevY-py) * (prevY-py); if (pointSeparationSqd > pointSeparationForArrowsSqd) { final double midX = (prevX + px) / 2; final double midY = (prevY + py) / 2; final boolean midPointVisible = midX >= 0 && midX < winWidth && midY >= 0 && midY < winHeight; if (midPointVisible) { final double alpha = Math.atan2(py - prevY, px - prevX); //System.out.println("Draw arrow from (" + prevX + "," + prevY + ") to (" + px + "," + py // + ") with angle" + (int) (alpha * 180/Math.PI)); final double MID_TO_VERTEX = 3.0; final double arrowX = MID_TO_VERTEX * Math.cos(alpha); final double arrowY = MID_TO_VERTEX * Math.sin(alpha); final double vertexX = midX + arrowX; final double vertexY = midY + arrowY; inG.drawLine((int)(midX-arrowX-2*arrowY), (int)(midY-arrowY+2*arrowX), (int)vertexX, (int)vertexY); inG.drawLine((int)(midX-arrowX+2*arrowY), (int)(midY-arrowY-2*arrowX), (int)vertexX, (int)vertexY); } drawnLastArrow = midPointVisible; } } else { drawnLastArrow = false; } } prevX = px; prevY = py; } prevPointVisible = currPointVisible; } // Loop over points, just drawing blobs for waypoints inG.setColor(textColour); FontMetrics fm = inG.getFontMetrics(); int nameHeight = fm.getHeight(); if (anyWaypoints) { int numWaypoints = 0; for (int i=0; i<_track.getNumPoints(); i++) { if (_track.getPoint(i).isWaypoint()) { int px = xPixels[i]; int py = yPixels[i]; if (px >= 0 && px < winWidth && py >= 0 && py < winHeight) { if (_waypointIconDefinition == null) { inG.fillRect(px-3, py-3, 6, 6); } else { ImageIcon icon = _waypointIconDefinition.getImageIcon(); if (icon != null) { inG.drawImage(icon.getImage(), px-_waypointIconDefinition.getXOffset(), py-_waypointIconDefinition.getYOffset(), null); } } pointsPainted = true; numWaypoints++; } } } // Take more care with waypoint names if less than 100 are visible final int numNameSteps = (numWaypoints > 100 ? 1 : 4); final int numPointSteps = (numWaypoints > 1000 ? 2 : 1); // Loop over points again, now draw names for waypoints int[] nameXs = {0, 0, 0, 0}; int[] nameYs = {0, 0, 0, 0}; for (int i=0; i<_track.getNumPoints(); i += numPointSteps) { if (_track.getPoint(i).isWaypoint()) { int px = xPixels[i]; int py = yPixels[i]; if (px >= 0 && px < winWidth && py >= 0 && py < winHeight) { // Figure out where to draw waypoint name so it doesn't obscure track String waypointName = _track.getPoint(i).getWaypointName(); int nameWidth = fm.stringWidth(waypointName); boolean drawnName = false; // Make arrays for coordinates right left up down nameXs[0] = px + 2; nameXs[1] = px - nameWidth - 2; nameXs[2] = nameXs[3] = px - nameWidth/2; nameYs[0] = nameYs[1] = py + (nameHeight/2); nameYs[2] = py - 2; nameYs[3] = py + nameHeight + 2; for (int extraSpace = 0; extraSpace < numNameSteps && !drawnName; extraSpace++) { // Shift arrays for coordinates right left up down nameXs[0] += 3; nameXs[1] -= 3; nameYs[2] -= 3; nameYs[3] += 3; // Check each direction in turn right left up down for (int a=0; a<4; a++) { if (nameXs[a] > 0 && (nameXs[a] + nameWidth) < winWidth && nameYs[a] < winHeight && (nameYs[a] - nameHeight) > 0 && !MapUtils.overlapsPoints(_mapImage, nameXs[a], nameYs[a], nameWidth, nameHeight, textColour)) { // Found a rectangle to fit - draw name here and quit inG.drawString(waypointName, nameXs[a], nameYs[a]); drawnName = true; break; } } } } } } } // Loop over points, drawing blobs for photo / audio points inG.setColor(secondColour); for (int i=0; i<_track.getNumPoints(); i++) { if (_track.getPoint(i).hasMedia()) { int px = xPixels[i]; int py = yPixels[i]; if (px >= 0 && px < winWidth && py >= 0 && py < winHeight) { inG.drawRect(px-1, py-1, 2, 2); inG.drawRect(px-2, py-2, 4, 4); pointsPainted = true; } } } // Draw selected range if (_selection.hasRangeSelected()) { inG.setColor(rangeColour); for (int i=_selection.getStart(); i<=_selection.getEnd(); i++) { int px = xPixels[i]; int py = yPixels[i]; inG.drawRect(px-1, py-1, 2, 2); } } // Draw crosshairs at selected point int selectedPoint = _selection.getCurrentPointIndex(); if (selectedPoint >= 0) { int px = xPixels[selectedPoint]; int py = yPixels[selectedPoint]; inG.setColor(currentColour); // crosshairs inG.drawLine(px, 0, px, winHeight); inG.drawLine(0, py, winWidth, py); } // Return the number of points painted return pointsPainted; } /** * Wrap the given pixel value if appropriate and possible * @param inPx Pixel x coordinate * @param inWinWidth window width in pixels * @param inZoom zoom level * @return modified pixel x coordinate */ private static int wrapLongitudeValue(int inPx, int inWinWidth, int inZoom) { if (inPx > inWinWidth) { // Pixel is too far right, could we wrap it back onto the screen? int px = inPx; while (px > inWinWidth) { px -= (256 << inZoom); } if (px >= 0) { return px; // successfully wrapped back onto the screen } } else if (inPx < 0) { // Pixel is too far left, could we wrap it back onto the screen? int px = inPx; while (px < 0) { px += (256 << inZoom); } if (px < inWinWidth) { return px; // successfully wrapped back onto the screen } } // Either it's already on the screen or couldn't be wrapped return inPx; } /** * Draw the lines while dragging a point * @param inG graphics object * @param inPrevIndex index of point to draw from * @param inNextIndex index of point to draw to */ private void drawDragLines(Graphics inG, int inPrevIndex, int inNextIndex) { inG.setColor(Config.getColourScheme().getColour(ColourScheme.IDX_POINT)); // line from prev point to cursor if (inPrevIndex > -1 && !_track.getPoint(inPrevIndex+1).getSegmentStart()) { final int px = getWidth() / 2 + _mapPosition.getXFromCentre(_track.getX(inPrevIndex)); final int py = getHeight() / 2 + _mapPosition.getYFromCentre(_track.getY(inPrevIndex)); inG.drawLine(px, py, _dragToX, _dragToY); } if (inNextIndex < _track.getNumPoints() && !_track.getPoint(inNextIndex).getSegmentStart()) { final int px = getWidth() / 2 + _mapPosition.getXFromCentre(_track.getX(inNextIndex)); final int py = getHeight() / 2 + _mapPosition.getYFromCentre(_track.getY(inNextIndex)); inG.drawLine(px, py, _dragToX, _dragToY); } } /** * Inform that tiles have been updated and the map can be repainted * @param inIsOk true if data loaded ok, false for error */ public void tilesUpdated(boolean inIsOk) { synchronized(this) { // Show message if loading failed (but not too many times) if (!inIsOk && !_shownOsmErrorAlready && _mapCheckBox.isSelected()) { _shownOsmErrorAlready = true; // use separate thread to show message about failing to load osm images new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try {Thread.sleep(500);} catch (InterruptedException ie) {} _app.showErrorMessage("error.osmimage.dialogtitle", "error.osmimage.failed"); } }).start(); } _recalculate = true; repaint(); } } /** * Zoom out, if not already at minimum zoom */ public void zoomOut() { _mapPosition.zoomOut(); _recalculate = true; repaint(); } /** * Zoom in, if not already at maximum zoom */ public void zoomIn() { // See if selected point is currently visible, if so (and autopan on) then autopan after zoom to keep it visible boolean wasVisible = _autopanCheckBox.isSelected() && isCurrentPointVisible(); _mapPosition.zoomIn(); if (wasVisible && !isCurrentPointVisible()) { autopanToPoint(_selection.getCurrentPointIndex()); } _recalculate = true; repaint(); } /** * Pan map * @param inDeltaX x shift * @param inDeltaY y shift */ public void panMap(int inDeltaX, int inDeltaY) { _mapPosition.pan(inDeltaX, inDeltaY); _recalculate = true; repaint(); } /** * Create a DataPoint object from the given click coordinates * @param inX x coordinate of click * @param inY y coordinate of click * @return DataPoint with given coordinates and no altitude */ private DataPoint createPointFromClick(int inX, int inY) { double lat = MapUtils.getLatitudeFromY(_mapPosition.getYFromPixels(inY, getHeight())); double lon = MapUtils.getLongitudeFromX(_mapPosition.getXFromPixels(inX, getWidth())); return new DataPoint(new Latitude(lat, Coordinate.FORMAT_NONE), new Longitude(lon, Coordinate.FORMAT_NONE), null); } /** * Move a DataPoint object to the given mouse coordinates * @param startX start x coordinate of mouse * @param startY start y coordinate of mouse * @param endX end x coordinate of mouse * @param endY end y coordinate of mouse */ private void movePointToMouse(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY ) { double lat1 = MapUtils.getLatitudeFromY(_mapPosition.getYFromPixels(startY, getHeight())); double lon1 = MapUtils.getLongitudeFromX(_mapPosition.getXFromPixels(startX, getWidth())); double lat_delta = MapUtils.getLatitudeFromY(_mapPosition.getYFromPixels(endY, getHeight())) - lat1; double lon_delta = MapUtils.getLongitudeFromX(_mapPosition.getXFromPixels(endX, getWidth())) - lon1; DataPoint point = _trackInfo.getCurrentPoint(); if (point == null) { return; } // Make lists for edit and undo, and add each changed field in turn FieldEditList editList = new FieldEditList(); FieldEditList undoList = new FieldEditList(); // Check field list FieldList fieldList = _track.getFieldList(); int numFields = fieldList.getNumFields(); for (int i=0; i 0) { // select point if it's a left-click if (!inE.isMetaDown()) { if (inE.getClickCount() == 1) { // single click if (_drawMode == MODE_DEFAULT) { int pointIndex = _clickedPoint; if (pointIndex == INDEX_UNKNOWN) { // index hasn't been calculated yet pointIndex = _track.getNearestPointIndex( _mapPosition.getXFromPixels(inE.getX(), getWidth()), _mapPosition.getYFromPixels(inE.getY(), getHeight()), _mapPosition.getBoundsFromPixels(CLICK_SENSITIVITY), false); } // Extend selection for shift-click if (inE.isShiftDown()) { _trackInfo.extendSelection(pointIndex); } else { _trackInfo.selectPoint(pointIndex); } } else if (_drawMode == MODE_DRAW_POINTS_START) { _app.createPoint(createPointFromClick(inE.getX(), inE.getY())); _dragToX = inE.getX(); _dragToY = inE.getY(); _drawMode = MODE_DRAW_POINTS_CONT; } else if (_drawMode == MODE_DRAW_POINTS_CONT) { DataPoint point = createPointFromClick(inE.getX(), inE.getY()); _app.createPoint(point, false); // not a new segment } } else if (inE.getClickCount() == 2) { // double click if (_drawMode == MODE_DEFAULT) { panMap(inE.getX() - getWidth()/2, inE.getY() - getHeight()/2); zoomIn(); } else if (_drawMode == MODE_DRAW_POINTS_START || _drawMode == MODE_DRAW_POINTS_CONT) { _drawMode = MODE_DEFAULT; } } } else { // show the popup menu for right-clicks _popupMenuX = inE.getX(); _popupMenuY = inE.getY();, _popupMenuX, _popupMenuY); } } // Reset app mode _app.setCurrentMode(App.AppMode.NORMAL); if (_drawMode == MODE_MARK_RECTANGLE) _drawMode = MODE_DEFAULT; } /** * Ignore mouse enter events * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseEntered(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) */ public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent inE) { // ignore } /** * Ignore mouse exited events * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseExited(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) */ public void mouseExited(MouseEvent inE) { // ignore } /** * React to mouse pressed events to initiate a point drag * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) */ public void mousePressed(MouseEvent inE) { _clickedPoint = INDEX_UNKNOWN; if (_track == null || _track.getNumPoints() <= 0) return; if (!inE.isMetaDown()) { // Left mouse drag - check if point is near; if so select it for dragging if (_drawMode == MODE_DEFAULT) { /* Drag points if edit mode is enabled OR ALT is pressed */ if (_editmodeCheckBox.isSelected() || inE.isAltDown() || inE.isAltGraphDown()) { final double clickX = _mapPosition.getXFromPixels(inE.getX(), getWidth()); final double clickY = _mapPosition.getYFromPixels(inE.getY(), getHeight()); final double clickSens = _mapPosition.getBoundsFromPixels(CLICK_SENSITIVITY); _clickedPoint = _track.getNearestPointIndex(clickX, clickY, clickSens, false); if (_clickedPoint >= 0) { // TODO: maybe use another color of the cross or remove the cross while dragging??? _trackInfo.selectPoint(_clickedPoint); if (_trackInfo.getCurrentPoint() != null) { _drawMode = MODE_DRAG_POINT; _dragFromX = _dragToX = inE.getX(); _dragFromY = _dragToY = inE.getY(); } } else { // Not a click on a point, so check half-way between two (connected) trackpoints int midpointIndex = _midpoints.getNearestPointIndex(clickX, clickY, clickSens); if (midpointIndex > 0) { _drawMode = MODE_CREATE_MIDPOINT; _clickedPoint = midpointIndex; _dragFromX = _dragToX = inE.getX(); _dragFromY = _dragToY = inE.getY(); } } } } } // else right-press ignored } /** * Respond to mouse released events * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) */ public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent inE) { _recalculate = true; if (_drawMode == MODE_DRAG_POINT) { if (Math.abs(_dragToX - _dragFromX) > 2 || Math.abs(_dragToY - _dragFromY) > 2) { movePointToMouse(_dragFromX, _dragFromY, _dragToX, _dragToY ); } _drawMode = MODE_DEFAULT; } else if (_drawMode == MODE_CREATE_MIDPOINT) { _drawMode = MODE_DEFAULT; _app.createPoint(createPointFromClick(_dragToX, _dragToY), _clickedPoint); } else if (_drawMode == MODE_ZOOM_RECT) { if (Math.abs(_dragToX - _dragFromX) > 20 && Math.abs(_dragToY - _dragFromY) > 20) { _mapPosition.zoomToPixels(_dragFromX, _dragToX, _dragFromY, _dragToY, getWidth(), getHeight()); } _drawMode = MODE_DEFAULT; } else if (_drawMode == MODE_MARK_RECTANGLE) { // Reset app mode _app.setCurrentMode(App.AppMode.NORMAL); _drawMode = MODE_DEFAULT; // Call a function to mark the points MarkPointsInRectangleFunction marker = (MarkPointsInRectangleFunction) FunctionLibrary.FUNCTION_MARK_IN_RECTANGLE; double lon1 = MapUtils.getLongitudeFromX(_mapPosition.getXFromPixels(_dragFromX, getWidth())); double lat1 = MapUtils.getLatitudeFromY(_mapPosition.getYFromPixels(_dragFromY, getHeight())); double lon2 = MapUtils.getLongitudeFromX(_mapPosition.getXFromPixels(_dragToX, getWidth())); double lat2 = MapUtils.getLatitudeFromY(_mapPosition.getYFromPixels(_dragToY, getHeight())); // Invalidate rectangle if pixel coords are (-1,-1) if (_dragFromX < 0 || _dragFromY < 0) { lon1 = lon2; lat1 = lat2; } marker.setRectCoords(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2); marker.begin(); } _dragFromX = _dragFromY = -1; repaint(); } /** * Respond to mouse drag events * @see java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener#mouseDragged(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) */ public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent inE) { // Note: One would expect inE.isMetaDown() to give information about whether this is a // drag with the right mouse button or not - but since java 9 this is buggy, // so we use the beautifully-named getModifiersEx() instead. // And logically BUTTON3 refers to the secondary mouse button, not the tertiary one! final boolean isRightDrag = (inE.getModifiersEx() & InputEvent.BUTTON3_DOWN_MASK) > 0; if (isRightDrag) { // Right-click and drag - update rectangle _drawMode = MODE_ZOOM_RECT; if (_dragFromX == -1) { _dragFromX = inE.getX(); _dragFromY = inE.getY(); } _dragToX = inE.getX(); _dragToY = inE.getY(); repaint(); } else { // Left mouse drag - decide whether to drag the point, drag the // marking rectangle or pan the map if (_drawMode == MODE_DRAG_POINT || _drawMode == MODE_CREATE_MIDPOINT) { // move point _dragToX = inE.getX(); _dragToY = inE.getY(); _recalculate = true; repaint(); } else if (_drawMode == MODE_MARK_RECTANGLE) { // draw a rectangle for marking points if (_dragFromX == -1) { _dragFromX = inE.getX(); _dragFromY = inE.getY(); } _dragToX = inE.getX(); _dragToY = inE.getY(); repaint(); } else { // regular left-drag pans map by appropriate amount if (_dragFromX != -1) { panMap(_dragFromX - inE.getX(), _dragFromY - inE.getY()); } _dragFromX = _dragToX = inE.getX(); _dragFromY = _dragToY = inE.getY(); } } } /** * Respond to mouse move events without button pressed * @param inEvent ignored */ public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent inEvent) { boolean useCrosshairs = false; boolean useResize = false; // Ignore unless we're drawing points if (_drawMode == MODE_DRAW_POINTS_CONT) { _dragToX = inEvent.getX(); _dragToY = inEvent.getY(); repaint(); } else if (_drawMode == MODE_MARK_RECTANGLE) { useResize = true; } else if (_editmodeCheckBox.isSelected() || inEvent.isAltDown() || inEvent.isAltGraphDown()) { // Try to find a point or a midpoint at this location, and if there is one // then change the cursor to crosshairs final double clickX = _mapPosition.getXFromPixels(inEvent.getX(), getWidth()); final double clickY = _mapPosition.getYFromPixels(inEvent.getY(), getHeight()); final double clickSens = _mapPosition.getBoundsFromPixels(CLICK_SENSITIVITY); useCrosshairs = (_track.getNearestPointIndex(clickX, clickY, clickSens, false) >= 0 || _midpoints.getNearestPointIndex(clickX, clickY, clickSens) >= 0 ); } if (useCrosshairs && !isCursorSet()) { setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); } else if (useResize && !isCursorSet()) { setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.SE_RESIZE_CURSOR)); } else if (!useCrosshairs && !useResize && isCursorSet()) { setCursor(null); } } /** * Respond to status bar message from broker * @param inMessage message, ignored */ public void actionCompleted(String inMessage) { // ignore } /** * Respond to data updated message from broker * @param inUpdateType type of update */ public void dataUpdated(byte inUpdateType) { _recalculate = true; if ((inUpdateType & DataSubscriber.DATA_ADDED_OR_REMOVED) > 0) { _checkBounds = true; } if ((inUpdateType & DataSubscriber.MAPSERVER_CHANGED) > 0) { // Get the selected map source index and pass to tile manager _tileManager.setMapSource(Config.getConfigInt(Config.KEY_MAPSOURCE_INDEX)); final int wpType = Config.getConfigInt(Config.KEY_WAYPOINT_ICONS); if (wpType == WpIconLibrary.WAYPT_DEFAULT) { _waypointIconDefinition = null; } else { final int wpSize = Config.getConfigInt(Config.KEY_WAYPOINT_ICON_SIZE); _waypointIconDefinition = WpIconLibrary.getIconDefinition(wpType, wpSize); } } if ((inUpdateType & (DataSubscriber.DATA_ADDED_OR_REMOVED + DataSubscriber.DATA_EDITED)) > 0) { _midpoints.updateData(_track); } // See if rect mode has been activated if (_app.getCurrentMode() == App.AppMode.DRAWRECT) { _drawMode = MODE_MARK_RECTANGLE; if (!isCursorSet()) { setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.SE_RESIZE_CURSOR)); } } repaint(); // enable or disable components boolean hasData = _track.getNumPoints() > 0; _topPanel.setVisible(hasData); _sidePanel.setVisible(hasData); // grab focus for the key presses this.requestFocus(); } /** * Respond to key presses on the map canvas * @param inE key event */ public void keyPressed(KeyEvent inE) { int code = inE.getKeyCode(); int currPointIndex = _selection.getCurrentPointIndex(); // Check for Ctrl key (for Linux/Win) or meta key (Clover key for Mac) if (inE.isControlDown() || inE.isMetaDown()) { // Shift as well makes things faster final int pointIncrement = inE.isShiftDown()?3:1; // Check for arrow keys to zoom in and out if (code == KeyEvent.VK_UP) zoomIn(); else if (code == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) zoomOut(); // Key nav for next/prev point else if (code == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT && currPointIndex > 0) _trackInfo.incrementPointIndex(-pointIncrement); else if (code == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) _trackInfo.incrementPointIndex(pointIncrement); else if (code == KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP) _trackInfo.selectPoint(Checker.getPreviousSegmentStart( _trackInfo.getTrack(), _trackInfo.getSelection().getCurrentPointIndex())); else if (code == KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN) _trackInfo.selectPoint(Checker.getNextSegmentStart( _trackInfo.getTrack(), _trackInfo.getSelection().getCurrentPointIndex())); // Check for home and end else if (code == KeyEvent.VK_HOME) _trackInfo.selectPoint(0); else if (code == KeyEvent.VK_END) _trackInfo.selectPoint(_trackInfo.getTrack().getNumPoints()-1); } else { // Check for arrow keys to pan int upwardsPan = 0; if (code == KeyEvent.VK_UP) upwardsPan = -PAN_DISTANCE; else if (code == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) upwardsPan = PAN_DISTANCE; int rightwardsPan = 0; if (code == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) rightwardsPan = PAN_DISTANCE; else if (code == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) rightwardsPan = -PAN_DISTANCE; panMap(rightwardsPan, upwardsPan); // Check for escape if (code == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE) _drawMode = MODE_DEFAULT; // Check for backspace key to delete current point (delete key already handled by menu) else if (code == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE && currPointIndex >= 0) { _app.deleteCurrentPoint(); } } } /** * @param inE key released event, ignored */ public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { // ignore } /** * @param inE key typed event, ignored */ public void keyTyped(KeyEvent inE) { // ignore } /** * @param inE mouse wheel event indicating scroll direction */ public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent inE) { int clicks = inE.getWheelRotation(); if (clicks < 0) { panMap((inE.getX() - getWidth()/2)/2, (inE.getY() - getHeight()/2)/2); zoomIn(); } else if (clicks > 0) { panMap(-(inE.getX() - getWidth()/2), -(inE.getY() - getHeight()/2)); zoomOut(); } } /** * @return current map position */ public MapPosition getMapPosition() { return _mapPosition; } }