package; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.TimeZone; /** * Superclass of all timestamp implementations */ public abstract class Timestamp { private static final DateFormat DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT = DateFormat.getDateInstance(); private static final DateFormat DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(); protected static final DateFormat DEFAULT_DATETIME_FORMAT = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); protected static final DateFormat ISO_8601_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"); protected static final DateFormat ISO_8601_FORMAT_WITH_MILLIS = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"); private static boolean _millisAddedToTimeFormat = false; /** Possible formats for parsing and displaying timestamps */ public enum Format { ORIGINAL, LOCALE, ISO8601 } // Static block to initialise date formats static { // Set timezone for output TimeZone gmtZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"); ISO_8601_FORMAT.setTimeZone(gmtZone); ISO_8601_FORMAT_WITH_MILLIS.setTimeZone(gmtZone); DEFAULT_DATETIME_FORMAT.setTimeZone(gmtZone); } /** * @return true if valid */ public abstract boolean isValid(); /** * Get a calendar representing this timestamp */ public abstract Calendar getCalendar(TimeZone inZone); /** * @return the milliseconds according to the given timezone */ public abstract long getMilliseconds(TimeZone inZone); /** * @return true if this timestamp is after the other one */ public boolean isAfter(Timestamp inOther) { return getMillisecondsSince(inOther) > 0; } /** * @return true if this timestamp is before the other one */ public boolean isBefore(Timestamp inOther) { return getMillisecondsSince(inOther) < 0; } /** * @return true if this timestamp is equal to the other one */ public boolean isEqual(Timestamp inOther) { return getMillisecondsSince(inOther) == 0; } /** * @return the number of seconds since the other timestamp */ public long getSecondsSince(Timestamp inOther) { return getMillisecondsSince(inOther) / 1000L; } /** * Calculate the difference between two Timestamps in milliseconds * @param inOther other, earlier Timestamp * @return number of milliseconds since other timestamp */ public long getMillisecondsSince(Timestamp inOther) { return getMilliseconds(null) - inOther.getMilliseconds(null); } /** * @return the number of seconds since the other timestamp using the given timezone */ public long getSecondsSince(Timestamp inOther, TimeZone inTimezone) { return (getMilliseconds(inTimezone) - inOther.getMilliseconds(inTimezone)) / 1000L; } /** * Add the given number of seconds offset * @param inOffset number of seconds to add/subtract */ public abstract void addOffsetSeconds(long inOffset); /** * @return true if the timestamp has non-zero milliseconds */ protected abstract boolean hasMilliseconds(); /** * @return date part of timestamp in locale-specific format */ public String getDateText(TimeZone inTimezone) { if (!isValid()) return ""; return format(DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT, inTimezone); } /** * @return Description of time part of timestamp in locale-specific format */ public String getTimeText(TimeZone inTimezone) { if (!isValid()) return ""; // Maybe we should add milliseconds to this format? if (hasMilliseconds() && !_millisAddedToTimeFormat) { try { SimpleDateFormat sdf = (SimpleDateFormat) DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT; String pattern = sdf.toPattern(); if (pattern.indexOf("ss") > 0 && pattern.indexOf("SS") < 0) { sdf.applyPattern(pattern.replaceFirst("s+", "$0.SSS")); _millisAddedToTimeFormat = true; } } catch (ClassCastException cce) {} } return format(DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT, inTimezone); } /** * Utility method for formatting dates / times */ protected abstract String format(DateFormat inFormat, TimeZone inTimezone); /** * @return Description of timestamp in locale-specific format */ public String getText(TimeZone inTimezone) { return getText(Format.LOCALE, inTimezone); } /** * @param inFormat format of timestamp * @return Description of timestamp in required format */ public String getText(Format inFormat, TimeZone inTimezone) { if (!isValid()) { return ""; } switch (inFormat) { case ORIGINAL: case LOCALE: default: return format(DEFAULT_DATETIME_FORMAT, inTimezone); case ISO8601: return format(hasMilliseconds() ? ISO_8601_FORMAT_WITH_MILLIS : ISO_8601_FORMAT, inTimezone); } } }