package tim.prune.function; import java.util.ArrayList; import tim.prune.App; import tim.prune.I18nManager; import tim.prune.UpdateMessageBroker; import; import; import; import; import; import; import tim.prune.undo.UndoAppendPoints; /** * Function to create waypoints marking regular distance intervals, * regular time intervals, or halfway points */ public class CreateMarkerWaypointsFunction extends DistanceTimeLimitFunction { /** ArrayList of points to append to the track */ private ArrayList _pointsToAdd = new ArrayList(); /** Counter of previously used multiple */ private int _previousMultiple = 0; /* * Type of halfway point */ private enum HalfwayType { HALF_DISTANCE, HALF_CLIMB, HALF_DESCENT } /** * Constructor */ public CreateMarkerWaypointsFunction(App inApp) { super(inApp, true); } /** * @return name key */ public String getNameKey() { return "function.createmarkerwaypoints"; } /** * Init the state to start collecting a new set of points */ private void initMemory() { _pointsToAdd.clear(); _previousMultiple = 0; } /** * The dialog has been completed and OK pressed, so do the point creation */ protected void performFunction() { // Determine which kind of markers to create final int timeLimitSeconds = getTimeLimitInSeconds(); final boolean createByTime = (timeLimitSeconds > 0); final double distLimitKm = getDistanceLimitKilometres(); final boolean createByDistance = (distLimitKm > 0.0); final boolean createHalves = isHalvesSelected(); // set up the memory from scratch to collect the created points initMemory(); if (createByTime || createByDistance) { createWaypointsAtIntervals(timeLimitSeconds, distLimitKm); } else if (createHalves) { createHalfwayWaypoints(); } else { return; } if (!_pointsToAdd.isEmpty()) { // Make undo object final int numPoints = _app.getTrackInfo().getTrack().getNumPoints(); UndoAppendPoints undo = new UndoAppendPoints(numPoints); // Append created points to Track Field[] fields = {Field.LATITUDE, Field.LONGITUDE, Field.ALTITUDE, Field.WAYPT_NAME}; final int numPointsToAdd = _pointsToAdd.size(); DataPoint[] waypoints = new DataPoint[numPointsToAdd]; _pointsToAdd.toArray(waypoints); Track wpTrack = new Track(new FieldList(fields), waypoints); _app.getTrackInfo().getTrack().combine(wpTrack); undo.setNumPointsAppended(numPointsToAdd); final String confirmMessage = I18nManager.getTextWithNumber("confirm.pointsadded", _pointsToAdd.size()); _app.completeFunction(undo, confirmMessage); UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(); } _dialog.dispose(); } /** * Create waypoints according to the given intervals * @param inTimeLimitSeconds * @param inDistLimitKm distance limit in kilometres */ private void createWaypointsAtIntervals(int inTimeLimitSeconds, double inDistLimitKm) { final boolean createByTime = (inTimeLimitSeconds > 0); final boolean createByDistance = (inDistLimitKm > 0.0); // Make new waypoints, looping through the points in the track DataPoint currPoint = null, prevPoint = null; double currValue = 0.0, prevValue = 0.0; RangeStats rangeStats = new RangeStats(); final int numPoints = _app.getTrackInfo().getTrack().getNumPoints(); for (int i=0; i 0.0) { final double currDist = partialStats.getMovingDistanceKilometres(); createdDistance = processHalfValue(prevPoint, prevDistance, halfDistance, currPoint, currDist, HalfwayType.HALF_DISTANCE); prevDistance = currDist; } // climb if (!createdClimb && totalClimb > 0.0) { final double currClimb = partialStats.getMovingAltitudeRange().getClimb(UnitSetLibrary.UNITS_METRES); createdClimb = processHalfValue(prevPoint, prevClimb, halfClimb, currPoint, currClimb, HalfwayType.HALF_CLIMB); prevClimb = currClimb; } // descent if (!createdDescent && totalDescent > 0.0) { final double currDescent = partialStats.getMovingAltitudeRange().getDescent(UnitSetLibrary.UNITS_METRES); createdDescent = processHalfValue(prevPoint, prevDescent, halfDescent, currPoint, currDescent, HalfwayType.HALF_DESCENT); prevDescent = currDescent; } prevPoint = currPoint; } } } /** * Consider a pair of points in the track to see if a new halfway marker should be inserted between them * @param inPrevPoint previous point * @param inPrevValue value of function at this previous point * @param inTargetValue target halfway value * @param inCurrPoint current point * @param inCurrValue value of function at this current point * @param inType type of halfway point */ private boolean processHalfValue(DataPoint inPrevPoint, double inPrevValue, double inTargetValue, DataPoint inCurrPoint, double inCurrValue, HalfwayType inType) { if (inPrevValue <= inTargetValue && inCurrValue >= inTargetValue) { // Calculate position of limit between the two points final double valueBeforeBreak = inTargetValue - inPrevValue; final double valueAfterBreak = inCurrValue - inTargetValue; final double fractionFromPrev = valueBeforeBreak / (valueBeforeBreak + valueAfterBreak); DataPoint marker = DataPoint.interpolate(inPrevPoint, inCurrPoint, fractionFromPrev); marker.setFieldValue(Field.WAYPT_NAME, createHalfwayName(inType), false); _pointsToAdd.add(marker); return true; } return false; } /** * Create the name of the halfway point according to type * @param inType type of point */ private String createHalfwayName(HalfwayType inType) { String typeString = null; switch (inType) { case HALF_DISTANCE: typeString = "distance"; break; case HALF_CLIMB: typeString = "climb"; break; case HALF_DESCENT: typeString = "descent"; break; } if (typeString != null) { return I18nManager.getText("dialog.markers.half." + typeString); } return "half"; } }