package tim.prune; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EmptyStackException; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import tim.prune.function.browser.BrowserLauncher; import tim.prune.function.browser.UrlGenerator; import tim.prune.function.edit.FieldEditList; import tim.prune.function.edit.PointEditor; import tim.prune.gui.MenuManager; import tim.prune.gui.UndoManager; import tim.prune.gui.Viewport; import tim.prune.load.FileLoader; import tim.prune.load.JpegLoader; import; import; import tim.prune.undo.*; /** * Main controller for the application */ public class App { // Instance variables private JFrame _frame = null; private Track _track = null; private TrackInfo _trackInfo = null; private int _lastSavePosition = 0; private MenuManager _menuManager = null; private FileLoader _fileLoader = null; private JpegLoader _jpegLoader = null; private FileSaver _fileSaver = null; private Stack _undoStack = null; private boolean _mangleTimestampsConfirmed = false; private Viewport _viewport = null; private ArrayList _dataFiles = null; private boolean _firstDataFile = true; /** * Constructor * @param inFrame frame object for application */ public App(JFrame inFrame) { _frame = inFrame; _undoStack = new Stack(); _track = new Track(); _trackInfo = new TrackInfo(_track); FunctionLibrary.initialise(this); } /** * @return the current TrackInfo */ public TrackInfo getTrackInfo() { return _trackInfo; } /** * @return the dialog frame */ public JFrame getFrame() { return _frame; } /** * Check if the application has unsaved data * @return true if data is unsaved, false otherwise */ public boolean hasDataUnsaved() { return (_undoStack.size() > _lastSavePosition && (_track.getNumPoints() > 0 || _trackInfo.getPhotoList().getNumPhotos() > 0)); } /** * @return the undo stack */ public Stack getUndoStack() { return _undoStack; } /** * Load the specified data files one by one * @param inDataFiles arraylist containing File objects to load */ public void loadDataFiles(ArrayList inDataFiles) { if (inDataFiles == null || inDataFiles.size() == 0) { _dataFiles = null; } else { _dataFiles = inDataFiles; File f = _dataFiles.get(0); _dataFiles.remove(0); // Start load of specified file if (_fileLoader == null) _fileLoader = new FileLoader(this, _frame); _firstDataFile = true; _fileLoader.openFile(f); } } /** * Complete a function execution * @param inUndo undo object to be added to stack * @param inConfirmText confirmation text */ public void completeFunction(UndoOperation inUndo, String inConfirmText) { _undoStack.add(inUndo); UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(inConfirmText); } /** * Set the MenuManager object to be informed about changes * @param inManager MenuManager object */ public void setMenuManager(MenuManager inManager) { _menuManager = inManager; } /** * Open a file containing track or waypoint data */ public void openFile() { if (_fileLoader == null) _fileLoader = new FileLoader(this, _frame); _fileLoader.openFile(); } /** * Add a photo or a directory of photos */ public void addPhotos() { if (_jpegLoader == null) _jpegLoader = new JpegLoader(this, _frame); _jpegLoader.openDialog(new LatLonRectangle(_track.getLatRange(), _track.getLonRange())); } /** * Save the file in the selected format */ public void saveFile() { if (_track == null) { showErrorMessage("", ""); } else { if (_fileSaver == null) { _fileSaver = new FileSaver(this, _frame, _track); } char delim = ','; if (_fileLoader != null) {delim = _fileLoader.getLastUsedDelimiter();} _fileSaver.showDialog(delim); } } /** * Exit the application if confirmed */ public void exit() { // grab focus _frame.toFront(); _frame.requestFocus(); // check if ok to exit Object[] buttonTexts = {I18nManager.getText("button.exit"), I18nManager.getText("button.cancel")}; if (!hasDataUnsaved() || JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(_frame, I18nManager.getText("dialog.exit.confirm.text"), I18nManager.getText("dialog.exit.confirm.title"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, buttonTexts, buttonTexts[1]) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { System.exit(0); } } /** * Edit the currently selected point */ public void editCurrentPoint() { if (_track != null) { DataPoint currentPoint = _trackInfo.getCurrentPoint(); if (currentPoint != null) { // Open point dialog to display details PointEditor editor = new PointEditor(this, _frame); editor.showDialog(_track, currentPoint); } } } /** * Complete the point edit * @param inEditList field values to edit * @param inUndoList field values before edit */ public void completePointEdit(FieldEditList inEditList, FieldEditList inUndoList) { DataPoint currentPoint = _trackInfo.getCurrentPoint(); if (inEditList != null && inEditList.getNumEdits() > 0 && currentPoint != null) { // add information to undo stack UndoOperation undo = new UndoEditPoint(currentPoint, inUndoList); // pass to track for completion if (_track.editPoint(currentPoint, inEditList)) { _undoStack.push(undo); // Confirm point edit UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(I18nManager.getText("confirm.point.edit")); } } } /** * Delete the currently selected point */ public void deleteCurrentPoint() { if (_track == null) {return;} DataPoint currentPoint = _trackInfo.getCurrentPoint(); if (currentPoint != null) { boolean deletePhoto = false; Photo currentPhoto = currentPoint.getPhoto(); if (currentPhoto != null) { // Confirm deletion of photo or decoupling int response = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(_frame, I18nManager.getText("dialog.deletepoint.deletephoto") + " " + currentPhoto.getFile().getName(), I18nManager.getText("dialog.deletepoint.title"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION); if (response == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION || response == JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION) { // cancel pressed- abort delete return; } if (response == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {deletePhoto = true;} } // store necessary information to undo it later int pointIndex = _trackInfo.getSelection().getCurrentPointIndex(); int photoIndex = _trackInfo.getPhotoList().getPhotoIndex(currentPhoto); DataPoint nextTrackPoint = _trackInfo.getTrack().getNextTrackPoint(pointIndex + 1); // Construct Undo object UndoOperation undo = new UndoDeletePoint(pointIndex, currentPoint, photoIndex, nextTrackPoint != null && nextTrackPoint.getSegmentStart()); // call track to delete point if (_trackInfo.deletePoint()) { // Delete was successful so add undo info to stack _undoStack.push(undo); if (currentPhoto != null) { // delete photo if necessary if (deletePhoto) { _trackInfo.getPhotoList().deletePhoto(photoIndex); } else { // decouple photo from point currentPhoto.setDataPoint(null); } } // Confirm UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(I18nManager.getText("confirm.deletepoint.single")); } } } /** * Delete the currently selected range */ public void deleteSelectedRange() { if (_track != null) { // Find out if photos should be deleted or not int selStart = _trackInfo.getSelection().getStart(); int selEnd = _trackInfo.getSelection().getEnd(); if (selStart >= 0 && selEnd >= selStart) { int numToDelete = selEnd - selStart + 1; boolean[] deletePhotos = new boolean[numToDelete]; Photo[] photosToDelete = new Photo[numToDelete]; boolean deleteAll = false; boolean deleteNone = false; String[] questionOptions = {I18nManager.getText("button.yes"), I18nManager.getText(""), I18nManager.getText("button.yestoall"), I18nManager.getText("button.notoall"), I18nManager.getText("button.cancel")}; DataPoint point = null; for (int i=0; i 0) { undo.setNumPointsDeleted(numPointsDeleted); _undoStack.add(undo); UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers("" + numPointsDeleted + " " + (numPointsDeleted==1?I18nManager.getText("confirm.deletepoint.single"):I18nManager.getText("confirm.deletepoint.multi"))); } else { showErrorMessage("function.compress", "dialog.compress.nonefound"); } } /** * Reverse the currently selected section of the track */ public void reverseRange() { // check whether Timestamp field exists, and if so confirm reversal int selStart = _trackInfo.getSelection().getStart(); int selEnd = _trackInfo.getSelection().getEnd(); if (!_track.hasData(Field.TIMESTAMP, selStart, selEnd) || _mangleTimestampsConfirmed || (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(_frame, I18nManager.getText("dialog.confirmreversetrack.text"), I18nManager.getText("dialog.confirmreversetrack.title"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION && (_mangleTimestampsConfirmed = true))) { UndoReverseSection undo = new UndoReverseSection(_track, selStart, selEnd); // call track to reverse range if (_track.reverseRange(selStart, selEnd)) { _undoStack.add(undo); // Confirm UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(I18nManager.getText("confirm.reverserange")); } } } /** * Complete the add time offset function with the specified offset * @param inTimeOffset time offset to add (+ve for add, -ve for subtract) */ public void finishAddTimeOffset(long inTimeOffset) { // Construct undo information int selStart = _trackInfo.getSelection().getStart(); int selEnd = _trackInfo.getSelection().getEnd(); UndoAddTimeOffset undo = new UndoAddTimeOffset(selStart, selEnd, inTimeOffset); if (_trackInfo.getTrack().addTimeOffset(selStart, selEnd, inTimeOffset)) { _undoStack.add(undo); UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(DataSubscriber.DATA_EDITED); UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(I18nManager.getText("confirm.addtimeoffset")); } } /** * Complete the add altitude offset function with the specified offset * @param inOffset altitude offset to add as String * @param inFormat altitude format of offset (eg Feet, Metres) */ public void finishAddAltitudeOffset(String inOffset, Altitude.Format inFormat) { // Sanity check if (inOffset == null || inOffset.equals("") || inFormat==Altitude.Format.NO_FORMAT) { return; } // Construct undo information UndoAddAltitudeOffset undo = new UndoAddAltitudeOffset(_trackInfo); int selStart = _trackInfo.getSelection().getStart(); int selEnd = _trackInfo.getSelection().getEnd(); // How many decimal places are given in the offset? int numDecimals = NumberUtils.getDecimalPlaces(inOffset); boolean success = false; // Decimal offset given try { double offsetd = Double.parseDouble(inOffset); success = _trackInfo.getTrack().addAltitudeOffset(selStart, selEnd, offsetd, inFormat, numDecimals); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} if (success) { _undoStack.add(undo); UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(DataSubscriber.DATA_EDITED); UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(I18nManager.getText("confirm.addaltitudeoffset")); } } /** * Merge the track segments within the current selection */ public void mergeTrackSegments() { if (_trackInfo.getSelection().hasRangeSelected()) { // Maybe could check segment start flags to see if it's worth merging // If first track point is already start and no other seg starts then do nothing int selStart = _trackInfo.getSelection().getStart(); int selEnd = _trackInfo.getSelection().getEnd(); // Make undo object UndoMergeTrackSegments undo = new UndoMergeTrackSegments(_track, selStart, selEnd); // Call track to merge segments if (_trackInfo.mergeTrackSegments(selStart, selEnd)) { _undoStack.add(undo); UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(I18nManager.getText("confirm.mergetracksegments")); } } } /** * Interpolate the two selected points */ public void interpolateSelection() { // Get number of points to add Object numPointsStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(_frame, I18nManager.getText("dialog.interpolate.parameter.text"), I18nManager.getText("dialog.interpolate.title"), JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, null, ""); int numPoints = parseNumber(numPointsStr); if (numPoints <= 0) return; UndoInsert undo = new UndoInsert(_trackInfo.getSelection().getStart() + 1, numPoints); // call track to interpolate if (_trackInfo.interpolate(numPoints)) { _undoStack.add(undo); } } /** * Average the selected points */ public void averageSelection() { // Find following track point DataPoint nextPoint = _track.getNextTrackPoint(_trackInfo.getSelection().getEnd() + 1); boolean segFlag = false; if (nextPoint != null) {segFlag = nextPoint.getSegmentStart();} UndoInsert undo = new UndoInsert(_trackInfo.getSelection().getEnd() + 1, 1, nextPoint != null, segFlag); // call track info object to do the averaging if (_trackInfo.average()) { _undoStack.add(undo); } } /** * Create a new point at the given lat/long coordinates * @param inLat latitude * @param inLong longitude */ public void createPoint(double inLat, double inLong) { // create undo object UndoCreatePoint undo = new UndoCreatePoint(); // create point and add to track DataPoint point = new DataPoint(new Latitude(inLat, Coordinate.FORMAT_NONE), new Longitude(inLong, Coordinate.FORMAT_NONE), null); point.setSegmentStart(true); _track.appendPoints(new DataPoint[] {point}); _trackInfo.selectPoint(_trackInfo.getTrack().getNumPoints()-1); // add undo object to stack _undoStack.add(undo); // update listeners UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(I18nManager.getText("confirm.createpoint")); } /** * Cut the current selection and move it to before the currently selected point */ public void cutAndMoveSelection() { int startIndex = _trackInfo.getSelection().getStart(); int endIndex = _trackInfo.getSelection().getEnd(); int pointIndex = _trackInfo.getSelection().getCurrentPointIndex(); // If timestamps would be mangled by cut/move, confirm if (!_track.hasData(Field.TIMESTAMP, startIndex, endIndex) || _mangleTimestampsConfirmed || (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(_frame, I18nManager.getText("dialog.confirmcutandmove.text"), I18nManager.getText("dialog.confirmcutandmove.title"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION && (_mangleTimestampsConfirmed = true))) { // Find points to set segment flags DataPoint firstTrackPoint = _track.getNextTrackPoint(startIndex, endIndex); DataPoint nextTrackPoint = _track.getNextTrackPoint(endIndex+1); DataPoint moveToTrackPoint = _track.getNextTrackPoint(pointIndex); // Make undo object UndoCutAndMove undo = new UndoCutAndMove(_track, startIndex, endIndex, pointIndex); // Call track info to move track section if (_track.cutAndMoveSection(startIndex, endIndex, pointIndex)) { // Set segment start flags (first track point, next track point, move to point) if (firstTrackPoint != null) {firstTrackPoint.setSegmentStart(true);} if (nextTrackPoint != null) {nextTrackPoint.setSegmentStart(true);} if (moveToTrackPoint != null) {moveToTrackPoint.setSegmentStart(true);} // Add undo object to stack, set confirm message _undoStack.add(undo); _trackInfo.getSelection().selectRange(-1, -1); UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(); UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(I18nManager.getText("confirm.cutandmove")); } } } /** * Select nothing */ public void selectNone() { // deselect point, range and photo _trackInfo.getSelection().clearAll(); _track.clearDeletionMarkers(); } /** * Receive loaded data and optionally merge with current Track * @param inFieldArray array of fields * @param inDataArray array of data * @param inAltFormat altitude format * @param inFilename filename used */ public void informDataLoaded(Field[] inFieldArray, Object[][] inDataArray, Altitude.Format inAltFormat, String inFilename) { // Check whether loaded array can be properly parsed into a Track Track loadedTrack = new Track(); loadedTrack.load(inFieldArray, inDataArray, inAltFormat); if (loadedTrack.getNumPoints() <= 0) { showErrorMessage("error.load.dialogtitle", "error.load.nopoints"); // load next file if there's a queue loadNextFile(); return; } // Decide whether to load or append if (_track.getNumPoints() > 0) { // ask whether to replace or append int answer = 0; if (_dataFiles == null || _firstDataFile) { answer = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(_frame, I18nManager.getText("dialog.openappend.text"), I18nManager.getText("dialog.openappend.title"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION); } else { // Automatically append if there's a file load queue answer = JOptionPane.YES_OPTION; } if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { // append data to current Track _undoStack.add(new UndoLoad(_track.getNumPoints(), loadedTrack.getNumPoints())); _track.combine(loadedTrack); // set filename if currently empty if (_trackInfo.getFileInfo().getNumFiles() == 0) { _trackInfo.getFileInfo().setFile(inFilename); } else { _trackInfo.getFileInfo().addFile(); } } else if (answer == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { // Don't append, replace data PhotoList photos = null; if (_trackInfo.getPhotoList().hasCorrelatedPhotos()) { photos = _trackInfo.getPhotoList().cloneList(); } _undoStack.add(new UndoLoad(_trackInfo, inDataArray.length, photos)); _lastSavePosition = _undoStack.size(); _trackInfo.getSelection().clearAll(); _track.load(loadedTrack); _trackInfo.getFileInfo().setFile(inFilename); if (photos != null) { _trackInfo.getPhotoList().removeCorrelatedPhotos(); } } } else { // Currently no data held, so transfer received data _undoStack.add(new UndoLoad(_trackInfo, inDataArray.length, null)); _lastSavePosition = _undoStack.size(); _trackInfo.getSelection().clearAll(); _track.load(loadedTrack); _trackInfo.getFileInfo().setFile(inFilename); } UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(); // Update status bar UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(I18nManager.getText("confirm.loadfile") + " '" + inFilename + "'"); // update menu _menuManager.informFileLoaded(); // load next file if there's a queue loadNextFile(); } /** * Inform the app that NO data was loaded, eg cancel pressed * Only needed if there's another file waiting in the queue */ public void informNoDataLoaded() { // Load next file if there's a queue loadNextFile(); } /** * Load the next file in the waiting list, if any */ private void loadNextFile() { _firstDataFile = false; if (_dataFiles == null || _dataFiles.size() == 0) { _dataFiles = null; } else { new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { File f = _dataFiles.get(0); _dataFiles.remove(0); _fileLoader.openFile(f); } }).start(); } } /** * Accept a list of loaded photos * @param inPhotoSet Set of Photo objects */ public void informPhotosLoaded(Set inPhotoSet) { if (inPhotoSet != null && !inPhotoSet.isEmpty()) { int[] numsAdded = _trackInfo.addPhotos(inPhotoSet); int numPhotosAdded = numsAdded[0]; int numPointsAdded = numsAdded[1]; if (numPhotosAdded > 0) { // Save numbers so load can be undone _undoStack.add(new UndoLoadPhotos(numPhotosAdded, numPointsAdded)); } if (numPhotosAdded == 1) { UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers("" + numPhotosAdded + " " + I18nManager.getText("confirm.jpegload.single")); } else { UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers("" + numPhotosAdded + " " + I18nManager.getText("confirm.jpegload.multi")); } // MAYBE: Improve message when photo(s) fail to load (eg already added) UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(); // update menu _menuManager.informFileLoaded(); } } /** * Connect the current photo to the current point */ public void connectPhotoToPoint() { Photo photo = _trackInfo.getCurrentPhoto(); DataPoint point = _trackInfo.getCurrentPoint(); if (photo != null && point != null) { if (point.getPhoto() != null) { // point already has a photo, confirm cloning of new point if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(_frame, I18nManager.getText("dialog.connectphoto.clonepoint"), I18nManager.getText("dialog.connect.title"), JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { // Create undo, clone point and attach int pointIndex = _trackInfo.getSelection().getCurrentPointIndex() + 1; // insert new point after current one point = point.clonePoint(); UndoConnectPhotoWithClone undo = new UndoConnectPhotoWithClone( point, photo.getFile().getName(), pointIndex); _track.insertPoint(point, pointIndex); photo.setDataPoint(point); point.setPhoto(photo); _undoStack.add(undo); UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(DataSubscriber.SELECTION_CHANGED); UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(I18nManager.getText("")); } } else { // point doesn't currently have a photo, so just connect it _undoStack.add(new UndoConnectPhoto(point, photo.getFile().getName())); photo.setDataPoint(point); point.setPhoto(photo); UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(DataSubscriber.SELECTION_CHANGED); UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(I18nManager.getText("")); } } } /** * Disconnect the current photo from its point */ public void disconnectPhotoFromPoint() { Photo photo = _trackInfo.getCurrentPhoto(); if (photo != null && photo.getDataPoint() != null) { DataPoint point = photo.getDataPoint(); _undoStack.add(new UndoDisconnectPhoto(point, photo.getFile().getName())); // disconnect photo.setDataPoint(null); point.setPhoto(null); UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(DataSubscriber.SELECTION_CHANGED); UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(I18nManager.getText("")); } } /** * Remove the current photo, if any */ public void deleteCurrentPhoto() { // Delete the current photo, and optionally its point too, keeping undo information Photo currentPhoto = _trackInfo.getCurrentPhoto(); if (currentPhoto != null) { // Photo is selected, see if it has a point or not boolean photoDeleted = false; UndoDeletePhoto undoAction = null; if (currentPhoto.getDataPoint() == null) { // no point attached, so just delete photo undoAction = new UndoDeletePhoto(currentPhoto, _trackInfo.getSelection().getCurrentPhotoIndex(), null, -1); photoDeleted = _trackInfo.deleteCurrentPhoto(false); } else { // point is attached, so need to confirm point deletion undoAction = new UndoDeletePhoto(currentPhoto, _trackInfo.getSelection().getCurrentPhotoIndex(), currentPhoto.getDataPoint(), _trackInfo.getTrack().getPointIndex(currentPhoto.getDataPoint())); int response = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(_frame, I18nManager.getText("dialog.deletephoto.deletepoint"), I18nManager.getText("dialog.deletephoto.title"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION); boolean deletePointToo = (response == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION); // Cancel delete if cancel pressed or dialog closed if (response == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION || response == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { photoDeleted = _trackInfo.deleteCurrentPhoto(deletePointToo); } } // Add undo information to stack if necessary if (photoDeleted) { _undoStack.add(undoAction); } } } /** * Save the coordinates of photos in their exif data */ public void saveExif() { ExifSaver saver = new ExifSaver(_frame); saver.saveExifInformation(_trackInfo.getPhotoList()); } /** * Inform the app that the data has been saved */ public void informDataSaved() { _lastSavePosition = _undoStack.size(); } /** * Begin undo process */ public void beginUndo() { if (_undoStack.isEmpty()) { // Nothing to undo JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(_frame, I18nManager.getText("dialog.undo.none.text"), I18nManager.getText("dialog.undo.none.title"), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } else { new UndoManager(this, _frame); } } /** * Clear the undo stack (losing all undo information */ public void clearUndo() { // Exit if nothing to undo if (_undoStack == null || _undoStack.isEmpty()) return; // Has track got unsaved data? boolean unsaved = hasDataUnsaved(); // Confirm operation with dialog int answer = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(_frame, I18nManager.getText("dialog.clearundo.text"), I18nManager.getText("dialog.clearundo.title"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { _undoStack.clear(); _lastSavePosition = 0; if (unsaved) _lastSavePosition = -1; UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(); } } /** * Undo the specified number of actions * @param inNumUndos number of actions to undo */ public void undoActions(int inNumUndos) { try { for (int i=0; i