package; /** * Class to represent a lat/long coordinate * and provide conversion functions */ public abstract class Coordinate { public static final int NO_CARDINAL = -1; public static final int NORTH = 0; public static final int EAST = 1; public static final int SOUTH = 2; public static final int WEST = 3; public static final char[] PRINTABLE_CARDINALS = {'N', 'E', 'S', 'W'}; public static final int FORMAT_DEG_MIN_SEC = 10; public static final int FORMAT_DEG_MIN = 11; public static final int FORMAT_DEG = 12; public static final int FORMAT_DEG_WITHOUT_CARDINAL = 13; public static final int FORMAT_DEG_WHOLE_MIN = 14; public static final int FORMAT_DEG_MIN_SEC_WITH_SPACES = 15; public static final int FORMAT_CARDINAL = 16; public static final int FORMAT_NONE = 19; // Instance variables private boolean _valid = false; protected int _cardinal = NORTH; private int _degrees = 0; private int _minutes = 0; private int _seconds = 0; private int _fracs = 0; private int _fracDenom = 0; private String _originalString = null; private int _originalFormat = FORMAT_NONE; private double _asDouble = 0.0; /** * Constructor given String * @param inString string to parse */ public Coordinate(String inString) { _originalString = inString; int strLen = 0; if (inString != null) { inString = inString.trim(); strLen = inString.length(); } if (strLen > 1) { // Check for cardinal character either at beginning or end boolean hasCardinal = true; _cardinal = getCardinal(inString.charAt(0), inString.charAt(strLen-1)); if (_cardinal == NO_CARDINAL) { hasCardinal = false; // use default from concrete subclass _cardinal = getDefaultCardinal(); } // count numeric fields - 1=d, 2=dm, 3=dm.m/dms, 4=dms.s int numFields = 0; boolean inNumeric = false; char currChar; long[] fields = new long[4]; // needs to be long for lengthy decimals long[] denoms = new long[4]; String secondDelim = ""; try { // Loop over characters in input string, populating fields array for (int i=0; i= '0' && currChar <= '9') { if (!inNumeric) { inNumeric = true; numFields++; denoms[numFields-1] = 1; } fields[numFields-1] = fields[numFields-1] * 10 + (currChar - '0'); denoms[numFields-1] *= 10; } else { inNumeric = false; // Remember second delimiter if (numFields == 2) { secondDelim += currChar; } } } _valid = (numFields > 0); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException obe) { // more than four fields found - unable to parse _valid = false; } // parse fields according to number found _degrees = (int) fields[0]; _originalFormat = hasCardinal?FORMAT_DEG:FORMAT_DEG_WITHOUT_CARDINAL; _fracDenom = 10; if (numFields == 2) { // String is just decimal degrees double numMins = fields[1] * 60.0 / denoms[1]; _minutes = (int) numMins; double numSecs = (numMins - _minutes) * 60.0; _seconds = (int) numSecs; _fracs = (int) ((numSecs - _seconds) * 10); } // Differentiate between d-m.f and d-m-s using . or , else if (numFields == 3 && (secondDelim.equals(".") || secondDelim.equals(","))) { // String is degrees-minutes.fractions _originalFormat = FORMAT_DEG_MIN; _minutes = (int) fields[1]; double numSecs = fields[2] * 60.0 / denoms[2]; _seconds = (int) numSecs; _fracs = (int) ((numSecs - _seconds) * 10); } else if (numFields == 4 || numFields == 3) { // String is degrees-minutes-seconds.fractions _originalFormat = FORMAT_DEG_MIN_SEC; _minutes = (int) fields[1]; _seconds = (int) fields[2]; _fracs = (int) fields[3]; _fracDenom = (int) denoms[3]; if (_fracDenom < 1) {_fracDenom = 1;} } _asDouble = 1.0 * _degrees + (_minutes / 60.0) + (_seconds / 3600.0) + (_fracs / 3600.0 / _fracDenom); if (_cardinal == WEST || _cardinal == SOUTH || inString.charAt(0) == '-') _asDouble = -_asDouble; // validate fields _valid = _valid && (_degrees <= getMaxDegrees() && _minutes < 60 && _seconds < 60 && _fracs < _fracDenom); } else _valid = false; } /** * Get the cardinal from the given character * @param inFirstChar first character from file * @param inLastChar last character from file */ protected int getCardinal(char inFirstChar, char inLastChar) { // Try leading character first int cardinal = getCardinal(inFirstChar); // if not there, try trailing character if (cardinal == NO_CARDINAL) { cardinal = getCardinal(inLastChar); } return cardinal; } /** * Get the cardinal from the given character * @param inChar character from file */ protected abstract int getCardinal(char inChar); /** * @return the default cardinal for the subclass */ protected abstract int getDefaultCardinal(); /** * @return the maximum degree range for this coordinate */ protected abstract int getMaxDegrees(); /** * Constructor * @param inValue value of coordinate * @param inFormat format to use * @param inCardinal cardinal */ protected Coordinate(double inValue, int inFormat, int inCardinal) { _asDouble = inValue; // Calculate degrees, minutes, seconds _degrees = (int) Math.abs(inValue); double numMins = (Math.abs(_asDouble)-_degrees) * 60.0; _minutes = (int) numMins; double numSecs = (numMins - _minutes) * 60.0; _seconds = (int) numSecs; _fracs = (int) ((numSecs - _seconds) * 10); _fracDenom = 10; // fixed for now // Make a string to display on screen _cardinal = inCardinal; _originalFormat = FORMAT_NONE; if (inFormat == FORMAT_NONE) inFormat = FORMAT_DEG_WITHOUT_CARDINAL; _originalString = output(inFormat); _originalFormat = inFormat; _valid = true; } /** * @return coordinate as a double */ public double getDouble() { return _asDouble; } /** * @return true if Coordinate is valid */ public boolean isValid() { return _valid; } /** * Compares two Coordinates for equality * @param inOther other Coordinate object with which to compare * @return true if the two objects are equal */ public boolean equals(Coordinate inOther) { return (inOther != null && _cardinal == inOther._cardinal && _degrees == inOther._degrees && _minutes == inOther._minutes && _seconds == inOther._seconds && _fracs == inOther._fracs); } /** * Output the Coordinate in the given format * @param inFormat format to use, eg FORMAT_DEG_MIN_SEC * @return String for output */ public String output(int inFormat) { String answer = _originalString; if (inFormat != FORMAT_NONE && inFormat != _originalFormat) { // TODO: allow specification of precision for output of d-m and d // format as specified switch (inFormat) { case FORMAT_DEG_MIN_SEC: { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append(PRINTABLE_CARDINALS[_cardinal]) .append(threeDigitString(_degrees)).append('°') .append(twoDigitString(_minutes)).append('\'') .append(twoDigitString(_seconds)).append('.') .append(formatFraction(_fracs, _fracDenom)); answer = buffer.toString(); break; } case FORMAT_DEG_MIN: { answer = "" + PRINTABLE_CARDINALS[_cardinal] + threeDigitString(_degrees) + "°" + (_minutes + _seconds / 60.0 + _fracs / 60.0 / _fracDenom) + "'"; break; } case FORMAT_DEG_WHOLE_MIN: { answer = "" + PRINTABLE_CARDINALS[_cardinal] + threeDigitString(_degrees) + "°" + (int) Math.floor(_minutes + _seconds / 60.0 + _fracs / 60.0 / _fracDenom + 0.5) + "'"; break; } case FORMAT_DEG: case FORMAT_DEG_WITHOUT_CARDINAL: { answer = (_asDouble<0.0?"-":"") + (_degrees + _minutes / 60.0 + _seconds / 3600.0 + _fracs / 3600.0 / _fracDenom); break; } case FORMAT_DEG_MIN_SEC_WITH_SPACES: { // Note: cardinal not needed as this format is only for exif, which has cardinal separately answer = "" + _degrees + " " + _minutes + " " + _seconds + "." + formatFraction(_fracs, _fracDenom); break; } case FORMAT_CARDINAL: { answer = "" + PRINTABLE_CARDINALS[_cardinal]; break; } } } return answer; } /** * Format the fraction part of seconds value * @param inFrac fractional part eg 123 * @param inDenom denominator of fraction eg 10000 * @return String describing fraction, in this case 0123 */ private static final String formatFraction(int inFrac, int inDenom) { if (inDenom <= 1 || inFrac == 0) {return "" + inFrac;} String denomString = "" + inDenom; int reqdLen = denomString.length() - 1; String result = denomString + inFrac; int resultLen = result.length(); return result.substring(resultLen - reqdLen); } /** * Format an integer to a two-digit String * @param inNumber number to format * @return two-character String */ private static String twoDigitString(int inNumber) { if (inNumber <= 0) return "00"; if (inNumber < 10) return "0" + inNumber; if (inNumber < 100) return "" + inNumber; return "" + (inNumber % 100); } /** * Format an integer to a three-digit String for degrees * @param inNumber number to format * @return three-character String */ private static String threeDigitString(int inNumber) { if (inNumber <= 0) return "000"; if (inNumber < 10) return "00" + inNumber; if (inNumber < 100) return "0" + inNumber; return "" + (inNumber % 1000); } /** * Create a new Coordinate between two others * @param inStart start coordinate * @param inEnd end coordinate * @param inIndex index of point * @param inNumPoints number of points to interpolate * @return new Coordinate object */ public static Coordinate interpolate(Coordinate inStart, Coordinate inEnd, int inIndex, int inNumPoints) { return interpolate(inStart, inEnd, 1.0 * (inIndex+1) / (inNumPoints + 1)); } /** * Create a new Coordinate between two others * @param inStart start coordinate * @param inEnd end coordinate * @param inFraction fraction from start to end * @return new Coordinate object */ public static Coordinate interpolate(Coordinate inStart, Coordinate inEnd, double inFraction) { double startValue = inStart.getDouble(); double endValue = inEnd.getDouble(); double newValue = startValue + (endValue - startValue) * inFraction; Coordinate answer = inStart.makeNew(newValue, inStart._originalFormat); return answer; } /** * Make a new Coordinate according to subclass * @param inValue double value * @param inFormat format to use * @return object of Coordinate subclass */ protected abstract Coordinate makeNew(double inValue, int inFormat); /** * Create a String representation for debug * @return String describing coordinate value */ public String toString() { return "Coord: " + _cardinal + " (" + _degrees + ") (" + _minutes + ") (" + _seconds + "." + formatFraction(_fracs, _fracDenom) + ") = " + _asDouble; } }