package; /** * Class to manage the scaling of points */ public class PointScaler { // Original data private Track _track = null; // Range information private double _latMedian = 0.0; private double _lonMedian = 0.0; private int _minAltitude = 0; // Scaling information private double _longFactor = 0.0; private double _altFactor = 0.0; // Scaled points private double[] _xValues = null; private double[] _yValues = null; private double[] _altValues = null; // max values private double _maxX = 0.0; private double _maxY = 0.0; private double _maxScaledAlt = 0.0; // lat/long lines private double[] _latLinesDegs = null; private double[] _lonLinesDegs = null; private double[] _latLinesScaled = null; private double[] _lonLinesScaled = null; // Constants private static final double[] COORD_SEPARATIONS = { 1.0, // 1deg 30.0/60.0, 20.0/60.0, // 30min, 20min 10.0/60.0, 5.0/60.0, // 10min, 5min 3.0/60.0, 2.0/60.0, 1.0/60.0 // 3min, 2min, 1min }; private static final int MAX_COORD_SEPARATION_INDEX = COORD_SEPARATIONS.length - 1; /** * Constructor * @param inTrack Track object */ public PointScaler(Track inTrack) { _track = inTrack; } /** * Scale the points */ public void scale() { // Clear data DoubleRange latRange = new DoubleRange(); DoubleRange lonRange = new DoubleRange(); DoubleRange altRange = new DoubleRange(); int numPoints = 0; int p = 0; DataPoint point = null; // Find limits of data if (_track != null && (numPoints = _track.getNumPoints()) > 0) { for (p=0; p _maxScaledAlt) {_maxScaledAlt = _altValues[p];} } } // Calculate x and y range _maxX = getScaledLongitude(lonRange.getMaximum()); _maxY = getScaledLatitude(latRange.getMaximum()); } } /** * @return maximum horiz value */ public double getMaximumHoriz() { return _maxX; } /** * @return maximum vert value */ public double getMaximumVert() { return _maxY; } /** @return maximum scaled altitude value */ public double getMaxScaledAlt() { return _maxScaledAlt; } /** * Get the horizontal value for the specified point * @param inIndex index of point, starting at 0 * @return scaled horizontal value */ public double getHorizValue(int inIndex) { return _xValues[inIndex]; } /** * Get the vertical value for the specified point * @param inIndex index of point, starting at 0 * @return scaled vertical value */ public double getVertValue(int inIndex) { return _yValues[inIndex]; } /** * Get the altitude value for the specified point * @param inIndex index of point, starting at 0 * @return scaled altitude value */ public double getAltValue(int inIndex) { return _altValues[inIndex]; } /** * Scale the given latitude value * @param inLatitude latitude in degrees * @return scaled latitude */ private double getScaledLatitude(double inLatitude) { return inLatitude - _latMedian; } /** * Scale the given longitude value * @param inLongitude longitude in degrees * @return scaled longitude */ private double getScaledLongitude(double inLongitude) { return (inLongitude - _lonMedian) * _longFactor; } /** * Scale the given altitude value * @param inAltitude Altitude object * @return scaled altitude */ private double getScaledAltitude(Altitude inAltitude) { if (inAltitude == null) return -1; return (inAltitude.getValue(Altitude.Format.METRES) - _minAltitude) * _altFactor; } /** * Unscale the given latitude value * @param inScaledLatitude scaled latitude * @return latitude in degrees */ private double getUnscaledLatitude(double inScaledLatitude) { return inScaledLatitude + _latMedian; } /** * Unscale the given longitude value * @param inScaledLongitude scaled longitude * @return longitude in degrees */ private double getUnscaledLongitude(double inScaledLongitude) { return inScaledLongitude / _longFactor + _lonMedian; } /** * Calculate the latitude and longitude lines */ public void calculateLatLongLines() { double maxValue = getMaximumHoriz() > getMaximumVert() ? getMaximumHoriz():getMaximumVert(); // calculate boundaries in degrees double minLong = getUnscaledLongitude(-maxValue); double maxLong = getUnscaledLongitude(maxValue); double minLat = getUnscaledLatitude(-maxValue); double maxLat = getUnscaledLatitude(maxValue); // work out what line separation to use to give at least two lines int sepIndex = -1; double separation; int numLatLines = 0, numLonLines = 0; do { sepIndex++; separation = COORD_SEPARATIONS[sepIndex]; numLatLines = getNumLinesBetween(minLat, maxLat, separation); numLonLines = getNumLinesBetween(minLong, maxLong, separation); } while ((numLonLines <= 1 || numLatLines <= 1) && sepIndex < MAX_COORD_SEPARATION_INDEX); // create lines based on this separation _latLinesDegs = getLines(minLat, maxLat, separation, numLatLines); _lonLinesDegs = getLines(minLong, maxLong, separation, numLonLines); // scale lines also _latLinesScaled = new double[numLatLines]; for (int i=0; i= inMin) numLines++; value += inSeparation; } return numLines; } /** * Get the line values in the given range using the specified separation * @param inMin minimum value * @param inMax maximum value * @param inSeparation line separation * @param inCount number of lines already counted * @return array of line values */ private static double[] getLines(double inMin, double inMax, double inSeparation, int inCount) { double[] values = new double[inCount]; // Start looking from round number of degrees below minimum double value = (int) inMin; if (inMin < 0.0) value = value - 1.0; // Loop until bigger than maximum int numLines = 0; while (value < inMax) { if (value >= inMin) { values[numLines] = value; numLines++; } value += inSeparation; } return values; } /** * @return array of latitude lines in degrees */ public double[] getLatitudeLines() { return _latLinesDegs; } /** * @return array of longitude lines in degrees */ public double[] getLongitudeLines() { return _lonLinesDegs; } /** * @return array of latitude lines in scaled units */ public double[] getScaledLatitudeLines() { return _latLinesScaled; } /** * @return array of longitude lines in scaled units */ public double[] getScaledLongitudeLines() { return _lonLinesScaled; } }