package tim.prune.function.estimate; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Locale; import tim.prune.I18nManager; import tim.prune.config.Config; import; import; import; /** * Class to hold, parse and convert the parameters for time estimation. * These are five (metric) values which can be loaded and saved from config, * and are used by the EstimateTime function */ public class EstimationParameters { /** Minutes required for flat travel, fixed metric distance */ private double _flatMins = 0.0; /** Minutes required for climbing, fixed metric distance */ private double _gentleClimbMins = 0.0, _steepClimbMins; /** Minutes required for descending, fixed metric distance */ private double _gentleDescentMins = 0.0, _steepDescentMins; /** True if parsing from a string failed */ private boolean _parseFailed = false; /** Kilometres unit for comparison */ private static final Unit KILOMETRES = UnitSetLibrary.UNITS_KILOMETRES; /** * Bare constructor using default values */ public EstimationParameters() { resetToDefaults(); } /** * Constructor from config string * @param inConfigString single, semicolon-separated string from config */ public EstimationParameters(String inConfigString) { populateWithString(inConfigString); if (_parseFailed) { resetToDefaults(); } } /** * Reset all the values to their hardcoded defaults */ public void resetToDefaults() { _flatMins = 60.0; _gentleClimbMins = 12.0; _steepClimbMins = 18.0; _gentleDescentMins = 0.0; _steepDescentMins = 12.0; _parseFailed = false; } /** * Populate the values from the config, which means all values are metric * @param inString semicolon-separated string of five parameters */ private void populateWithString(String inString) { if (inString != null && !inString.trim().equals("")) { String[] params = inString.trim().split(";"); _parseFailed = (params == null || params.length != 5); if (!_parseFailed) { for (String p : params) { if (!isParamStringValid(p)) { _parseFailed = true; } } } if (!_parseFailed) { try { // Use fixed UK locale to parse these, because of fixed "." formatting NumberFormat twoDpFormatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.UK); _flatMins = twoDpFormatter.parse(params[0]).doubleValue(); _gentleClimbMins = twoDpFormatter.parse(params[1]).doubleValue(); _steepClimbMins = twoDpFormatter.parse(params[2]).doubleValue(); _gentleDescentMins = twoDpFormatter.parse(params[3]).doubleValue(); _steepDescentMins = twoDpFormatter.parse(params[4]).doubleValue(); } catch (Exception e) { _parseFailed = true; } } } else _parseFailed = true; } /** * Populate the values using five user-entered strings (now Units-specific!) * @param inFlat minutes for flat * @param inGClimb minutes for gentle climb * @param inSClimb minutes for steep climb * @param inGDescent minutes for gentle descent * @param inSDescent minutes for steep descent */ public void populateWithStrings(String inFlat, String inGClimb, String inSClimb, String inGDescent, String inSDescent) { if (isParamStringValid(inFlat) && isParamStringValid(inGClimb) && isParamStringValid(inSClimb) && isParamStringValid(inGDescent) && isParamStringValid(inSDescent)) { Unit distUnit = Config.getUnitSet().getDistanceUnit(); Unit altUnit = Config.getUnitSet().getAltitudeUnit(); final double distFactor = (distUnit == KILOMETRES ? 1.0 : (5000/3.0 * distUnit.getMultFactorFromStd())); final double altFactor = (altUnit.isStandard() ? 1.0 : (1.0/3.0 * altUnit.getMultFactorFromStd())); NumberFormat localFormatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); try { _flatMins = localFormatter.parse(inFlat).doubleValue() * distFactor; _gentleClimbMins = localFormatter.parse(inGClimb).doubleValue() * altFactor; _steepClimbMins = localFormatter.parse(inSClimb).doubleValue() * altFactor; _gentleDescentMins = localFormatter.parse(inGDescent).doubleValue() * altFactor; _steepDescentMins = localFormatter.parse(inSDescent).doubleValue() * altFactor; } catch (Exception e) {_parseFailed = true;} } else _parseFailed = true; } /** * Populate with double metric values, for example the results of a Learning process * @param inFlat time for 5km on the flat * @param inGClimb time for 100m gentle climb * @param inSClimb time for 100m steep climb * @param inGDescent time for 100m gentle descent * @param inSDescent time for 100m steep descent */ public void populateWithMetrics(double inFlat, double inGClimb, double inSClimb, double inGDescent, double inSDescent) { _flatMins = inFlat; _gentleClimbMins = inGClimb; _steepClimbMins = inSClimb; _gentleDescentMins = inGDescent; _steepDescentMins = inSDescent; } /** * @param inString parameter string to check * @return true if it looks valid (no letters, at least one digit) */ private static boolean isParamStringValid(String inString) { if (inString == null) {return false;} boolean hasDigit = false, currPunc = false, prevPunc = false; for (int i=0; i 0.0 && _gentleClimbMins >= 0.0 && _steepClimbMins >= 0.0; } /** * @return five strings for putting in text fields for editing / display */ public String[] getStrings() { Unit distUnit = Config.getUnitSet().getDistanceUnit(); Unit altUnit = Config.getUnitSet().getAltitudeUnit(); double distFactor = (distUnit == KILOMETRES ? 1.0 : (5000/3.0 * distUnit.getMultFactorFromStd())); double altFactor = (altUnit.isStandard() ? 1.0 : (1.0/3.0 * altUnit.getMultFactorFromStd())); // Use locale-specific number formatting, eg commas for german NumberFormat numFormatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); if (numFormatter instanceof DecimalFormat) { ((DecimalFormat) numFormatter).applyPattern("0.00"); } // Conversion between units return new String[] { numFormatter.format(_flatMins / distFactor), numFormatter.format(_gentleClimbMins / altFactor), numFormatter.format(_steepClimbMins / altFactor), numFormatter.format(_gentleDescentMins / altFactor), numFormatter.format(_steepDescentMins / altFactor) }; } /** * @return unit-specific string describing the distance for the flat time (5km/3mi/3NM) */ public static String getStandardDistance() { Unit distUnit = Config.getUnitSet().getDistanceUnit(); return (distUnit == KILOMETRES ? "5 " : "3 ") + I18nManager.getText(distUnit.getShortnameKey()); } /** * @return unit-specific string describing the height difference for the climbs/descents (100m/300ft) */ public static String getStandardClimb() { Unit altUnit = Config.getUnitSet().getAltitudeUnit(); return (altUnit.isStandard() ? "100 " : "300 ") + I18nManager.getText(altUnit.getShortnameKey()); } /** * @return contents of parameters as a semicolon-separated (metric) string for the config */ public String toConfigString() { return "" + twoDp(_flatMins) + ";" + twoDp(_gentleClimbMins) + ";" + twoDp(_steepClimbMins) + ";" + twoDp(_gentleDescentMins) + ";" + twoDp(_steepDescentMins); } /** * @param inNum number to output * @return formatted string to two decimal places, with decimal point */ private static String twoDp(double inNum) { if (inNum < 0.0) return "-" + twoDp(-inNum); int hundreds = (int) (inNum * 100 + 0.5); return "" + (hundreds / 100) + "." + (hundreds % 100); } /** * Apply the parameters to the given range stats * @param inStats stats of current range * @return estimated number of minutes required */ public double applyToStats(RangeStats inStats) { if (inStats == null || !inStats.isValid()) return 0.0; final Unit METRES = UnitSetLibrary.UNITS_METRES; final double STANDARD_CLIMB = 100.0; // metres final double STANDARD_DISTANCE = 5.0; // kilometres return _flatMins * inStats.getMovingDistanceKilometres() / STANDARD_DISTANCE + _gentleClimbMins * inStats.getGentleAltitudeRange().getClimb(METRES) / STANDARD_CLIMB + _steepClimbMins * inStats.getSteepAltitudeRange().getClimb(METRES) / STANDARD_CLIMB + _gentleDescentMins * inStats.getGentleAltitudeRange().getDescent(METRES) / STANDARD_CLIMB + _steepDescentMins * inStats.getSteepAltitudeRange().getDescent(METRES) / STANDARD_CLIMB; } /** * Combine two sets of parameters together * @param inOther other set * @param inFraction fractional weight * @return combined set */ public EstimationParameters combine(EstimationParameters inOther, double inFraction) { if (inFraction < 0.0 || inFraction > 1.0 || inOther == null) { return null; } // inFraction is the weight of this one, weight of the other one is 1-inFraction final double fraction2 = 1 - inFraction; EstimationParameters combined = new EstimationParameters(); combined._flatMins = inFraction * _flatMins + fraction2 * inOther._flatMins; combined._gentleClimbMins = inFraction * _gentleClimbMins + fraction2 * inOther._gentleClimbMins; combined._gentleDescentMins = inFraction * _gentleDescentMins + fraction2 * inOther._gentleDescentMins; combined._steepClimbMins = inFraction * _steepClimbMins + fraction2 * inOther._steepClimbMins; combined._steepDescentMins = inFraction * _steepDescentMins + fraction2 * inOther._steepDescentMins; return combined; } }