package; /** * Class to act as a source for Cloudmade maps with a given style */ public class CloudmadeMapSource extends OsmMapSource { /** Selected style number */ private String _style = null; /** Server prefix including API-key unique to GpsPrune application */ private static final String SERVER_PREFIX = ""; /** * Constructor * @param inName name to use for map source * @param inStyle style, given as integer * @param inMaxZoom maximum zoom level, 18 by default */ public CloudmadeMapSource(String inName, String inStyle, int inMaxZoom) { // Note: Could check style for valid integer value here super(inName, SERVER_PREFIX + inStyle + "/256/", null, inMaxZoom); _style = inStyle; } /** * @return semicolon-separated list of all fields */ public String getConfigString() { return "c:" + getName() + ";" + _style + ";" + getMaxZoomLevel(); } /** * Construct a new map source from its config string * @param inConfigString string from Config, separated by semicolons * @return new map source, or null if not parseable */ public static CloudmadeMapSource fromConfig(String inConfigString) { CloudmadeMapSource source = null; if (inConfigString.startsWith("c:")) { String[] items = inConfigString.substring(2).split(";"); try { if (items.length == 3) { source = new CloudmadeMapSource(items[0], items[1], Integer.parseInt(items[2])); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} } return source; } /** * @return style as string, only required to populate edit dialog */ public String getStyle() { return _style; } }