package tim.prune.load; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Class to provide helper functions for loading media */ public abstract class MediaHelper { /** File filters */ private static GenericFileFilter _jpegFilter = null, _audioFilter = null; /** * Construct a MediaFile object for the given path * @param inPath path to file * @return either Photo or AudioFile object as appropriate, or null */ public static MediaFile createMediaFile(String inPath) { if (inPath == null) {return null;} File file = new File(inPath); if (!file.exists() || !file.canRead() || !file.isFile()) {return null;} // Initialise filters if necessary if (_jpegFilter == null) { _jpegFilter = new JpegFileFilter(); _audioFilter = new AudioFileFilter(); } // Check if filename looks like a jpeg if (_jpegFilter.acceptFilename(file.getName())) { return JpegLoader.createPhoto(file); } // Check if filename looks like an audio file if (_audioFilter.acceptFilename(file.getName())) { return new AudioFile(file); } // Neither photo nor audio return null; } /** * Add all the media from the given track into the specified list * @param inTrack track from which media to take * @param inMediaList list to which media should be added * @param inMediaClass class of media, either Photo or AudioFile */ public static void addMediaFromTrack(Track inTrack, MediaList inMediaList, Class inMediaClass) { final int numPoints = inTrack.getNumPoints(); for (int i=0; i