;;; atom.el --- Create an Atom feed ;; Copyright (C) 2011 Frédéric Perrin ;; Author: Frédéric Perrin ;; Keywords: www, hypermedia, atom, rss ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; This is a library for creating an Atom file from a Lisp program. ;;; Code: (defun atom-create (title author link &optional updated id) "Create a new atom structure. TITLE is the title for the feed, a short, text-only, human readable string. AUTHOR is the author of the feed. See `atom-massage-author' for the possible ways to specify it. LINK is the URL of a page responible for the content of this feed. UPDATED is the date the feed was last updated. If not given, `(current-time)' is used. ID is a unique identifier for this feed. If not given, it defaults to LINK." `((title nil ,title) (link ((href . ,link))) ,(atom-massage-author author) (updated nil ,(atom-format-time updated)) (id nil ,(or id link)))) (defun atom-push-entry (atom entry) "Add the entry ENTRY to the feed ATOM." (nconc atom (list `(entry nil . ,entry)))) (defun atom-modify-entry (entry name val) "Set the NAME element of ENTRY to VAL." (let ((elem (assoc name entry))) (if elem (if (stringp val) (setcar (cddr elem) val) (setcdr elem val)) (setq elem (if (stringp val) (list name nil val) (cons name val))) (nconc entry (list elem))))) (defun atom-add-entry (atom title link content &optional summary updated id) "Add an entry to the atom flux ATOM. Return the newly added entry. TITLE is a short, text-only, human readable string. LINK is a permanent link for this entry. For a given entry, LINK may change between successive generations of the atom feed. CONTENT is the content of the entry; use `atom-add-html-entry' or `atom-add-xhtml-entry' when CONTENT is not text-only. If SUMMARY is not given, the entry will not contain any summary. UPDATED defaults to `(current-time)' if omitted, which is probably not a very good default. ID defaults to LINK, which is not optimal; TODO give a way to easily generate IDs. For a given entry, it must not change between successive generations of the atom feed." (let ((entry (list (list 'title nil title)))) (atom-modify-entry entry 'link (list (list (cons 'href link)))) (atom-modify-entry entry 'id (or id link)) (atom-modify-entry entry 'updated (atom-format-time updated)) (if summary (atom-modify-entry entry 'summary summary)) (atom-modify-entry entry 'content content) (atom-push-entry atom entry) entry)) (defalias 'atom-add-text-entry 'atom-add-entry "Add an entry to ATOM, with a textual content. See `atom-add-entry' for details.") (defun atom-add-html-entry (atom title link content &optional summary updated id) "Add an entry to ATOM, with some HTML content. CONTENT should be a string enconding a valid HTML fragment. See `atom-add-entry' for additional details." (atom-add-entry atom title link (atom-massage-html content) (and summary (atom-massage-html summary)) updated id)) (defun atom-add-xhtml-entry (atom title link content &optional summary updated id) "Add an entry to ATOM, with some XHTML content. CONTENT may be given either as a string, or as an XML tree, of a valid XHTML fragment. See `atom-add-entry' for additional details." (atom-add-entry atom title link (atom-massage-xhtml content) (and summary (atom-massage-xhtml summary)) updated id)) (defun atom-print (atom) "Print the Atom feed ATOM in the current buffer." (insert "\n") (insert "\n") (xml-print atom) (insert "\n")) (defun atom-format-time (&optional time) "Format a time according to RFC3339." ;; The time zone must be specified in numeric form, but with a colon between ;; the hour and minute parts. (replace-regexp-in-string "\\(..\\)$" ":\\1" (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%dT%T%z" time))) (defun atom-massage-html (content) "Massage CONTENT so it can be used as an HTML fragment in an Atom feed. CONTENT must be a string." (list '((type . "html")) content)) (defun atom-string-to-xml (string) "Convert STRING into a Lisp structure as used by `xml.el'." (with-temp-buffer (insert string) (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point-max)))) (defun atom-massage-xhtml (content) "Massage CONTENT so it can be used as an XHTML fragment in an Atom feed." (list '((type . "xhtml")) `(div ((xmlns . "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml")) . ,(or (and (stringp content) (atom-string-to-xml content)) content)))) (defun atom-massage-author (author) "Return an XML node representing the author. AUTHOR can be: - nil, in which case `user-full-name' and `user-mail-address' are used; - a single string, the full name of the author; - a list with two elements, the full name and the email address of the author; - something else, assumed to be a complete `atomPersonConstruct'." (cond ((null author) `(author nil (name nil ,user-full-name) (email nil ,user-mail-address))) ((stringp author) `(author nil (name nil ,user-full-name))) ((= 2 (length author)) `(author nil (name nil ,(car author)) (email nil ,(cadr author)))) (t `(author nil ,author)))) (provide 'atom) ;;; atom.el ends here