]> gitweb.fperrin.net Git - Dictionary.git/blob - jars/gss-lib-2.2/src/com/pras/WorkSheet.java
Added gss-lib-2.2.
[Dictionary.git] / jars / gss-lib-2.2 / src / com / pras / WorkSheet.java
1 /*\r
2  * Copyright (C) 2010 Prasanta Paul, http://prasanta-paul.blogspot.com\r
3  *\r
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");\r
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\r
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at\r
7  *\r
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\r
9  *\r
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\r
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\r
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\r
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\r
14  * limitations under the License.\r
15  */\r
16 \r
17 package com.pras;\r
18 \r
19 import java.util.ArrayList;\r
20 import java.util.HashMap;\r
21 import java.util.Iterator;\r
22 import java.util.Set;\r
23 \r
24 import com.pras.conn.HttpConHandler;\r
25 import com.pras.conn.Response;\r
26 import com.pras.sp.Entry;\r
27 import com.pras.sp.Feed;\r
28 import com.pras.sp.Field;\r
29 import com.pras.sp.ParseFeed;\r
30 import com.pras.table.Record;\r
31 import com.pras.table.Table;\r
32 \r
33 /**\r
34  * This class represents an WorkSheet and utility methods to manage WorkSheet data.\r
35  * WorkSheets will manage (Add/Edit/Delete) data in Tables. It also supports <u>List \r
36  * based Feed</u>, but only to <b>retrieve data</b>. At present it doesn't provide any method to Add/Edit/Delete\r
37  * data in List based Feed.\r
38  * </br>\r
39  * </br>\r
40  * <b><a href="http://code.google.com/apis/spreadsheets/data/3.0/developers_guide.html#TableFeeds">Table Feed</a></b>\r
41  * </br>\r
42  * To Add/Edit/Delete Data, you need to use addRecord(), updateRecord() and deleteRecord(). It \r
43  * internally stores data in a single Table. \r
44  * </br>\r
45  * <b>Note:</b> <u>Table Feed will ignore data entered through Web UI.</u>\r
46  * So, if you want all data records irrespective of from where those are inserted/updated, you should use List Feed.\r
47  *    \r
48  * </br>\r
49  * </br>\r
50  * <b><a href="http://code.google.com/apis/spreadsheets/data/3.0/developers_guide.html#ListFeeds">List Feed</a></b>\r
51  * </br>\r
52  * To Retrieve data using List based Feed, use getData() method.\r
53  * \r
54  * @author Prasanta Paul\r
55  */\r
56 \r
57 public class WorkSheet {\r
58 \r
59         /*\r
60          *TODO:\r
61          *Add set and get methods without creating local variables (use entry instance)\r
62          */\r
63         private String TAG = "WorkSheet";\r
64         private String workSheetID;\r
65         private String workSheetURL;\r
66         private String title;\r
67         private int colCount;\r
68         private int rowCount;\r
69         /**\r
70          * Entries of the Header Row of List Feed\r
71          */\r
72         String[] columns = null;\r
73         \r
74         /**\r
75          * Table associated with this WorkSheet. It will hold data records\r
76          */\r
77         private Table table;\r
78 \r
79         /**\r
80          * To access all low level Feed values for this Work Sheet\r
81          */\r
82         private Entry entry;\r
83         \r
84         /**\r
85          * It will hold WorkSheet records\r
86          */\r
87         private ArrayList<WorkSheetRow> records = new ArrayList<WorkSheetRow>();\r
88         \r
89         /**\r
90          * Get WorkSheet ID\r
91          * @return\r
92          */\r
93         public String getWorkSheetID() {\r
94                 return workSheetID;\r
95         }\r
96         /**\r
97          * Set WorkSheet ID\r
98          * @param workSheetID\r
99          */\r
100         public void setWorkSheetID(String workSheetID) {\r
101                 this.workSheetID = workSheetID;\r
102         }\r
103         \r
104         /**\r
105          * Get WorkSheetURL\r
106          * @return\r
107          */\r
108         public String getWorkSheetURL() {\r
109                 /*\r
110                  * Sample: https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/worksheets/key/private/full\r
111                  * Retrieved from src attribute-\r
112                  * <content type='application/atom+xml;type=feed' src=''/>\r
113                  */\r
114                 return workSheetURL;\r
115         }\r
116         /**\r
117          * Set WorkSheet\r
118          * @param workSheetURL\r
119          */\r
120         public void setWorkSheetURL(String workSheetURL) {\r
121                 this.workSheetURL = workSheetURL;\r
122         }\r
123         /**\r
124          * Get WorkSheet Title\r
125          * @return\r
126          */\r
127         public String getTitle() {\r
128                 return title;\r
129         }\r
130         /**\r
131          * Set WorkSheet Title\r
132          * @param title\r
133          */\r
134         public void setTitle(String title) {\r
135                 this.title = title;\r
136         }\r
137         /**\r
138          * Get column count of this WorkSheet \r
139          * @return\r
140          */\r
141         public int getColCount() {\r
142                 return colCount;\r
143         }\r
144         /**\r
145          * Set column count of this WorkSheet \r
146          * @param colCount\r
147          */\r
148         public void setColCount(int colCount) {\r
149                 this.colCount = colCount;\r
150         }\r
151         /**\r
152          * Get row count of this WorkSheet \r
153          * @return\r
154          */\r
155         public int getRowCount() {\r
156                 return rowCount;\r
157         }\r
158         /**\r
159          * Set row count of this WorkSheet \r
160          * @param rowCount\r
161          */\r
162         public void setRowCount(int rowCount) {\r
163                 this.rowCount = rowCount;\r
164         }\r
165         \r
166         /**\r
167          * Get columns of the WorkSheet. It will return columns of associated table, otherwise\r
168          * columns of List Feed i.e. content of Header row of ListFeed\r
169          * @return\r
170          */\r
171         public String[] getColumns() {\r
172                 if(columns != null)\r
173                         return columns;\r
174                 \r
175                 if(table != null){\r
176                         ArrayList<String> tableCols = table.getCols();\r
177                         if(tableCols != null){\r
178                                 String[] cols = new String[tableCols.size()];\r
179                                 tableCols.toArray(cols);\r
180                                 return cols;\r
181                         }\r
182                 }\r
183                 return null;\r
184         }\r
185         \r
186         /**\r
187          * Set columns of ListFeed\r
188          * @param columns\r
189          */\r
190         public void setColumns(String[] columns) {\r
191                 this.columns = columns;\r
192         }\r
193         \r
194         /**\r
195          * Get Entry instance for this WorkSheet.\r
196          * Entry contains low level Feed Details\r
197          * \r
198          * @return\r
199          */\r
200         public Entry getEntry() {\r
201                 return entry;\r
202         }\r
203         /**\r
204          * Set Feed Entry instance\r
205          * @param entry\r
206          */\r
207         public void setEntry(Entry entry) {\r
208                 this.entry = entry;\r
209         }\r
210         \r
211         void setTable(Table table){\r
212                 this.table = table;\r
213         }\r
214         \r
215         /**\r
216          * Get all data of this WorkSheet (List based Feed)\r
217          * \r
218          * @return\r
219          */\r
220         /**\r
221          * Get all data of this WorkSheet (List based Feed)\r
222          * \r
223          * @param isCachedData Do you want to read cached data or data from Server\r
224          * @return\r
225          */\r
226         public ArrayList<WorkSheetRow> getData(boolean isCachedData){\r
227                 return getData(isCachedData, false, null, null);\r
228         }\r
229 \r
230         /**\r
231          * List based Feed for a particular Work Sheet. Use this method if you want to retrieve data entered\r
232          * through Web GUI and also through Table records.\r
233          * \r
234          * @param isCachedData Do you want to read cached data or data from Server\r
235          * @param doReverse Do you need data in reverse order ?\r
236          * @param sq <a href="http://code.google.com/apis/spreadsheets/data/3.0/developers_guide.html#SendingStructuredRowQueries">Structured Query</a>. If you don't need this, set to <b>null</b>. (Make sure that column name is in lower case).\r
237          * @param orderBy If you don't need this, set to <b>null</b>. (Make sure that column name is in lower case). \r
238          * @return\r
239          */\r
240         public ArrayList<WorkSheetRow> getData(boolean isCachedData, boolean doReverse, String sq, String orderBy){\r
241                 // Sample URL: GET https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/key/worksheetId/private/full\r
242                 \r
243                 if(isCachedData)\r
244                         return records;\r
245                 \r
246                 // Add Headers\r
247                 HashMap<String, String> httpHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();\r
248                 httpHeaders.put(HttpConHandler.AUTHORIZATION_HTTP_HEADER, "GoogleLogin auth="+ SpreadSheetFactory.authToken);\r
249                 httpHeaders.put(HttpConHandler.GDATA_VERSION_HTTP_HEADER, "3.0");\r
250                 \r
251                 HttpConHandler http = new HttpConHandler();\r
252                 \r
253                 String url = workSheetURL;\r
254                 \r
255                 // Add data Filter\r
256                 if (doReverse) {\r
257                         // Table record in reverse order (last row first)\r
258                         url = url.concat("?reverse=true");\r
259                         if (sq != null) {\r
260                                 // Structured Query\r
261                                 url = url.concat("&sq=" + sq);\r
262                         }\r
263                         if (orderBy != null) {\r
264                                 // Order By Statement\r
265                                 url = url.concat("&orderby=" + orderBy);\r
266                         }\r
267                 } else {\r
268                         // Structured Query & Order By\r
269                         if (sq != null) {\r
270                                 url = url.concat("?sq=" + sq);\r
271                                 if(orderBy != null)\r
272                                         url = url.concat("&orderby=" + orderBy);\r
273                         } else {\r
274                                 if (orderBy != null)\r
275                                         url = url.concat("?orderby="+ orderBy);\r
276                         }\r
277                 }\r
278                 \r
279                 Response res = http.doConnect(url, HttpConHandler.HTTP_GET, httpHeaders, null);\r
280                 \r
281                 if(res.isError()){\r
282                         return null;\r
283                 }\r
284                 \r
285                 String xmlOut = res.getOutput();\r
286                 \r
287                 // XML Parsing\r
288                 ParseFeed pf = new ParseFeed();\r
289                 Feed f = pf.parse(xmlOut.getBytes());\r
290                 ArrayList<Entry> entries = f.getEntries();\r
291                 \r
292                 // [Fix_11_JAN_2011_Prasanta multiple call to getRecords() while changing Android orientation\r
293                 records.clear();\r
294                 // Fix_11_JAN_2011_Prasanta]\r
295                 \r
296                 if(entries != null){\r
297                         for(int i=0; i<entries.size(); i++){\r
298                                 Entry e = entries.get(i);\r
299                                 WorkSheetRow row = new WorkSheetRow();\r
300                                 row.setId(e.getId());\r
301                                 row.setCells(e.getCells());\r
302                                 \r
303                                 // Add to records\r
304                                 records.add(row);\r
305                         }\r
306                 }\r
307                 \r
308                 return records;\r
309         }\r
310         \r
311         /**\r
312          * Add List Feed row. One row at a time.\r
313          * TODO: need to test\r
314          * @param records\r
315          */\r
316         public WorkSheetRow addListRow(HashMap<String, String> records){\r
317                 /*\r
318                  * It will send request to WorkSheet URL:\r
319                  * https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/key/worksheetId/private/full\r
320                  * Unlike Tables, there can be only one List Feed associated with a given WorkSheet\r
321                  */\r
322                 \r
323                 StringBuffer listRecordXML = new StringBuffer();\r
324                 listRecordXML.append("<entry xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom\" xmlns:gsx=\"http://schemas.google.com/spreadsheets/2006/extended\">");\r
325                 \r
326                 Iterator<String> ks = records.keySet().iterator();\r
327                 while(ks.hasNext()){\r
328                         String colName = ks.next();\r
329                         String value = records.get(colName);\r
330                         listRecordXML.append(" <gsx:"+ colName +">"+ value +"</gsx:"+ colName +">");\r
331                 }\r
332                 listRecordXML.append("</entry>");\r
333                 \r
334                 // Do server transaction\r
335                 // Add Headers\r
336                 HashMap<String, String> httpHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();\r
337                 httpHeaders.put(HttpConHandler.AUTHORIZATION_HTTP_HEADER, "GoogleLogin auth="+ SpreadSheetFactory.authToken);\r
338                 httpHeaders.put(HttpConHandler.GDATA_VERSION_HTTP_HEADER, "3.0");\r
339                 httpHeaders.put(HttpConHandler.CONTENT_TYPE_HTTP_HEADER, "application/atom+xml");\r
340                 \r
341                 HttpConHandler http = new HttpConHandler();\r
342                 Response res = http.doConnect(workSheetURL, HttpConHandler.HTTP_POST, httpHeaders, listRecordXML.toString());\r
343                 \r
344                 // Add the into local Record cache\r
345                 // Parse response and create new Row instance\r
346                 if(res.isError()){\r
347                         Log.p(TAG, "Error in updating List Row...");\r
348                         return null;\r
349                 }\r
350                 \r
351                 String xmlOut = res.getOutput();\r
352                 \r
353                 // XML Parsing\r
354                 ParseFeed pf = new ParseFeed();\r
355                 Feed f = pf.parse(xmlOut.getBytes());\r
356                 ArrayList<Entry> entries = f.getEntries();\r
357                 \r
358                 if(entries == null || entries.size() == 0){\r
359                         Log.p(TAG, "Error in parsing...");\r
360                         return null;\r
361                 }\r
362                 \r
363                 Entry e = entries.get(0);\r
364                 WorkSheetRow row = new WorkSheetRow();\r
365                 row.setId(e.getId());\r
366                 row.setCells(e.getCells());\r
367                 \r
368                 // Update local Cache\r
369                 if(this.records == null){\r
370                         this.records = new ArrayList<WorkSheetRow>();\r
371                         this.records.add(row);\r
372                         return row;\r
373                 }\r
374                 // Update existing Row instance\r
375                 this.records.add(row);\r
376                 return row;\r
377         }\r
378         \r
379         /**\r
380          * Delete List Row\r
381          * @param r WorkSheetRow which need to be deleted\r
382          */\r
383         public void deleteListRow(String key, WorkSheetRow r)\r
384         {\r
385                 if(r == null){\r
386                         Log.p(TAG, "WorkSheetRow is null...");\r
387                         return;\r
388                 }\r
389                 \r
390                 // Sample DELETE URL- https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/tmG5DprMeR-l2j91JQBB1TQ/odp/private/full/cokwr\r
391                 String listRowURL = "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/"+ key +"/"+ workSheetID + "/private/full/"+ r.getRowIndex();\r
392                 \r
393                 // Do server transaction\r
394                 // Add Headers\r
395                 HashMap<String, String> httpHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();\r
396                 httpHeaders.put(HttpConHandler.AUTHORIZATION_HTTP_HEADER, "GoogleLogin auth="+ SpreadSheetFactory.authToken);\r
397                 httpHeaders.put(HttpConHandler.GDATA_VERSION_HTTP_HEADER, "3.0");\r
398                 //If you want to delete the row regardless of whether someone else has updated it since you retrieved it\r
399                 httpHeaders.put("If-Match", "*");\r
400                 \r
401                 HttpConHandler http = new HttpConHandler();\r
402                 http.doConnect(listRowURL, HttpConHandler.HTTP_DELETE, httpHeaders, null);\r
403                 \r
404                 // Delete this entry from local record list\r
405                 records.remove(r);\r
406         }\r
407         \r
408         /**\r
409          * Update List row\r
410          * @param rowID ID of the List row to be updated\r
411          * @param records records need to be updated\r
412          */\r
413 \r
414         /**\r
415          * Update List row\r
416          * \r
417          * @param r WorkSheetRow to be updated\r
418          * @param records new records\r
419          * @return\r
420          */\r
421         public WorkSheetRow updateListRow(String key, WorkSheetRow r, HashMap<String, String> records)\r
422         {\r
423                 if(r == null){\r
424                         Log.p(TAG, "WorkSheetRow is null...");\r
425                         return r;\r
426                 }\r
427                 \r
428                 // Sample PUT URL- https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/tmG5DprMeR-l2j91JQBB1TQ/odp/private/full/cokwr\r
429                 String listRowURL = "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/"+ key +"/"+ workSheetID + "/private/full/"+ r.getRowIndex();\r
430                 \r
431                 StringBuffer rowUpdateXML = new StringBuffer("<entry xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom\" xmlns:gsx=\"http://schemas.google.com/spreadsheets/2006/extended\">");\r
432                 \r
433                 Iterator<String> ks = records.keySet().iterator();\r
434                 while(ks.hasNext()){\r
435                         String colName = ks.next();\r
436                         String value = records.get(colName);\r
437                         rowUpdateXML.append(" <gsx:"+ colName +">"+ value +"</gsx:"+ colName +">");\r
438                 }\r
439                 rowUpdateXML.append("</entry>");\r
440                 \r
441                 // Do server transaction- PUT\r
442                 // Add Headers\r
443                 HashMap<String, String> httpHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();\r
444                 httpHeaders.put(HttpConHandler.AUTHORIZATION_HTTP_HEADER, "GoogleLogin auth="+ SpreadSheetFactory.authToken);\r
445                 httpHeaders.put(HttpConHandler.GDATA_VERSION_HTTP_HEADER, "3.0");\r
446                 httpHeaders.put(HttpConHandler.CONTENT_TYPE_HTTP_HEADER, "application/atom+xml");\r
447                 //If you want to delete the row regardless of whether someone else has updated it since you retrieved it\r
448                 httpHeaders.put("If-Match", "*");\r
449                 \r
450                 HttpConHandler http = new HttpConHandler();\r
451                 Response res = http.doConnect(listRowURL, HttpConHandler.HTTP_PUT, httpHeaders, rowUpdateXML.toString());\r
452                 \r
453                 // Parse response and create new Row instance\r
454                 if(res.isError()){\r
455                         Log.p(TAG, "Error in updating List Row...");\r
456                         return null;\r
457                 }\r
458                 \r
459                 String xmlOut = res.getOutput();\r
460                 \r
461                 // XML Parsing\r
462                 ParseFeed pf = new ParseFeed();\r
463                 Feed f = pf.parse(xmlOut.getBytes());\r
464                 ArrayList<Entry> entries = f.getEntries();\r
465                 \r
466                 if(entries == null || entries.size() == 0){\r
467                         Log.p(TAG, "Error in parsing...");\r
468                         return null;\r
469                 }\r
470                 \r
471                 Entry e = entries.get(0);\r
472                 WorkSheetRow row = new WorkSheetRow();\r
473                 row.setId(e.getId());\r
474                 row.setCells(e.getCells());\r
475                 \r
476                 // Update local Cache\r
477                 if(this.records == null){\r
478                         this.records = new ArrayList<WorkSheetRow>();\r
479                         this.records.add(row);\r
480                         return row;\r
481                 }\r
482                 // Update existing Row instance\r
483                 this.records.set(this.records.indexOf(row), row);\r
484                 return row;\r
485         }\r
486 \r
487         /**\r
488          * Add record into WorkSheet. This WorkSheet need to have associated Table.\r
489          * \r
490          * Use SpreadSheet.addWorkSheet()\r
491          * </br>\r
492          * <b>Note:</b>\r
493          * </br>\r
494          * All data entered through Web Interface will be ignored.\r
495          * \r
496          * @param key Key of SpreadSheet\r
497          * @param records Record to be added ([col_name],[value])\r
498          */\r
499         public void addRecord(String key, HashMap<String, String> records){\r
500                 if(table == null){\r
501                         throw new IllegalAccessError("This WorkSheet doesn't have any Table");\r
502                 }\r
503                 \r
504                 Log.p(TAG, "Associated Table ID: "+ table.getId());\r
505                 String tableRecordURL = "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/"+ key +"/records/"+ table.getId();\r
506                 \r
507                 String tableRecordXML = "<entry xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' xmlns:gs='http://schemas.google.com/spreadsheets/2006'>"+\r
508                                                                 "<title>"+ table.getName() +"</title>";\r
509                 \r
510                 Set keys = records.keySet();\r
511                 Iterator<String> it = keys.iterator();\r
512                 \r
513                 while(it.hasNext()){\r
514                         String k = it.next();\r
515                         tableRecordXML = tableRecordXML.concat("<gs:field name='"+ k +"'>"+ records.get(k) +"</gs:field>");\r
516                 }\r
517                 \r
518                 tableRecordXML = tableRecordXML.concat("</entry>");\r
519                 \r
520                 Log.p(TAG, "Table Record XML: "+ tableRecordXML);\r
521                 \r
522                 // Add Headers\r
523                 HashMap<String, String> httpHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();\r
524                 httpHeaders.put(HttpConHandler.AUTHORIZATION_HTTP_HEADER, "GoogleLogin auth="+ SpreadSheetFactory.authToken);\r
525                 httpHeaders.put(HttpConHandler.GDATA_VERSION_HTTP_HEADER, "3.0");\r
526                 httpHeaders.put(HttpConHandler.CONTENT_TYPE_HTTP_HEADER, "application/atom+xml");\r
527                 \r
528                 HttpConHandler http = new HttpConHandler();\r
529                 http.doConnect(tableRecordURL, HttpConHandler.HTTP_POST, httpHeaders, tableRecordXML);\r
530         }\r
531         \r
532 \r
533         /**\r
534          * Get data stored in this WorkSheet\r
535          * \r
536          * @param key SpreadSheet Key\r
537          * @return\r
538          */\r
539         public ArrayList<Record> getRecords(String key){\r
540                 return getRecords(key, false, null, null);\r
541         }\r
542         \r
543         /**\r
544          * @param key SpreadSheet Key\r
545          * @param sq  <a href="http://code.google.com/apis/spreadsheets/data/3.0/developers_guide.html#SendingStructuredRowQueries">Structured Query</a> \r
546          * \r
547          * @return\r
548          */\r
549         public ArrayList<Record> getRecords(String key, String sq){\r
550                 return getRecords(key, false, sq, null);\r
551         }\r
552 \r
553 \r
554         /**\r
555          * Get data stored in this WorkSheet. Retrieved data will be in a HashMap-\r
556          * <COL_NAME>,<VALUE>\r
557          * <br/>\r
558          * It supports following conditional Query- <br/>\r
559          * <b>Structured Query:</b> you can define conditional statements like in SQL e.g. <col_name> != <value><br/>\r
560          * <b>Order By:</b> Order by a given column name or position <br/>\r
561          * <b>Reverse:</b> Record retrived in reverse order (last row 1st)<br/>\r
562          * <br/>\r
563          * <b>NOTE:</b>\r
564          * <br/>\r
565          * It will retrieve records present in the Table. Tables can't be accessed by the Web UI.\r
566          * <br/>\r
567          * So, any data inserted by Web UI will be discarded.\r
568          * <br/>\r
569          * @param key SpreadSheet Key\r
570          * @param doReverse Display data in reverse order (last row first)\r
571          * @param sq <a href="http://code.google.com/apis/spreadsheets/data/3.0/developers_guide.html#SendingStructuredRowQueries">Structured Query</a>\r
572          * @param orderBy <a href="http://code.google.com/apis/spreadsheets/data/3.0/developers_guide.html#SendingStructuredRowQueries">Order By</a>\r
573          * @return\r
574          */\r
575         public ArrayList<Record> getRecords(String key, boolean doReverse, String sq, String orderBy){\r
576                 \r
577                 if(table == null){\r
578                         Log.p(TAG, "No Associated Table to Hold Data!!");\r
579                         return null;\r
580                 }\r
581                 \r
582                 // Table Access URL\r
583                 String tableRecordURL = "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/"+ key +"/records/"+ table.getId();\r
584                 \r
585                 if(doReverse){\r
586                         // Table record in reverse order (last row first)\r
587                         tableRecordURL = tableRecordURL.concat("?reverse=true");\r
588                         if(sq != null){\r
589                                 // Structured Query\r
590                                 tableRecordURL = tableRecordURL.concat("&sq="+ sq);\r
591                         }\r
592                         if(orderBy != null){\r
593                                 // Order By Statement\r
594                                 tableRecordURL = tableRecordURL.concat("&orderby="+ orderBy);\r
595                         }\r
596                 }\r
597                 else{\r
598                         // Structured Query & Order By\r
599                         if(sq != null){\r
600                                 tableRecordURL = tableRecordURL.concat("?sq="+ sq);\r
601                                 if(orderBy != null)\r
602                                         tableRecordURL = tableRecordURL.concat("&orderby="+ orderBy);\r
603                         }else{\r
604                                 if(orderBy != null)\r
605                                         tableRecordURL = tableRecordURL.concat("?orderby="+ orderBy);\r
606                         }\r
607                 }\r
608                 \r
609                 Log.p(TAG, "tableRecordURL="+ tableRecordURL);\r
610                 \r
611                 // Add Headers\r
612                 HashMap<String, String> httpHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();\r
613                 httpHeaders.put(HttpConHandler.AUTHORIZATION_HTTP_HEADER, "GoogleLogin auth="+ SpreadSheetFactory.authToken);\r
614                 httpHeaders.put(HttpConHandler.GDATA_VERSION_HTTP_HEADER, "3.0");\r
615                 \r
616                 HttpConHandler http = new HttpConHandler();\r
617                 Response res = http.doConnect(tableRecordURL, HttpConHandler.HTTP_GET, httpHeaders, null);\r
618                 \r
619                 if(res.isError()){\r
620                         return null;\r
621                 }\r
622                 \r
623                 String xmlOut = res.getOutput();\r
624                 \r
625                 // XML Parsing\r
626                 ParseFeed pf = new ParseFeed();\r
627                 Feed f = pf.parse(xmlOut.getBytes());\r
628                 ArrayList<Entry> entries = f.getEntries();\r
629                 \r
630                 if(entries == null){\r
631                         Log.p(TAG, "No Reord found!!");\r
632                         return null;\r
633                 }\r
634                 \r
635                 // [Fix_11_JAN_2011_Prasanta multiple call to getRecords() while changing Android orientation\r
636                 table.clearData();\r
637                 // Fix_11_JAN_2011_Prasanta]\r
638                 \r
639                 for(int i=0; i< entries.size(); i++){\r
640                         Entry e = entries.get(i);\r
641                         ArrayList<Field> fields = e.getFields();\r
642                         Record r = new Record();\r
643                         r.setId(e.getId());\r
644                         r.setEditURL(e.getEditLink());\r
645                         \r
646                         for(int j=0; j<fields.size(); j++){\r
647                                 Field fd = fields.get(j);\r
648                                 r.addData(fd.getColName(), fd.getValue());\r
649                         }\r
650                         table.addRecord(r);\r
651                 }\r
652                 \r
653                 return table.getRecords();\r
654         }\r
655         \r
656         /**\r
657          * Get Cached Data (previously retrieved from server)\r
658          * @return\r
659          */\r
660         public ArrayList<Record> getRecords(){\r
661                 return table.getRecords();\r
662         }\r
663         \r
664         /**\r
665          * Record instance you want to Update\r
666          * Keep only those data which you want to update for this record\r
667          * \r
668          * @param record Record to be updated\r
669          */\r
670         public void updateRecord(Record record){\r
671                 \r
672                 if(record == null){\r
673                         throw new IllegalAccessError("Pass a valid Record!!");\r
674                 }\r
675                 \r
676                 String recordXML = "<entry xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' xmlns:gs='http://schemas.google.com/spreadsheets/2006'>"+\r
677                                                   "<id>"+ record.getId() +"</id>";\r
678                 \r
679                 HashMap<String, String> data = record.getData();\r
680                 \r
681                 Set keys = data.keySet();\r
682                 Iterator<String> it = keys.iterator();\r
683                 \r
684                 while(it.hasNext()){\r
685                         String k = it.next();\r
686                         recordXML = recordXML.concat("<gs:field name='"+ k +"'>"+ data.get(k) +"</gs:field>");\r
687                 }\r
688                 \r
689                 recordXML += "</entry>";\r
690                 \r
691                 Log.p(TAG, "Update Record XML: "+ recordXML);\r
692                 \r
693                 // Add Headers\r
694                 HashMap<String, String> httpHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();\r
695                 httpHeaders.put(HttpConHandler.AUTHORIZATION_HTTP_HEADER, "GoogleLogin auth="+ SpreadSheetFactory.authToken);\r
696                 httpHeaders.put(HttpConHandler.GDATA_VERSION_HTTP_HEADER, "3.0");\r
697                 httpHeaders.put(HttpConHandler.CONTENT_TYPE_HTTP_HEADER, "application/atom+xml");\r
698                 httpHeaders.put("If-Match", "*");\r
699                 \r
700                 // HTTP Connection\r
701                 HttpConHandler http = new HttpConHandler();\r
702                 http.doConnect(record.getEditURL(), HttpConHandler.HTTP_PUT, httpHeaders, recordXML);\r
703         }\r
704         \r
705         /**\r
706          * Delete a Record\r
707          * @param record Record to be deleted\r
708          */\r
709         public void deleteRecord(Record record){\r
710                 \r
711                 if(record == null){\r
712                         throw new IllegalAccessError("Pass a valid Record!!");\r
713                 }\r
714                 \r
715                 // Add Headers\r
716                 HashMap<String, String> httpHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();\r
717                 httpHeaders.put(HttpConHandler.AUTHORIZATION_HTTP_HEADER, "GoogleLogin auth="+ SpreadSheetFactory.authToken);\r
718                 httpHeaders.put(HttpConHandler.GDATA_VERSION_HTTP_HEADER, "3.0");\r
719                 httpHeaders.put("If-Match", "*");\r
720                 \r
721                 // HTTP Connection\r
722                 HttpConHandler http = new HttpConHandler();\r
723                 http.doConnect(record.getEditURL(), HttpConHandler.HTTP_DELETE, httpHeaders, null);\r
724         }\r
725         \r
726         /**\r
727          * Delete this WorkSheet. It will also delete its associated Table.\r
728          * There is no separate method for deleting a Table\r
729          */\r
730         public void delete(){\r
731                 // Sample URL: DELETE https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/worksheets/key/private/full/worksheetId/version\r
732                 // We don't need "version"\r
733                 \r
734                 // Add Headers\r
735                 HashMap<String, String> httpHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();\r
736                 httpHeaders.put(HttpConHandler.AUTHORIZATION_HTTP_HEADER, "GoogleLogin auth="+ SpreadSheetFactory.authToken);\r
737                 httpHeaders.put(HttpConHandler.GDATA_VERSION_HTTP_HEADER, "3.0");\r
738                 httpHeaders.put("If-Match", "*");\r
739                 \r
740                 HttpConHandler http = new HttpConHandler();\r
741                 String wsDeleteURL = entry.getId().substring(0, entry.getId().lastIndexOf("/"));\r
742                 wsDeleteURL = wsDeleteURL.concat("/private/full/").concat(workSheetID);\r
743                 \r
744                 http.doConnect(wsDeleteURL, HttpConHandler.HTTP_DELETE, httpHeaders, null);\r
745         }\r
746 }\r