]> gitweb.fperrin.net Git - Dictionary.git/blob - jars/icu4j-4_2_1-src/src/com/ibm/icu/dev/tool/layout/CanonGSUBBuilder.java
[Dictionary.git] / jars / icu4j-4_2_1-src / src / com / ibm / icu / dev / tool / layout / CanonGSUBBuilder.java
1 /**\r
2  *******************************************************************************\r
3  * Copyright (C) 2002-2008, International Business Machines Corporation and    *\r
4  * others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *\r
5  *******************************************************************************\r
6  */\r
7 \r
8 \r
9 package com.ibm.icu.dev.tool.layout;\r
10 \r
11 import com.ibm.icu.lang.UCharacter;\r
12 import com.ibm.icu.lang.UScript;\r
13 import com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet;\r
14 import com.ibm.icu.text.UTF16;\r
15 \r
16 /**\r
17  * @author Eric Mader\r
18  *\r
19  * Notes:\r
20  * \r
21  * The property \p{Decomposition_Type=Canonical} will match all characters with a canonical\r
22  * decomposition.\r
23  *\r
24  * So "[[\\p{Latin}\\p{Greek}\\p{Cyrillic}] & [\\p{Decomposition_Type=Canonical}]]"\r
25  * will match all Latin, Greek and Cyrillic characters with a canonical decomposition.\r
26  * \r
27  * Are these three scripts enough? Do we want to collect them all at once and distribute by script,\r
28  * or process them one script at a time. It's probably a good idea to build a single table for\r
29  * however many scripts there are.\r
30  * \r
31  * It might be better to collect all the characters that have a canonical decomposition and just\r
32  * sort them into however many scripts there are... unless we'll get characters in COMMON???\r
33  */\r
34 public class CanonGSUBBuilder\r
35 {\r
36     static public String convertArabicString(int type, int ligature, String decomp, ClassTable isolClassTable)\r
37     {\r
38         int leftType  = ArabicShaping.VALUE_NONE;\r
39         int rightType = ArabicShaping.VALUE_NONE;\r
40         \r
41         switch (type) {\r
42             case UCharacter.DecompositionType.ISOLATED:\r
43                 break;\r
44                 \r
45             case UCharacter.DecompositionType.FINAL:\r
46                 rightType = ArabicShaping.VALUE_LEFT;\r
47                 break;\r
48             \r
49             case UCharacter.DecompositionType.INITIAL:\r
50                 leftType = ArabicShaping.VALUE_RIGHT;\r
51                 break;\r
52             \r
53             case UCharacter.DecompositionType.MEDIAL:\r
54                rightType = ArabicShaping.VALUE_LEFT;\r
55                leftType  = ArabicShaping.VALUE_RIGHT;\r
56                break;\r
57                \r
58            default:\r
59                return decomp + UCharacter.toString(ligature);\r
60         }\r
61         \r
62         char[] chars = decomp.toCharArray();\r
63               \r
64         ArabicShaping.shape(chars, leftType, rightType, isolClassTable);\r
65   \r
66         return new String(chars) + UCharacter.toString(ligature);\r
67     }\r
68     \r
69     static void buildArabicContextualForms(ArabicCharacterData data, ClassTable initClassTable, ClassTable mediClassTable,\r
70                                      ClassTable finaClassTable, ClassTable isolClassTable)\r
71     {\r
72         System.out.print("Finding Arabic contextual forms... ");\r
73         \r
74         for (int i = 0; i < data.countRecords(); i += 1) {\r
75             ArabicCharacterData.Record record = data.getRecord(i);\r
76             String decomposition = record.getDecomposition();\r
77             \r
78             if (decomposition != null && decomposition.length() == 1) {\r
79                 int contextual = record.getCodePoint();\r
80                 int isolated   = UTF16.charAt(record.getDecomposition(), 0);\r
81             \r
82                 switch (record.getDecompositionType()) {\r
83                 case UCharacter.DecompositionType.INITIAL:\r
84                     initClassTable.addMapping(isolated, contextual);\r
85                     break;\r
86                 \r
87                 case UCharacter.DecompositionType.MEDIAL:\r
88                     mediClassTable.addMapping(isolated, contextual);\r
89                     break;\r
90                 \r
91                case UCharacter.DecompositionType.FINAL:\r
92                    finaClassTable.addMapping(isolated, contextual);\r
93                    break;\r
94                    \r
95                case UCharacter.DecompositionType.ISOLATED:\r
96                    isolClassTable.addMapping(isolated, contextual);\r
97                    break;\r
98                \r
99                default:\r
100                    // issue some error message?\r
101                    break;\r
102                 }\r
103             }\r
104         }\r
105         \r
106         System.out.println("Done.");\r
107     }\r
108 \r
109     static LigatureTree buildArabicLigatureTree(ArabicCharacterData data, ClassTable isolClassTable)\r
110     {\r
111         LigatureTree contextualTree = new LigatureTree();\r
112         int ligatureCount = 0;\r
113         \r
114         System.out.print("Building Arabic ligature tree... ");\r
115         \r
116         for (int i = 0; i < data.countRecords(); i += 1) {\r
117             ArabicCharacterData.Record record = data.getRecord(i);\r
118             String decomposition = record.getDecomposition();\r
119             \r
120             if (decomposition != null && decomposition.length() > 1) {\r
121                 int ligature   = record.getCodePoint();\r
122                 int decompType = record.getDecompositionType();\r
123                 \r
124                 switch (decompType) {\r
125                 case UCharacter.DecompositionType.FINAL:\r
126                 case UCharacter.DecompositionType.INITIAL:\r
127                 case UCharacter.DecompositionType.MEDIAL:\r
128                 case UCharacter.DecompositionType.ISOLATED:\r
129                     contextualTree.insert(convertArabicString(decompType, ligature, decomposition, isolClassTable));\r
130                     ligatureCount += 1;\r
131                     break;\r
132                     \r
133                 case UCharacter.DecompositionType.CANONICAL:\r
134                     //cannonicalTree.insert(decomposition + UCharacter.toString(ligature));\r
135                     break;\r
136                 }\r
137             }\r
138         }\r
139         \r
140         System.out.println(ligatureCount + " ligatures.");\r
141         \r
142         return contextualTree;\r
143     }\r
144     \r
145     static final int SIMPLE_GLYPH = 1;\r
146     static final int LIGATURE_GLYPH = 2;\r
147     static final int MARK_GLYPH = 3;\r
148     static final int COMPONENT_GLYPH = 4;\r
149     \r
150     static final int categoryClassMap[] = {\r
151     0,              // UNASSIGNED\r
158     MARK_GLYPH,     // ENCLOSING_MARK ??\r
163     0,              // SPACE_SEPARATOR\r
164     0,              // LINE_SEPARATOR\r
165     0,              // PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR\r
166     0,              // CONTROL\r
167     0,              // FORMAT\r
168     0,              // PRIVATE_USE\r
169     0,              // SURROGATE\r
181     };\r
182 \r
183     static int getGlyphClass(ArabicCharacterData.Record record)\r
184     {\r
185         String decomp = record.getDecomposition();\r
186         \r
187         if (decomp != null && decomp.length() > 1) {\r
188             return LIGATURE_GLYPH;\r
189         }\r
190         \r
191         return categoryClassMap[record.getGeneralCategory()];\r
192     }\r
193     \r
194     static void addArabicGlyphClasses(ArabicCharacterData data, ClassTable classTable)\r
195     {\r
196         System.out.print("Adding Arabic glyph classes... ");\r
197         \r
198         for (int i = 0; i < data.countRecords(); i += 1) {\r
199             ArabicCharacterData.Record record = data.getRecord(i);\r
200             classTable.addMapping(record.getCodePoint(), getGlyphClass(record));\r
201         }\r
202         \r
203         System.out.println("Done.");\r
204     }\r
205     \r
206     private static void buildArabicTables(ScriptList scriptList, FeatureList featureList,\r
207                                                 LookupList lookupList, ClassTable classTable) {\r
208         // TODO: Might want to have the ligature table builder explicitly check for ligatures\r
209         // which start with space and tatweel rather than pulling them out here...\r
210         UnicodeSet arabicBlock   = new UnicodeSet("[[\\p{block=Arabic}] & [[:Cf:][:Po:][:So:][:Mn:][:Nd:][:Lm:]]]");\r
211         UnicodeSet oddLigatures  = new UnicodeSet("[\\uFC5E-\\uFC63\\uFCF2-\\uFCF4\\uFE70-\\uFE7F]");\r
212         UnicodeSet arabicLetters = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Arabic}]");\r
213         ArabicCharacterData arabicData = ArabicCharacterData.factory(arabicLetters.addAll(arabicBlock).removeAll(oddLigatures));\r
214 \r
215         addArabicGlyphClasses(arabicData, classTable);\r
216         \r
217         ClassTable initClassTable = new ClassTable();\r
218         ClassTable mediClassTable = new ClassTable();\r
219         ClassTable finaClassTable = new ClassTable();\r
220         ClassTable isolClassTable = new ClassTable();\r
221         \r
222         buildArabicContextualForms(arabicData, initClassTable, mediClassTable, finaClassTable, isolClassTable);\r
223         isolClassTable.snapshot();\r
224         LigatureTree ligaTree = buildArabicLigatureTree(arabicData, isolClassTable);\r
225 \r
226         LigatureTreeWalker ligaWalker = new LigatureTreeWalker();\r
227 \r
228         ligaTree.walk(ligaWalker);\r
229         \r
230         Lookup initLookup, mediLookup, finaLookup, ligaLookup;\r
231         \r
232         initLookup = new Lookup(Lookup.GSST_Single, 0);\r
233         initLookup.addSubtable(initClassTable);\r
234         \r
235         mediLookup = new Lookup(Lookup.GSST_Single, 0);\r
236         mediLookup.addSubtable(mediClassTable);\r
237         \r
238         finaLookup = new Lookup(Lookup.GSST_Single, 0);\r
239         finaLookup.addSubtable(finaClassTable);\r
240         \r
241         ligaLookup = new Lookup(Lookup.GSST_Ligature, Lookup.LF_IgnoreMarks);\r
242         ligaLookup.addSubtable(ligaWalker);\r
243         \r
244         Feature init = new Feature("init");\r
245         Feature medi = new Feature("medi");\r
246         Feature fina = new Feature("fina");\r
247         Feature liga = new Feature("liga");\r
248         \r
249         init.addLookup(lookupList.addLookup(initLookup));\r
250         medi.addLookup(lookupList.addLookup(mediLookup));\r
251         fina.addLookup(lookupList.addLookup(finaLookup));\r
252         liga.addLookup(lookupList.addLookup(ligaLookup));\r
253         \r
254         featureList.addFeature(init);\r
255         featureList.addFeature(medi);\r
256         featureList.addFeature(fina);\r
257         featureList.addFeature(liga);\r
258         \r
259         scriptList.addFeature("arab", "(default)", init);\r
260         scriptList.addFeature("arab", "(default)", medi);\r
261         scriptList.addFeature("arab", "(default)", fina);\r
262         scriptList.addFeature("arab", "(default)", liga);\r
263         \r
264         System.out.println();\r
265     }\r
266 \r
267     public static void buildLigatureTree(CanonicalCharacterData data, int script, LigatureTree ligatureTree)\r
268     {\r
269         int ligatureCount = 0;\r
270         \r
271         System.out.print("building composition ligature tree for " + UScript.getName(script) + "... ");\r
272         \r
273         for (int i = 0; i < data.countRecords(script); i += 1) {\r
274             CanonicalCharacterData.Record record = data.getRecord(script, i);\r
275             String composed = UCharacter.toString(record.getComposedCharacter());\r
276             \r
277             for (int e = 0; e < record.countEquivalents(); e += 1) {\r
278                 String equivalent = record.getEquivalent(e);\r
279                 \r
280                 ligatureTree.insert(equivalent + composed);\r
281                 ligatureCount += 1;\r
282             }\r
283         }\r
284         \r
285         System.out.println(ligatureCount + " ligatures.");\r
286     }\r
287     \r
288     public static DecompTable[] buildDecompTables(CanonicalCharacterData data, int script)\r
289     {\r
290         int maxDecompCount = data.getMaxEquivalents(script);\r
291         DecompTable[] decompTables = new DecompTable[maxDecompCount];\r
292         \r
293         System.out.print("Building decompositon tables for " + UScript.getName(script) +\r
294                          "... total decompositions: " + data.countRecords(script) + \r
295                          ", max: " + maxDecompCount + "...");\r
296         \r
297         for (int i = 0; i < maxDecompCount; i += 1) {\r
298             DecompTable table = new DecompTable();\r
299             \r
300             for (int r = 0; r < data.countRecords(script); r += 1) {\r
301                 CanonicalCharacterData.Record record = data.getRecord(script, r);\r
302                 \r
303                 if (record.countEquivalents() > i) {\r
304                     table.add(record.getComposedCharacter(), record.getEquivalent(i));\r
305                 }\r
306             }\r
307             \r
308             decompTables[i] = table;\r
309         }\r
310         \r
311         System.out.println(" Done.");\r
312         \r
313         return decompTables;\r
314     }\r
315     \r
316     public static int[] buildLookups(CanonicalCharacterData data, LookupList lookupList, int script)\r
317     {\r
318         int[] lookups = new int[2];\r
319         \r
320         DecompTable[] decompTables = buildDecompTables(data, script);\r
321         \r
322         LigatureTree compTree = new LigatureTree();\r
323         \r
324         buildLigatureTree(data, script, compTree);\r
325         \r
326         System.out.println();\r
327         \r
328         LigatureTreeWalker compWalker = new LigatureTreeWalker();\r
329         \r
330         compTree.walk(compWalker);\r
331         \r
332         Lookup compLookup, dcmpLookup;\r
333         //int compLookupIndex, dcmpLookupIndex;\r
334         \r
335         compLookup = new Lookup(Lookup.GSST_Ligature, 0);\r
336         compLookup.addSubtable(compWalker);\r
337         \r
338         dcmpLookup = new Lookup(Lookup.GSST_Multiple, 0);\r
339         for (int i = 0; i < decompTables.length; i += 1) {\r
340             dcmpLookup.addSubtable(decompTables[i]);\r
341         }\r
342         \r
343         lookups[0] = lookupList.addLookup(compLookup);\r
344         lookups[1] = lookupList.addLookup(dcmpLookup);\r
345         \r
346         return lookups;\r
347     }\r
348     \r
349     public static void addLookups(Feature feature, int[] lookups)\r
350     {\r
351         for (int i = 0; i < lookups.length; i += 1) {\r
352             feature.addLookup(lookups[i]);\r
353         }\r
354     }\r
355     \r
356     /*\r
357      * Hebrew mark order taken from the SBL Hebrew Font manual\r
358      * Arabic mark order per Thomas Milo: hamza < shadda < combining_alef < sukun, vowel_marks < madda < qur'anic_marks\r
359      */\r
360     public static ClassTable buildCombiningClassTable()\r
361     {\r
362         UnicodeSet markSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\P{CanonicalCombiningClass=0}]");\r
363         ClassTable exceptions = new ClassTable();\r
364         ClassTable combiningClasses = new ClassTable();\r
365         int markCount = markSet.size();\r
366         \r
367         exceptions.addMapping(0x05C1,  10); // Point Shin Dot\r
368         exceptions.addMapping(0x05C2,  11); // Point Sin Dot\r
369         exceptions.addMapping(0x05BC,  21); // Point Dagesh or Mapiq\r
370         exceptions.addMapping(0x05BF,  23); // Point Rafe\r
371         exceptions.addMapping(0x05B9,  27); // Point Holam\r
372         exceptions.addMapping(0x0323, 220); // Comb. Dot Below (low punctum)\r
373         exceptions.addMapping(0x0591, 220); // Accent Etnahta\r
374         exceptions.addMapping(0x0596, 220); // Accent Tipeha\r
375         exceptions.addMapping(0x059B, 220); // Accent Tevir\r
376         exceptions.addMapping(0x05A3, 220); // Accent Munah\r
377         exceptions.addMapping(0x05A4, 220); // Accent Mahapakh\r
378         exceptions.addMapping(0x05A5, 220); // Accent Merkha\r
379         exceptions.addMapping(0x05A6, 220); // Accent Merkha Kefula\r
380         exceptions.addMapping(0x05A7, 220); // Accent Darga\r
381         exceptions.addMapping(0x05AA, 220); // Accent Yerah Ben Yomo\r
382         exceptions.addMapping(0x05B0, 220); // Point Sheva\r
383         exceptions.addMapping(0x05B1, 220); // Point Hataf Segol\r
384         exceptions.addMapping(0x05B2, 220); // Point Hataf Patah\r
385         exceptions.addMapping(0x05B3, 220); // Point Hataf Qamats\r
386         exceptions.addMapping(0x05B4, 220); // Point Hiriq\r
387         exceptions.addMapping(0x05B5, 220); // Point Tsere\r
388         exceptions.addMapping(0x05B6, 220); // Point Segol\r
389         exceptions.addMapping(0x05B7, 220); // Point Patah\r
390         exceptions.addMapping(0x05B8, 220); // Point Qamats\r
391         exceptions.addMapping(0x05BB, 220); // Point Qubuts\r
392         exceptions.addMapping(0x05BD, 220); // Point Meteg\r
393         exceptions.addMapping(0x059A, 222); // Accent Yetiv\r
394         exceptions.addMapping(0x05AD, 222); // Accent Dehi\r
395         exceptions.addMapping(0x05C4, 230); // Mark Upper Dot (high punctum)\r
396         exceptions.addMapping(0x0593, 230); // Accent Shalshelet\r
397         exceptions.addMapping(0x0594, 230); // Accent Zaqef Qatan\r
398         exceptions.addMapping(0x0595, 230); // Accent Zaqef Gadol\r
399         exceptions.addMapping(0x0597, 230); // Accent Revia\r
400         exceptions.addMapping(0x0598, 230); // Accent Zarqa\r
401         exceptions.addMapping(0x059F, 230); // Accent Qarney Para\r
402         exceptions.addMapping(0x059E, 230); // Accent Gershayim\r
403         exceptions.addMapping(0x059D, 230); // Accent Geresh Muqdam\r
404         exceptions.addMapping(0x059C, 230); // Accent Geresh\r
405         exceptions.addMapping(0x0592, 230); // Accent Segolta\r
406         exceptions.addMapping(0x05A0, 230); // Accent Telisha Gedola\r
407         exceptions.addMapping(0x05AC, 230); // Accent Iluy\r
408         exceptions.addMapping(0x05A8, 230); // Accent Qadma\r
409         exceptions.addMapping(0x05AB, 230); // Accent Ole\r
410         exceptions.addMapping(0x05AF, 230); // Mark Masora Circle\r
411         exceptions.addMapping(0x05A1, 230); // Accent Pazer\r
412       //exceptions.addMapping(0x0307, 230); // Mark Number/Masora Dot\r
413         exceptions.addMapping(0x05AE, 232); // Accent Zinor\r
414         exceptions.addMapping(0x05A9, 232); // Accent Telisha Qetana\r
415         exceptions.addMapping(0x0599, 232); // Accent Pashta\r
416         \r
417         exceptions.addMapping(0x0655,  27); // ARABIC HAMZA BELOW\r
418         exceptions.addMapping(0x0654,  27); // ARABIC HAMZA ABOVE\r
419 \r
420         exceptions.addMapping(0x0651,  28); // ARABIC SHADDA\r
421 \r
422         exceptions.addMapping(0x0656,  29); // ARABIC SUBSCRIPT ALEF\r
423         exceptions.addMapping(0x0670,  29); // ARABIC LETTER SUPERSCRIPT ALEF\r
424 \r
425         exceptions.addMapping(0x064D,  30); // ARABIC KASRATAN\r
426         exceptions.addMapping(0x0650,  30); // ARABIC KASRA\r
427 \r
428         exceptions.addMapping(0x0652,  31); // ARABIC SUKUN\r
429         exceptions.addMapping(0x06E1,  31); // ARABIC SMALL HIGH DOTLESS HEAD OF KHAH\r
430 \r
431         exceptions.addMapping(0x064B,  31); // ARABIC FATHATAN\r
432         exceptions.addMapping(0x064C,  31); // ARABIC DAMMATAN\r
433         exceptions.addMapping(0x064E,  31); // ARABIC FATHA\r
434         exceptions.addMapping(0x064F,  31); // ARABIC DAMMA\r
435         exceptions.addMapping(0x0657,  31); // ARABIC INVERTED DAMMA\r
436         exceptions.addMapping(0x0658,  31); // ARABIC MARK NOON GHUNNA\r
437 \r
438         exceptions.addMapping(0x0653,  32); // ARABIC MADDAH ABOVE\r
439         \r
440         exceptions.snapshot();\r
441         \r
442         for (int i = 0; i < markCount; i += 1) {\r
443             int mark = markSet.charAt(i);\r
444             int markClass = exceptions.getGlyphClassID(mark);\r
445             \r
446             if (markClass == 0) {\r
447                 markClass = UCharacter.getCombiningClass(mark);\r
448             }\r
449             \r
450             combiningClasses.addMapping(mark, markClass);\r
451         }\r
452         \r
453         combiningClasses.snapshot();\r
454         return combiningClasses;\r
455     }\r
456     \r
457     public static void buildDecompTables(String fileName)\r
458     {\r
459         // F900 - FAFF are compatibility ideographs. They all decompose to a single other character, and can be ignored.\r
460       //UnicodeSet decompSet = new UnicodeSet("[[[\\P{Hangul}] & [\\p{DecompositionType=Canonical}]] - [\uF900-\uFAFF]]");\r
461         UnicodeSet decompSet = new UnicodeSet("[[\\p{DecompositionType=Canonical}] & [\\P{FullCompositionExclusion}] & [\\P{Hangul}]]");\r
462         CanonicalCharacterData data = CanonicalCharacterData.factory(decompSet);\r
463         ClassTable classTable = new ClassTable();\r
464         \r
465         LookupList  lookupList  = new LookupList();\r
466         FeatureList featureList = new FeatureList();\r
467         ScriptList  scriptList  = new ScriptList();\r
468 \r
469         // build common, inherited lookups...\r
470 //        int[] commonLookups = buildLookups(data, lookupList, UScript.COMMON);\r
471 //        int[] inheritedLookups = buildLookups(data, lookupList, UScript.INHERITED);\r
472         \r
473         for (int script = 0; script < UScript.CODE_LIMIT; script += 1) {\r
474             \r
475             // This is a bit lame, but it's the only way I can think of\r
476             // to make this work w/o knowing the values of COMMON and INHERITED...\r
477             if (script == UScript.COMMON || script == UScript.INHERITED ||\r
478                 data.getMaxEquivalents(script) == 0) {\r
479                 continue;\r
480             }\r
481             \r
482             int[] lookups = buildLookups(data, lookupList, script);\r
483 \r
484             Feature ccmp = new Feature("ccmp");\r
485             \r
486             addLookups(ccmp, lookups);\r
487 //            addLookups(ccmp, commonLookups);\r
488 //            addLookups(ccmp, inheritedLookups);\r
489             \r
490             featureList.addFeature(ccmp);\r
491         \r
492             String scriptTag = TagUtilities.tagLabel(UScript.getShortName(script));\r
493             \r
494             scriptList.addFeature(scriptTag, "(default)", ccmp);\r
495             \r
496             if (script == UScript.ARABIC) {\r
497                 buildArabicTables(scriptList, featureList, lookupList, classTable);\r
498             }\r
499         }\r
500         \r
501         featureList.finalizeFeatureList();\r
502         \r
503         ClassTable markClassTable = buildCombiningClassTable();\r
504         \r
505         GSUBWriter gsubWriter = new GSUBWriter("Canon", scriptList, featureList, lookupList);\r
506         GDEFWriter gdefWriter = new GDEFWriter("Canon", classTable, markClassTable);\r
507         String[] includeFiles = {"LETypes.h", "CanonShaping.h"};        \r
508         \r
509         LigatureModuleWriter writer = new LigatureModuleWriter();\r
510         \r
511         writer.openFile(fileName);\r
512         writer.writeHeader(null, includeFiles);\r
513         writer.writeTable(gsubWriter);\r
514         writer.writeTable(gdefWriter);\r
515         writer.writeTrailer();\r
516         writer.closeFile();\r
517     }\r
518     \r
519     public static void main(String[] args)\r
520     {\r
521         buildDecompTables(args[0]);\r
522     }\r
523 }\r