]> gitweb.fperrin.net Git - GpsPrune.git/blob - tim/prune/threedee/TerrainHelper.java
Version 18.3, February 2016
[GpsPrune.git] / tim / prune / threedee / TerrainHelper.java
1 package tim.prune.threedee;
3 import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
4 import java.io.File;
5 import java.io.IOException;
7 import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
8 import javax.vecmath.Point3d;
9 import javax.vecmath.TexCoord2f;
11 import tim.prune.data.Altitude;
12 import tim.prune.data.Coordinate;
13 import tim.prune.data.DataPoint;
14 import tim.prune.data.DoubleRange;
15 import tim.prune.data.Field;
16 import tim.prune.data.FieldList;
17 import tim.prune.data.Latitude;
18 import tim.prune.data.Longitude;
19 import tim.prune.data.Track;
20 import tim.prune.data.TrackExtents;
21 import tim.prune.data.UnitSetLibrary;
22 import tim.prune.gui.map.MapUtils;
24 /**
25  * Helper for generating the arrays needed for the 3d terrain
26  */
27 public class TerrainHelper
28 {
29         /** Number of nodes on each side of the square grid */
30         private int _gridSize = 0;
32         /**
33          * Constructor
34          * @param inGridSize grid size
35          */
36         public TerrainHelper(int inGridSize) {
37                 _gridSize = inGridSize;
38         }
40         /**
41          * @return grid size
42          */
43         public int getGridSize() {
44                 return _gridSize;
45         }
48         /**
49          * Convert the terrain coordinates from raw form to TriangleStripArray form
50          * (with repeated nodes)
51          * @param inRawPoints array of raw points as formed from the track
52          * @return point coordinates as array
53          */
54         public Point3d[] getTerrainCoordinates(Point3d[] inRawPoints)
55         {
56                 final int numNodes = _gridSize * _gridSize;
57                 if (_gridSize <= 1 || inRawPoints == null || inRawPoints.length != numNodes) {return null;}
58                 // Put these nodes into a new result array (repeating nodes as necessary)
59                 final int resultSize = _gridSize * (_gridSize * 2 - 2);
60                 Point3d[] result = new Point3d[resultSize];
61                 final int numStrips = _gridSize - 1;
62                 int resultIndex = 0;
63                 for (int strip=0; strip<numStrips; strip++)
64                 {
65                         for (int col=0; col<_gridSize; col++)
66                         {
67                                 int bottomNodeIndex = strip * _gridSize + col;
68                                 int topNodeIndex = bottomNodeIndex + _gridSize;
69                                 result[resultIndex++] = inRawPoints[bottomNodeIndex];
70                                 result[resultIndex++] = inRawPoints[topNodeIndex];
71                         }
72                 }
73                 return result;
74         }
77         /**
78          * Get the texture coordinates as an array
79          * @return texture coordinates as array
80          */
81         public TexCoord2f[] getTextureCoordinates()
82         {
83                 if (_gridSize <= 1) {return null;}
84                 final int numNodes = _gridSize * _gridSize;
85                 final float gridStep = 1.0f / (_gridSize - 1);
86                 // Build all the required nodes
87                 TexCoord2f[] nodes = new TexCoord2f[numNodes];
88                 for (int i=0; i<_gridSize; i++)
89                 {
90                         for (int j=0; j<_gridSize; j++)
91                         {
92                                 nodes[j * _gridSize + i] = new TexCoord2f(gridStep * i, 1.0f - gridStep * j);
93                         }
94                 }
95                 // Now put these nodes into a new result array (repeating nodes as necessary)
96                 final int resultSize = _gridSize * (_gridSize * 2 - 2);
97                 TexCoord2f[] result = new TexCoord2f[resultSize];
98                 final int numStrips = _gridSize - 1;
99                 int resultIndex = 0;
100                 for (int strip=0; strip<numStrips; strip++)
101                 {
102                         for (int col=0; col<_gridSize; col++)
103                         {
104                                 int bottomNodeIndex = strip * _gridSize + col;
105                                 int topNodeIndex = bottomNodeIndex + _gridSize;
106                                 result[resultIndex++] = nodes[bottomNodeIndex];
107                                 result[resultIndex++] = nodes[topNodeIndex];
108                         }
109                 }
110                 return result;
111         }
113         /**
114          * @return strip lengths as array
115          */
116         public int[] getStripLengths()
117         {
118                 final int numStrips = _gridSize - 1;
119                 final int nodesPerStrip = _gridSize * 2;
120                 int[] result = new int[numStrips];
121                 for (int i=0; i<numStrips; i++) {
122                         result[i] = nodesPerStrip;
123                 }
124                 return result;
125         }
127         /**
128          * Create a grid of points in a new Track
129          * @param inDataTrack track from which the extents should be obtained
130          * @return Track containing all the points in the grid
131          */
132         public Track createGridTrack(Track inDataTrack)
133         {
134                 // Work out the size of the current track
135                 TrackExtents extents = new TrackExtents(inDataTrack);
136                 extents.applySquareBorder();
137                 DoubleRange xRange = extents.getXRange();
138                 DoubleRange yRange = extents.getYRange();
139                 // Create the array of points
140                 final int numPoints = _gridSize * _gridSize;
141                 final double xStep = xRange.getRange() / (_gridSize - 1);
142                 final double yStep = yRange.getRange() / (_gridSize - 1);
143                 DataPoint[] points = new DataPoint[numPoints];
144                 for (int i=0; i<_gridSize; i++)
145                 {
146                         double pY = yRange.getMinimum() + i * yStep;
147                         for (int j=0; j<_gridSize; j++)
148                         {
149                                 // Create a new point with the appropriate lat and long, with no altitude
150                                 double pX = xRange.getMinimum() + j * xStep;
151                                 DataPoint point = new DataPoint(
152                                         new Latitude(MapUtils.getLatitudeFromY(pY), Coordinate.FORMAT_DECIMAL_FORCE_POINT),
153                                         new Longitude(MapUtils.getLongitudeFromX(pX), Coordinate.FORMAT_DECIMAL_FORCE_POINT),
154                                         null);
155                                 //System.out.println("Created point at " + point.getLatitude().output(Coordinate.FORMAT_DEG_MIN_SEC)
156                                 //      + ", " + point.getLongitude().output(Coordinate.FORMAT_DEG_MIN_SEC));
157                                 points[i * _gridSize + j] = point;
158                         }
159                 }
160                 // Put these into a new track
161                 Field[] fields = {Field.LATITUDE, Field.LONGITUDE, Field.ALTITUDE};
162                 Track grid = new Track(new FieldList(fields), points);
163                 return grid;
164         }
166         /**
167          * Write the given terrain track out to an indexed png file
168          * @param inModel three-d data model with terrain
169          * @param inPngFile file to write to
170          */
171         public void writeHeightMap(ThreeDModel inModel, File inPngFile)
172         {
173                 BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(_gridSize, _gridSize, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED);
174                 for (int y=0; y<_gridSize; y++)
175                 {
176                         for (int x=0; x<_gridSize; x++)
177                         {
178                                 double heightValue = inModel.getScaledTerrainValue(y * _gridSize + x) * 256;
179                                 // Need to ask colour model what rgb to use for this index (a little round-the-houses)
180                                 image.setRGB(x, y, image.getColorModel().getRGB((int) heightValue));
181                         }
182                 }
183                 try
184                 {
185                         ImageIO.write(image, "PNG", inPngFile);
186                 }
187                 catch (IOException ioe) {System.err.println(ioe.getClass().getName() + " - " + ioe.getMessage());}
188         }
191         /**
192          * Try to fix the voids in the given terrain track by averaging neighbour values where possible
193          * @param inTerrainTrack terrain track to fix
194          */
195         public void fixVoids(Track inTerrainTrack)
196         {
197                 int numVoids = countVoids(inTerrainTrack);
198                 if (numVoids == 0) {return;}
199                 //System.out.println("Starting to fix, num voids = " + numVoids);
200                 // Fix the holes which are surrounded on all four sides by non-holes
201                 fixSingleHoles(inTerrainTrack);
202                 //System.out.println("Fixed single holes, now num voids = " + countVoids(inTerrainTrack));
203                 // Maybe there is something to do in the corners?
204                 fixCornersAndEdges(inTerrainTrack);
205                 //System.out.println("Fixed corners, now num voids = " + countVoids(inTerrainTrack));
206                 // Now fix the bigger holes, which should fix everything left
207                 fixBiggerHoles(inTerrainTrack);
208                 final int numHolesLeft = countVoids(inTerrainTrack);
209                 if (numHolesLeft > 0) {
210                         System.out.println("Fixed bigger holes, now num voids = " + countVoids(inTerrainTrack));
211                 }
212         }
214         /**
215          * @param inTerrainTrack terrain track
216          * @return number of voids (points without altitudes)
217          */
218         private static int countVoids(Track inTerrainTrack)
219         {
220                 // DEBUG: Show state of voids first
221 //              final int gridSize = (int) Math.sqrt(inTerrainTrack.getNumPoints());
222 //              StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
223 //              for (int i=0; i<inTerrainTrack.getNumPoints(); i++)
224 //              {
225 //                      if ((i%gridSize) == 0) sb.append('\n');
226 //                      if (inTerrainTrack.getPoint(i).hasAltitude()) {
227 //                              sb.append('A');
228 //                      } else {
229 //                              sb.append(' ');
230 //                      }
231 //              }
232 //              System.out.println("Voids:" + sb.toString());
233                 // END DEBUG
235                 int numVoids = 0;
236                 if (inTerrainTrack != null)
237                 {
238                         for (int i=0; i<inTerrainTrack.getNumPoints(); i++) {
239                                 if (!inTerrainTrack.getPoint(i).hasAltitude()) {
240                                         numVoids++;
241                                 }
242                         }
243                 }
244                 return numVoids;
245         }
247         /**
248          * Just deal with single holes surrounded by at least four direct neighbours
249          * @param inTerrainTrack terrain track to fix
250          */
251         private void fixSingleHoles(Track inTerrainTrack)
252         {
253                 // Holes with neighbours in all directions
254                 final int startIndex = 1, endIndex = _gridSize - 2;
255                 for (int x = startIndex; x <= endIndex; x++)
256                 {
257                         for (int y = startIndex; y <= endIndex; y++)
258                         {
259                                 int pIndex = x * _gridSize + y;
260                                 // Get the point and its neighbours
261                                 final DataPoint p = inTerrainTrack.getPoint(pIndex);
262                                 if (!p.hasAltitude())
263                                 {
264                                         final DataPoint pl = inTerrainTrack.getPoint(pIndex - 1);
265                                         final DataPoint pr = inTerrainTrack.getPoint(pIndex + 1);
266                                         final DataPoint pu = inTerrainTrack.getPoint(pIndex + _gridSize);
267                                         final DataPoint pd = inTerrainTrack.getPoint(pIndex - _gridSize);
268                                         // Check if the points are null??
269                                         if (pl == null || pr == null || pu == null || pd == null)
270                                         {
271                                                 System.err.println("Woah. Got a null point in fixSingleHoles. x=" + x + ", y=" + y + ", grid=" + _gridSize);
272                                                 System.err.println("index=" + pIndex);
273                                                 if (pl == null) System.err.println("pl is null");
274                                                 if (pr == null) System.err.println("pr is null");
275                                                 if (pu == null) System.err.println("pu is null");
276                                                 if (pd == null) System.err.println("pd is null");
277                                                 continue;
278                                         }
279                                         // Check that all the neighbours have altitudes
280                                         if (pl.hasAltitude() && pr.hasAltitude() && pu.hasAltitude() && pd.hasAltitude())
281                                         {
282                                                 // Now check the double-neighbours
283                                                 final DataPoint pll = inTerrainTrack.getPoint(pIndex - 2);
284                                                 final DataPoint prr = inTerrainTrack.getPoint(pIndex + 2);
285                                                 final DataPoint puu = inTerrainTrack.getPoint(pIndex + 2 * _gridSize);
286                                                 final DataPoint pdd = inTerrainTrack.getPoint(pIndex - 2 * _gridSize);
288                                                 double altitude = 0.0;
289                                                 if (pll != null && pll.hasAltitude() && prr != null && prr.hasAltitude()
290                                                         && puu != null && puu.hasAltitude() && pdd != null && pdd.hasAltitude())
291                                                 {
292                                                         // Use the double-neighbours too to take into account the gradients
293                                                         altitude = (
294                                                                   pl.getAltitude().getMetricValue() * 1.5
295                                                                 - pll.getAltitude().getMetricValue() * 0.5
296                                                                 + pr.getAltitude().getMetricValue() * 1.5
297                                                                 - prr.getAltitude().getMetricValue() * 0.5
298                                                                 + pd.getAltitude().getMetricValue() * 1.5
299                                                                 - pdd.getAltitude().getMetricValue() * 0.5
300                                                                 + pu.getAltitude().getMetricValue() * 1.5
301                                                                 - puu.getAltitude().getMetricValue() * 0.5) / 4.0;
302                                                 }
303                                                 else
304                                                 {
305                                                         // no double-neighbours, just use neighbours
306                                                         altitude = (
307                                                                   pl.getAltitude().getMetricValue()
308                                                                 + pr.getAltitude().getMetricValue()
309                                                                 + pd.getAltitude().getMetricValue()
310                                                                 + pu.getAltitude().getMetricValue()) / 4.0;
311                                                 }
312                                                 // Set this altitude in the point
313                                                 p.setFieldValue(Field.ALTITUDE, "" + altitude, false);
314                                                 // force value to metres
315                                                 p.getAltitude().reset(new Altitude((int) altitude, UnitSetLibrary.UNITS_METRES));
316                                         }
317                                 }
318                         }
319                 }
320         }
322         /**
323          * Try to fix the corners and edges, if they're blank
324          * @param inTerrainTrack terrain track
325          */
326         private void fixCornersAndEdges(Track inTerrainTrack)
327         {
328                 fixCorner(inTerrainTrack, 0, 1, 1);
329                 fixCorner(inTerrainTrack, _gridSize-1, -1, 1);
330                 fixCorner(inTerrainTrack, (_gridSize-1)*_gridSize, 1, -1);
331                 fixCorner(inTerrainTrack, _gridSize*_gridSize-1, -1, -1);
332                 fixEdge(inTerrainTrack, 0, 1);
333                 fixEdge(inTerrainTrack, _gridSize-1, _gridSize);
334                 fixEdge(inTerrainTrack, (_gridSize-1)*_gridSize, -_gridSize);
335                 fixEdge(inTerrainTrack, _gridSize*_gridSize-1, -1);
336         }
338         /**
339          * Fix a single corner by searching along adjacent edges and averaging the nearest neighbours
340          * @param inTerrainTrack terrain track
341          * @param inCornerIndex index of corner to fill
342          * @param inXinc increment in x direction (+1 or -1)
343          * @param inYinc increment in y direction (+1 or -1)
344          */
345         private void fixCorner(Track inTerrainTrack, int inCornerIndex, int inXinc, int inYinc)
346         {
347                 DataPoint corner = inTerrainTrack.getPoint(inCornerIndex);
348                 if (corner == null || corner.hasAltitude()) {return;}
349                 // Corner hasn't got an altitude, we'll have to look for it
350                 int sIndex1 = inCornerIndex, sIndex2 = inCornerIndex;
351                 Altitude alt1 = null, alt2 = null;
353                 for (int i=1; i<_gridSize && !corner.hasAltitude(); i++)
354                 {
355                         sIndex1 += inXinc;
356                         sIndex2 += (inYinc * _gridSize);
357                         // System.out.println("To fill corner " + inCornerIndex + ", looking at indexes " + sIndex1 + " and " + sIndex2);
358                         if (alt1 == null)
359                         {
360                                 DataPoint source1 = inTerrainTrack.getPoint(sIndex1);
361                                 if (source1 != null && source1.hasAltitude()) {alt1 = source1.getAltitude();}
362                         }
363                         if (alt2 == null)
364                         {
365                                 DataPoint source2 = inTerrainTrack.getPoint(sIndex2);
366                                 if (source2 != null && source2.hasAltitude()) {alt2 = source2.getAltitude();}
367                         }
368                         // Can we average these?
369                         if (alt1 != null && alt2 != null)
370                         {
371                                 // System.out.println("Averaging values " + alt1.getMetricValue() + " and " + alt2.getMetricValue());
372                                 int newAltitude = (int) ((alt1.getMetricValue() + alt2.getMetricValue()) / 2.0);
373                                 corner.setFieldValue(Field.ALTITUDE, "" + newAltitude, false);
374                                 // TODO: Check forcing metres?  Is there a nicer way?
375                         }
376                 }
377         }
379         /**
380          * Fix any holes found in the specified edge
381          * @param inTerrainTrack terrain track
382          * @param inCornerIndex index of corner to start from
383          * @param inInc increment along edge
384          */
385         private void fixEdge(Track inTerrainTrack, int inCornerIndex, int inInc)
386         {
387                 int prevIndexWithAlt = -1;
388                 int sIndex = inCornerIndex;
389                 if (inTerrainTrack.getPoint(sIndex).hasAltitude()) {prevIndexWithAlt = 0;}
390                 for (int i=1; i<_gridSize; i++)
391                 {
392                         sIndex += inInc;
393                         if (inTerrainTrack.getPoint(sIndex).hasAltitude())
394                         {
395                                 if (prevIndexWithAlt >= 0 && prevIndexWithAlt < (i-1))
396                                 {
397                                         final int gapLen = i - prevIndexWithAlt;
398                                         final int cellIndex1 = inCornerIndex + prevIndexWithAlt * inInc;
399                                         final double alt1 = inTerrainTrack.getPoint(cellIndex1).getAltitude().getMetricValue();
400                                         final int cellIndex2 = inCornerIndex + i * inInc;
401                                         final double alt2 = inTerrainTrack.getPoint(cellIndex2).getAltitude().getMetricValue();
402                                         //System.out.println("Altitude along edge goes from " + alt1 + " (at " + prevIndexWithAlt + ") to " +
403                                         //              alt2 + " (at " + i + ")");
404                                         for (int j = 1; j < gapLen; j++)
405                                         {
406                                                 final double alt = alt1 + (alt2-alt1) * j / gapLen;
407                                                 //System.out.println("Fill in " + (prevIndexWithAlt + j) + "(" + (inCornerIndex + (prevIndexWithAlt + j) * inInc) + ")  with alt " + (int) alt);
408                                                 final DataPoint p = inTerrainTrack.getPoint(inCornerIndex + (prevIndexWithAlt + j) * inInc);
409                                                 p.setFieldValue(Field.ALTITUDE, "" + (int) alt, false);
410                                                 // TODO: Check forcing metres?
411                                         }
412                                 }
413                                 prevIndexWithAlt = i;
414                         }
415                 }
416         }
418         /**
419          * Try to fix bigger holes by interpolating between neighbours
420          * @param inTerrainTrack terrain track
421          */
422         private void fixBiggerHoles(Track inTerrainTrack)
423         {
424                 TerrainPatch patch = new TerrainPatch(_gridSize);
425                 for (int i=0; i<_gridSize; i++)
426                 {
427                         int prevHoriz = -1, prevVert = -1;
428                         for (int j=0; j<_gridSize; j++)
429                         {
430                                 if (inTerrainTrack.getPoint(i * _gridSize + j).hasAltitude())
431                                 {
432                                         if (prevHoriz > -1 && prevHoriz != (j-1))
433                                         {
434                                                 //System.out.println("Found a gap for y=" + i +" between x=" + prevHoriz + " and " + j + " (" + (j-prevHoriz-1) + ")");
435                                                 double startVal = inTerrainTrack.getPoint(i * _gridSize + prevHoriz).getAltitude().getMetricValue();
436                                                 double endVal   = inTerrainTrack.getPoint(i * _gridSize + j).getAltitude().getMetricValue();
437                                                 for (int k=prevHoriz + 1; k< j; k++)
438                                                 {
439                                                         double val = startVal + (k-prevHoriz) * (endVal-startVal) / (j-prevHoriz);
440                                                         patch.addAltitude(i * _gridSize + k, val, k-prevHoriz, j-prevHoriz);
441                                                 }
442                                         }
443                                         prevHoriz = j;
444                                 }
445                                 if (inTerrainTrack.getPoint(j * _gridSize + i).hasAltitude())
446                                 {
447                                         if (prevVert > -1 && prevVert != (j-1))
448                                         {
449                                                 //System.out.println("Found a gap for x=" + i +" between y=" + prevVert + " and " + j + " (" + (j-prevVert-1) + ")");
450                                                 double startVal = inTerrainTrack.getPoint(prevVert * _gridSize + i).getAltitude().getMetricValue();
451                                                 double endVal   = inTerrainTrack.getPoint(j * _gridSize + i).getAltitude().getMetricValue();
452                                                 for (int k=prevVert + 1; k< j; k++)
453                                                 {
454                                                         double val = startVal + (k-prevVert) * (endVal-startVal) / (j-prevVert);
455                                                         patch.addAltitude(k * _gridSize + i, val, k-prevVert, j-prevVert);
456                                                 }
457                                         }
458                                         prevVert = j;
459                                 }
460                         }
461                 }
462                 // Smooth the patch to reduce the blocky effect from the voids
463                 patch.smooth();
465                 // Now the doubles have been set and averaged, we can set the values in the points
466                 for (int i=0; i<inTerrainTrack.getNumPoints(); i++)
467                 {
468                         DataPoint p = inTerrainTrack.getPoint(i);
469                         if (!p.hasAltitude())
470                         {
471                                 final double altitude = patch.getAltitude(i);
472                                 p.setFieldValue(Field.ALTITUDE, "" + altitude, false);
473                                 p.getAltitude().reset(new Altitude((int) altitude, UnitSetLibrary.UNITS_METRES));
474                         }
475                 }
476         }
477 }