Uses of Class

Packages that use Entry

Uses of Entry in com.pras

Methods in com.pras that return Entry
 Entry WorkSheet.getEntry()
          Get Entry instance for this WorkSheet.
 Entry SpreadSheet.getEntry()
          Get Entry Object of SpreadSheet Feed.

Methods in com.pras with parameters of type Entry
 void WorkSheet.setEntry(Entry entry)
          Set Feed Entry instance
 void SpreadSheet.setEntry(Entry entry)
          Set Entry Object of SpreadSheet Feed.

Constructors in com.pras with parameters of type Entry
SpreadSheet(Entry entry)

Uses of Entry in com.pras.sp

Methods in com.pras.sp that return types with arguments of type Entry
 java.util.ArrayList<Entry> Feed.getEntries()

Methods in com.pras.sp with parameters of type Entry
 void Feed.addEntry(Entry e)