Uses of Class

Packages that use Record

Uses of Record in com.pras

Methods in com.pras that return types with arguments of type Record
 java.util.ArrayList<Record> WorkSheet.getRecords()
          Get Cached Data (previously retrieved from server)
 java.util.ArrayList<Record> WorkSheet.getRecords(java.lang.String key)
          Get data stored in this WorkSheet
 java.util.ArrayList<Record> WorkSheet.getRecords(java.lang.String key, boolean doReverse, java.lang.String sq, java.lang.String orderBy)
          Get data stored in this WorkSheet.
 java.util.ArrayList<Record> WorkSheet.getRecords(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String sq)

Methods in com.pras with parameters of type Record
 void WorkSheet.deleteRecord(Record record)
          Delete a Record
 void WorkSheet.updateRecord(Record record)
          Record instance you want to Update Keep only those data which you want to update for this record

Uses of Record in com.pras.table

Methods in com.pras.table that return types with arguments of type Record
 java.util.ArrayList<Record> Table.getRecords()

Methods in com.pras.table with parameters of type Record
 void Table.addRecord(Record data)

Method parameters in com.pras.table with type arguments of type Record
 void Table.setRecords(java.util.ArrayList<Record> records)