//##header J2SE15 /* ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1996-2009, International Business Machines Corporation and * * others. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************* */ package com.ibm.icu.dev.test.format; import com.ibm.icu.dev.test.*; import com.ibm.icu.text.*; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.*; import com.ibm.icu.impl.Utility; /** * @test * General test of Big NumberFormat */ public class BigNumberFormatTest extends TestFmwk { static final int ILLEGAL = -1; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new BigNumberFormatTest().run(args); } public void TestExponent() { DecimalFormatSymbols US = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US); DecimalFormat fmt1 = new DecimalFormat("0.###E0", US); DecimalFormat fmt2 = new DecimalFormat("0.###E+0", US); Number n = new Long(1234); expect(fmt1, n, "1.234E3"); expect(fmt2, n, "1.234E+3"); expect(fmt1, "1.234E3", n); expect(fmt1, "1.234E+3", n); // Either format should parse "E+3" expect(fmt2, "1.234E+3", n); } /** * Test the functioning of the secondary grouping value. */ public void TestSecondaryGrouping() { DecimalFormatSymbols US = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US); DecimalFormat f = new DecimalFormat("#,##,###", US); expect(f, new Long(123456789), "12,34,56,789"); expectPat(f, "#,##,###"); f.applyPattern("#,###"); f.setSecondaryGroupingSize(4); expect(f, new Long(123456789), "12,3456,789"); expectPat(f, "#,####,###"); // On Sun JDK 1.2-1.3, the hi_IN locale uses '0' for a zero digit, // but on IBM JDK 1.2-1.3, the locale uses U+0966. f = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("hi", "IN")); String str = transmute("1,87,65,43,210", f.getDecimalFormatSymbols().getZeroDigit()); expect(f, new Long(1876543210), str); } private void expectPad(DecimalFormat fmt, String pat, int pos) { expectPad(fmt, pat, pos, 0, (char)0); } private void expectPad(DecimalFormat fmt, String pat, int pos, int width, char pad) { int apos = 0, awidth = 0; char apad = 0; try { fmt.applyPattern(pat); apos = fmt.getPadPosition(); awidth = fmt.getFormatWidth(); apad = fmt.getPadCharacter(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { apos = -1; awidth = width; apad = pad; } if (apos == pos && awidth == width && apad == pad) { logln("Ok \"" + pat + "\" pos=" + apos + ((pos == -1) ? "" : " width=" + awidth + " pad=" + apad)); } else { logln("FAIL \"" + pat + "\" pos=" + apos + " width=" + awidth + " pad=" + apad + ", expected " + pos + " " + width + " " + pad); } } /** */ public void TestPatterns() { DecimalFormatSymbols US = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US); DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("#", US); expectPad(fmt, "*^#", DecimalFormat.PAD_BEFORE_PREFIX, 1, '^'); expectPad(fmt, "$*^#", DecimalFormat.PAD_AFTER_PREFIX, 2, '^'); expectPad(fmt, "#*^", DecimalFormat.PAD_BEFORE_SUFFIX, 1, '^'); expectPad(fmt, "#$*^", DecimalFormat.PAD_AFTER_SUFFIX, 2, '^'); expectPad(fmt, "$*^$#", ILLEGAL); expectPad(fmt, "#$*^$", ILLEGAL); expectPad(fmt, "'pre'#,##0*x'post'", DecimalFormat.PAD_BEFORE_SUFFIX, 12, 'x'); expectPad(fmt, "''#0*x", DecimalFormat.PAD_BEFORE_SUFFIX, 3, 'x'); expectPad(fmt, "'I''ll'*a###.##", DecimalFormat.PAD_AFTER_PREFIX, 10, 'a'); fmt.applyPattern("AA#,##0.00ZZ"); fmt.setPadCharacter('^'); fmt.setFormatWidth(10); fmt.setPadPosition(DecimalFormat.PAD_BEFORE_PREFIX); expectPat(fmt, "*^AA#,##0.00ZZ"); fmt.setPadPosition(DecimalFormat.PAD_BEFORE_SUFFIX); expectPat(fmt, "AA#,##0.00*^ZZ"); fmt.setPadPosition(DecimalFormat.PAD_AFTER_SUFFIX); expectPat(fmt, "AA#,##0.00ZZ*^"); // 12 3456789012 String exp = "AA*^#,##0.00ZZ"; fmt.setFormatWidth(12); fmt.setPadPosition(DecimalFormat.PAD_AFTER_PREFIX); expectPat(fmt, exp); fmt.setFormatWidth(13); // 12 34567890123 expectPat(fmt, "AA*^##,##0.00ZZ"); fmt.setFormatWidth(14); // 12 345678901234 expectPat(fmt, "AA*^###,##0.00ZZ"); fmt.setFormatWidth(15); // 12 3456789012345 expectPat(fmt, "AA*^####,##0.00ZZ"); // This is the interesting case fmt.setFormatWidth(16); // 12 34567890123456 expectPat(fmt, "AA*^#,###,##0.00ZZ"); } private void expectPat(DecimalFormat fmt, String exp) { String pat = fmt.toPattern(); if (pat.equals(exp)) { logln("Ok \"" + pat + '"'); } else { errln("FAIL \"" + pat + "\", expected \"" + exp + '"'); } } /** * Test the handling of the AlphaWorks BigDecimal */ public void TestAlphaBigDecimal() { DecimalFormatSymbols US = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US); /*For ICU compatibility [Richard/GCL]*/ expect(NumberFormat.getScientificInstance(Locale.US), new Number[] { new com.ibm.icu.math.BigDecimal("12345.678901"), }, "1.2345678901E4"); expect(new DecimalFormat("##0.####E0", US), new Number[] { new com.ibm.icu.math.BigDecimal("12345.4999"), new com.ibm.icu.math.BigDecimal("12344.5001"), }, "12.345E3"); expect(new DecimalFormat("##0.####E0", US), new Number[] { new com.ibm.icu.math.BigDecimal("12345.5000"), new com.ibm.icu.math.BigDecimal("12346.5000"), }, "12.346E3"); } /** */ public void TestScientific() { DecimalFormatSymbols US = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US); /*For ICU compatibility [Richard/GCL]*/ expect(NumberFormat.getScientificInstance(Locale.US), new Number[] { new Double(12345.678901), new java.math.BigDecimal("12345.678901"), }, "1.2345678901E4"); expect(new DecimalFormat("##0.###E0", US), new Double(12345), "12.34E3"); expect(new DecimalFormat("##0.###E0", US), new Double(12345.00001), "12.35E3"); expect(new DecimalFormat("##0.####E0", US), new Number[] { new Integer(12345), new Long(12345), new java.math.BigDecimal("12345.4999"), new java.math.BigDecimal("12344.5001"), }, "12.345E3"); expect(new DecimalFormat("##0.####E0", US), new Number[] { new java.math.BigDecimal("12345.5000"), new java.math.BigDecimal("12346.5000"), }, "12.346E3"); /*For ICU compatibility [Richard/GCL]*/ expect(NumberFormat.getScientificInstance(Locale.FRANCE), new Double(12345.678901), "1,2345678901E4"); expect(new DecimalFormat("##0.####E0", US), new Double(789.12345e-9), "789.12E-9"); expect(new DecimalFormat("##0.####E0", US), new Double(780.e-9), "780E-9"); expect(new DecimalFormat(".###E0", US), new Double(45678), ".457E5"); expect(new DecimalFormat(".###E0", US), new Long(0), ".0E0"); expect(new DecimalFormat[] { new DecimalFormat("#E0", US), new DecimalFormat("##E0", US), new DecimalFormat("####E0", US), new DecimalFormat("0E0", US), new DecimalFormat("00E0", US), new DecimalFormat("000E0", US), }, new Long(45678000), new String[] { "4.5678E7", "45.678E6", "4567.8E4", "5E7", "46E6", "457E5", } ); expect(new DecimalFormat("###E0", US), new Object[] { new Double(0.0000123), "12.3E-6", new Double(0.000123), "123E-6", new java.math.BigDecimal("0.00123"), "1.23E-3", // Cafe VM messes up Double(0.00123) new Double(0.0123), "12.3E-3", new Double(0.123), "123E-3", new Double(1.23), "1.23E0", new Double(12.3), "12.3E0", new Double(123), "123E0", new Double(1230), "1.23E3", }); expect(new DecimalFormat("0.#E+00", US), new Object[] { new Double(0.00012), "1.2E-04", new Long(12000), "1.2E+04", }); } /** */ public void TestPad() { DecimalFormatSymbols US = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US); expect(new DecimalFormat("*^##.##", US), new Object[] { new Long(0), "^^^^0", new Double(-1.3), "^-1.3", } ); expect(new DecimalFormat("##0.0####E0*_ 'g-m/s^2'", US), new Object[] { new Long(0), "0.0E0______ g-m/s^2", new Double(1.0/3), "333.333E-3_ g-m/s^2", } ); expect(new DecimalFormat("##0.0####*_ 'g-m/s^2'", US), new Object[] { new Long(0), "0.0______ g-m/s^2", new Double(1.0/3), "0.33333__ g-m/s^2", } ); expect(new DecimalFormat("*x#,###,###,##0.00;*x(#,###,###,##0.00)", US), new Object[] { new Long(-100), "xxxxxxxx(100.00)", new Long(-1000), "xxxxxx(1,000.00)", new Long(-1000000), "xx(1,000,000.00)", new Long(-1000000000), "(1,000,000,000.00)", }); } private void expect(NumberFormat fmt, Object[] data) { for (int i=0; i= '0' && c <= '9') { c = (char) (c - '0' + zero); } buf.append(c); } return buf.toString(); } public void Test4161100() { NumberFormat f = NumberFormat.getInstance(); f.setMinimumFractionDigits(1); f.setMaximumFractionDigits(1); double a = -0.09; String s = f.format(a); logln(a + " x " + ((DecimalFormat) f).toPattern() + " = " + s); if (!s.equals("-0.1")) { errln("FAIL"); } } public void TestBigDecimalJ28() { String[] DATA = { "1", "1E0", "-1", "-1E0", "0", "0E0", "12e34", "1.2E35", "-12.3e-45", "-1.23E-44", "0.73e-7", "7.3E-8", }; NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getScientificInstance(Locale.US); logln("Pattern: " + ((DecimalFormat)fmt).toPattern()); for (int i=0; i