/* ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1996-2009, International Business Machines Corporation and * * others. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************* */ package com.ibm.icu.text; import java.text.CharacterIterator; import com.ibm.icu.impl.CharacterIteratorWrapper; import com.ibm.icu.impl.ReplaceableUCharacterIterator; import com.ibm.icu.impl.UCharArrayIterator; import com.ibm.icu.impl.UCharacterIteratorWrapper; import com.ibm.icu.impl.UCharacterProperty; /** * Abstract class that defines an API for iteration on text objects.This is an * interface for forward and backward iteration and random access into a text * object. Forward iteration is done with post-increment and backward iteration * is done with pre-decrement semantics, while the * java.text.CharacterIterator interface methods provided forward * iteration with "pre-increment" and backward iteration with pre-decrement * semantics. This API is more efficient for forward iteration over code points. * The other major difference is that this API can do both code unit and code point * iteration, java.text.CharacterIterator can only iterate over * code units and is limited to BMP (0 - 0xFFFF) * @author Ram * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public abstract class UCharacterIterator implements Cloneable,UForwardCharacterIterator { /** * Protected default constructor for the subclasses * @stable ICU 2.4 */ protected UCharacterIterator(){ } // static final methods ---------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns a UCharacterIterator object given a * Replaceable object. * @param source a valid source as a Replaceable object * @return UCharacterIterator object * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the argument is null * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public static final UCharacterIterator getInstance(Replaceable source){ return new ReplaceableUCharacterIterator(source); } /** * Returns a UCharacterIterator object given a * source string. * @param source a string * @return UCharacterIterator object * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the argument is null * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public static final UCharacterIterator getInstance(String source){ return new ReplaceableUCharacterIterator(source); } /** * Returns a UCharacterIterator object given a * source character array. * @param source an array of UTF-16 code units * @return UCharacterIterator object * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the argument is null * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public static final UCharacterIterator getInstance(char[] source){ return getInstance(source,0,source.length); } /** * Returns a UCharacterIterator object given a * source character array. * @param source an array of UTF-16 code units * @return UCharacterIterator object * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the argument is null * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public static final UCharacterIterator getInstance(char[] source, int start, int limit){ return new UCharArrayIterator(source,start,limit); } /** * Returns a UCharacterIterator object given a * source StringBuffer. * @param source an string buffer of UTF-16 code units * @return UCharacterIterator object * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the argument is null * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public static final UCharacterIterator getInstance(StringBuffer source){ return new ReplaceableUCharacterIterator(source); } /** * Returns a UCharacterIterator object given a * CharacterIterator. * @param source a valid CharacterIterator object. * @return UCharacterIterator object * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the argument is null * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public static final UCharacterIterator getInstance(CharacterIterator source){ return new CharacterIteratorWrapper(source); } // public methods ---------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns a java.text.CharacterIterator object for * the underlying text of this iterator. The returned iterator is * independent of this iterator. * @return java.text.CharacterIterator object * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public CharacterIterator getCharacterIterator(){ return new UCharacterIteratorWrapper(this); } /** * Returns the code unit at the current index. If index is out * of range, returns DONE. Index is not changed. * @return current code unit * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public abstract int current(); /** * Returns the codepoint at the current index. * If the current index is invalid, DONE is returned. * If the current index points to a lead surrogate, and there is a following * trail surrogate, then the code point is returned. Otherwise, the code * unit at index is returned. Index is not changed. * @return current codepoint * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public int currentCodePoint(){ int ch = current(); if(UTF16.isLeadSurrogate((char)ch)){ // advance the index to get the // next code point next(); // due to post increment semantics // current() after next() actually // returns the char we want int ch2 = current(); // current should never change // the current index so back off previous(); if(UTF16.isTrailSurrogate((char)ch2)){ // we found a surrogate pair // return the codepoint return UCharacterProperty.getRawSupplementary( (char)ch,(char)ch2 ); } } return ch; } /** * Returns the length of the text * @return length of the text * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public abstract int getLength(); /** * Gets the current index in text. * @return current index in text. * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public abstract int getIndex(); /** * Returns the UTF16 code unit at index, and increments to the next * code unit (post-increment semantics). If index is out of * range, DONE is returned, and the iterator is reset to the limit * of the text. * @return the next UTF16 code unit, or DONE if the index is at the limit * of the text. * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public abstract int next(); /** * Returns the code point at index, and increments to the next code * point (post-increment semantics). If index does not point to a * valid surrogate pair, the behavior is the same as * next(). Otherwise the iterator is incremented past * the surrogate pair, and the code point represented by the pair * is returned. * @return the next codepoint in text, or DONE if the index is at * the limit of the text. * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public int nextCodePoint(){ int ch1 = next(); if(UTF16.isLeadSurrogate((char)ch1)){ int ch2 = next(); if(UTF16.isTrailSurrogate((char)ch2)){ return UCharacterProperty.getRawSupplementary((char)ch1, (char)ch2); }else if (ch2 != DONE) { // unmatched surrogate so back out previous(); } } return ch1; } /** * Decrement to the position of the previous code unit in the * text, and return it (pre-decrement semantics). If the * resulting index is less than 0, the index is reset to 0 and * DONE is returned. * @return the previous code unit in the text, or DONE if the new * index is before the start of the text. * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public abstract int previous(); /** * Retreat to the start of the previous code point in the text, * and return it (pre-decrement semantics). If the index is not * preceeded by a valid surrogate pair, the behavior is the same * as previous(). Otherwise the iterator is * decremented to the start of the surrogate pair, and the code * point represented by the pair is returned. * @return the previous code point in the text, or DONE if the new * index is before the start of the text. * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public int previousCodePoint(){ int ch1 = previous(); if(UTF16.isTrailSurrogate((char)ch1)){ int ch2 = previous(); if(UTF16.isLeadSurrogate((char)ch2)){ return UCharacterProperty.getRawSupplementary((char)ch2, (char)ch1); }else if (ch2 != DONE) { //unmatched trail surrogate so back out next(); } } return ch1; } /** * Sets the index to the specified index in the text. * @param index the index within the text. * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if an invalid index is * supplied * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public abstract void setIndex(int index); /** * Sets the current index to the limit. * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public void setToLimit() { setIndex(getLength()); } /** * Sets the current index to the start. * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public void setToStart() { setIndex(0); } /** * Fills the buffer with the underlying text storage of the iterator * If the buffer capacity is not enough a exception is thrown. The capacity * of the fill in buffer should at least be equal to length of text in the * iterator obtained by calling getLength()Usage: * * *
     *         UChacterIterator iter = new UCharacterIterator.getInstance(text);
     *         char[] buf = new char[iter.getLength()];
     *         iter.getText(buf);
     *         OR
     *         char[] buf= new char[1];
     *         int len = 0;
     *         for(;;){
     *             try{
     *                 len = iter.getText(buf);
     *                 break;
     *             }catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e){
     *                 buf = new char[iter.getLength()];
     *             }
     *         }
* * @param fillIn an array of chars to fill with the underlying UTF-16 code * units. * @param offset the position within the array to start putting the data. * @return the number of code units added to fillIn, as a convenience * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException exception if there is not enough * room after offset in the array, or if offset < 0. * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public abstract int getText(char[] fillIn, int offset); /** * Convenience override for getText(char[], int)>/code> that provides * an offset of 0. * @param fillIn an array of chars to fill with the underlying UTF-16 code * units. * @return the number of code units added to fillIn, as a convenience * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException exception if there is not enough * room in the array. * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public final int getText(char[] fillIn) { return getText(fillIn, 0); } /** * Convenience method for returning the underlying text storage as as string * @return the underlying text storage in the iterator as a string * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public String getText() { char[] text = new char[getLength()]; getText(text); return new String(text); } /** * Moves the current position by the number of code units * specified, either forward or backward depending on the sign * of delta (positive or negative respectively). If the resulting * index would be less than zero, the index is set to zero, and if * the resulting index would be greater than limit, the index is * set to limit. * * @param delta the number of code units to move the current * index. * @return the new index. * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if an invalid index is * supplied * @stable ICU 2.4 * */ public int moveIndex(int delta) { int x = Math.max(0, Math.min(getIndex() + delta, getLength())); setIndex(x); return x; } /** * Moves the current position by the number of code points * specified, either forward or backward depending on the sign of * delta (positive or negative respectively). If the current index * is at a trail surrogate then the first adjustment is by code * unit, and the remaining adjustments are by code points. If the * resulting index would be less than zero, the index is set to * zero, and if the resulting index would be greater than limit, * the index is set to limit. * @param delta the number of code units to move the current index. * @return the new index * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if an invalid delta is * supplied * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public int moveCodePointIndex(int delta){ if(delta>0){ while(delta>0 && nextCodePoint() != DONE){delta--;} }else{ while(delta<0 && previousCodePoint() != DONE){delta++;} } if(delta!=0){ throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } return getIndex(); } /** * Creates a copy of this iterator, independent from other iterators. * If it is not possible to clone the iterator, returns null. * @return copy of this iterator * @stable ICU 2.4 */ public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException{ return super.clone(); } }