package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class EnWiktionaryXmlParser { static final Pattern partOfSpeechHeader = Pattern.compile( "Noun|Verb|Adjective|Adverb|Pronoun|Conjunction|Interjection|" + "Preposition|Proper noun|Article|Prepositional phrase|Acronym|" + "Abbreviation|Initialism|Contraction|Prefix|Suffix|Symbol|Letter|" + "Ligature|Idiom|Phrase|" + // These are @deprecated: "Noun form|Verb form|Adjective form|Nominal phrase|Noun phrase|" + "Verb phrase|Transitive verb|Intransitive verb|Reflexive verb|" + // These are extras I found: "Determiner|Numeral|Number|Cardinal number|Ordinal number|Proverb|" + "Particle|Interjection|Pronominal adverb" + "Han character|Hanzi|Hanja|Kanji|Katakana character|Syllable"); final IndexBuilder enIndexBuilder; final IndexBuilder otherIndexBuilder; final Pattern langPattern; final Pattern langCodePattern; final boolean swap; public EnWiktionaryXmlParser(final IndexBuilder enIndexBuilder, final IndexBuilder otherIndexBuilder, final Pattern langPattern, final Pattern langCodePattern, final boolean swap) { this.enIndexBuilder = enIndexBuilder; this.otherIndexBuilder = otherIndexBuilder; this.langPattern = langPattern; this.langCodePattern = langCodePattern; this.swap = swap; } public void parse(final File file, final int pageLimit) throws IOException { int pageCount = 0; final DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))); while (true) { if (pageLimit >= 0 && pageCount >= pageLimit) { return; } final String title; try { title = dis.readUTF(); } catch (EOFException e) { dis.close(); return; } final String heading = dis.readUTF(); final int bytesLength = dis.readInt(); final byte[] bytes = new byte[bytesLength]; dis.readFully(bytes); final String text = new String(bytes, "UTF8"); parseSection(title, heading, text); ++pageCount; if (pageCount % 1000 == 0) { System.out.println("pageCount=" + pageCount); } } } private void parseSection(final String title, final String heading, final String text) { if (title.startsWith("Wiktionary:") || title.startsWith("Template:") || title.startsWith("Appendix:") || title.startsWith("Category:") || title.startsWith("Index:") || title.startsWith("MediaWiki:") || title.startsWith("TransWiki:") || title.startsWith("Citations:") || title.startsWith("Concordance:") || title.startsWith("Help:")) { return; } if (heading.replaceAll("=", "").equals("English")) { doEnglishWord(title, text); } else { doForeignWord(title, text); } } // endPage() // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- String pos = null; int posDepth = -1; private void doEnglishWord(String title, String text) { final WikiLineReader wikiLineReader = new WikiLineReader(text); String line; while ((line = wikiLineReader.readLine()) != null) { final WikiHeading wikiHeading = WikiHeading.getHeading(line); if (wikiHeading != null) { if (wikiHeading.depth <= posDepth) { pos = null; posDepth = -1; } if (partOfSpeechHeader.matcher( { posDepth = wikiHeading.depth; pos =; } else if ("Translations")) { doTranslations(title, wikiLineReader); } else if ("Pronunciation")) { //doPronunciation(wikiLineReader); } } } } private static Set encodings = new LinkedHashSet(Arrays.asList("zh-ts", "sd-Arab", "ku-Arab", "Arab", "unicode", "Laoo", "ur-Arab", "Thai", "fa-Arab", "Khmr", "zh-tsp", "Cyrl", "IPAchar", "ug-Arab", "ko-inline", "Jpan", "Kore", "Hebr", "rfscript", "Beng", "Mong", "Knda", "Cyrs", "yue-tsj", "Mlym", "Tfng", "Grek", "yue-yue-j")); private void doTranslations(final String title, final WikiLineReader wikiLineReader) { String line; String sense = null; boolean done = false; while ((line = wikiLineReader.readLine()) != null) { if (WikiHeading.getHeading(line) != null) { wikiLineReader.stuffLine(line); return; } if (done) { continue; } // Check whether we care about this line: //line = WikiLineReader.removeSquareBrackets(line); if (line.startsWith("{{")) { WikiFunction wikiFunction; while ((wikiFunction = WikiFunction.getFunction(line)) != null) { if ("trans-top")) { sense = null; if (wikiFunction.args.size() >= 1) { sense = wikiFunction.args.get(0); //System.out.println("Sense: " + sense); } } else if ("trans-bottom")) { sense = null; } else if ("trans-mid")) { } else if ("trans-see")) { } else if ("checktrans")) { done = true; } else { System.err.println("Unexpected translation wikifunction: " + line + ", title=" + title); } line = wikiFunction.replaceWith(line, ""); } } else if (line.startsWith("*")) { // This line could produce an output... // First strip the language and check whether it matches. // And hold onto it for sub-lines. final int colonIndex = line.indexOf(":"); if (colonIndex == -1) { continue; } final String lang = line.substring(0, colonIndex); if (!this.langPattern.matcher(lang).find()) { continue; } String rest = line.substring(colonIndex + 1).trim(); doTranslationLine(line, title, sense, rest); } else if (line.equals("")) { } else if (line.startsWith(":")) { } else if (line.startsWith("[[") && line.endsWith("]]")) { } else if (line.startsWith("''See''")) { } else if (line.startsWith("''")) { } else if (line.equals("----")) { } else { System.err.println("Unexpected translation line: " + line + ", title=" + title); } } } private void doTranslationLine(final String line, final String title, final String sense, String rest) { // Good chance we'll actually file this one... final PairEntry pairEntry = new PairEntry(); final IndexedEntry indexedEntry = new IndexedEntry(pairEntry); final StringBuilder otherText = new StringBuilder(); WikiFunction wikiFunction; while ((wikiFunction = WikiFunction.getFunction(rest)) != null) { if (wikiFunction.start > 0) { String plainText = rest.substring(0, wikiFunction.start); otherText.append("").append(plainText); otherIndexBuilder.addEntryWithString(indexedEntry, plainText, EntryTypeName.WIKTIONARY_OTHER_TEXT); } rest = rest.substring(wikiFunction.end); if ("t") ||"t+") ||"t-") ||"tø")) { if (wikiFunction.args.size() < 2) { System.err.println("{{t}} with too few args: " + line + ", title=" + title); continue; } final String langCode = wikiFunction.getArg(0); if (this.langCodePattern.matcher(langCode).matches()) { final String word = wikiFunction.getArg(1); final String gender = wikiFunction.getArg(2); final String transliteration = wikiFunction.getNamedArg("tr"); if (otherText.length() > 0) { otherText.append(""); } otherText.append(word); otherIndexBuilder.addEntryWithString(indexedEntry, word, EntryTypeName.WIKTIONARY_TITLE_SINGLE, EntryTypeName.WIKTIONARY_TITLE_MULTI); if (gender != null) { otherText.append(String.format(" {%s}", gender)); } if (transliteration != null) { otherText.append(String.format(" (tr. %s)", transliteration)); otherIndexBuilder.addEntryWithString(indexedEntry, transliteration, EntryTypeName.WIKTIONARY_TRANSLITERATION); } } } else if ("qualifier")) { String qualifier = wikiFunction.getArg(0); if (!wikiFunction.namedArgs.isEmpty() || wikiFunction.args.size() > 1) { System.err.println("weird qualifier: " + line); } otherText.append("(").append(qualifier).append(")"); } else if (encodings.contains( { otherText.append("").append(wikiFunction.getArg(0)); otherIndexBuilder.addEntryWithString(indexedEntry, wikiFunction.getArg(0), EntryTypeName.WIKTIONARY_OTHER_TEXT); } else if ("m") ||"f") ||"n")) { otherText.append("{"); otherText.append(; for (int i = 0; i < wikiFunction.args.size(); ++i) { otherText.append("|").append(wikiFunction.getArg(i)); } otherText.append("}"); } else if ("g")) { otherText.append("{g}"); } else if ("l")) { // encodes text in various langs. // lang is arg 0. otherText.append("").append(wikiFunction.getArg(1)); otherIndexBuilder.addEntryWithString(indexedEntry, wikiFunction.getArg(1), EntryTypeName.WIKTIONARY_OTHER_TEXT); // TODO: transliteration } else if ("term")) { // cross-reference to another dictionary otherText.append("").append(wikiFunction.getArg(0)); otherIndexBuilder.addEntryWithString(indexedEntry, wikiFunction.getArg(0), EntryTypeName.WIKTIONARY_OTHER_TEXT); // TODO: transliteration } else if ("italbrac") ||"gloss")) { // TODO: put this text aside to use it. otherText.append("[").append(wikiFunction.getArg(0)).append("]"); otherIndexBuilder.addEntryWithString(indexedEntry, wikiFunction.getArg(0), EntryTypeName.WIKTIONARY_OTHER_TEXT); } else if ("ttbc")) { } else if ("trreq")) { } else if ("not used")) { otherText.append("(not used)"); } else if ("t-image")) { // American sign language } else if (wikiFunction.args.isEmpty() && wikiFunction.namedArgs.isEmpty()) { otherText.append("{UNK. FUNC.: ").append("}"); } else { System.err.println("Unexpected t+- wikifunction: " + line + ", title=" + title); } } String plainText = rest; otherText.append("").append(plainText); otherIndexBuilder.addEntryWithString(indexedEntry, plainText, EntryTypeName.WIKTIONARY_OTHER_TEXT); StringBuilder englishText = new StringBuilder(); englishText.append(title); if (sense != null) { englishText.append(" (").append(sense).append(")"); enIndexBuilder.addEntryWithString(indexedEntry, sense, EntryTypeName.WIKTIONARY_TRANSLATION_SENSE, EntryTypeName.WIKTIONARY_TRANSLATION_SENSE); } if (pos != null) { englishText.append(" (").append(pos.toLowerCase()).append(")"); } enIndexBuilder.addEntryWithString(indexedEntry, title, EntryTypeName.WIKTIONARY_TITLE_SINGLE, EntryTypeName.WIKTIONARY_TITLE_MULTI); final Pair pair = new Pair(englishText.toString(), WikiParser.simpleParse(otherText.toString()), swap); pairEntry.pairs.add(pair); assert (pairsAdded.add(pair.toString())); if (pair.toString().equals("libero {m} :: free (adjective)")) { System.out.println(); } } Set pairsAdded = new LinkedHashSet(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void doForeignWord(String title, String text) { final WikiLineReader wikiLineReader = new WikiLineReader(text); String line; while ((line = wikiLineReader.readLine()) != null) { final WikiHeading wikiHeading = WikiHeading.getHeading(line); if (wikiHeading != null) { if ("Translations")) { System.err.println("Translations not in English section: " + title); } else if ("Pronunciation")) { //doPronunciation(wikiLineReader); } else if (partOfSpeechHeader.matcher( { doPartOfSpeech(title, wikiHeading, wikiLineReader); } } } } private void doPartOfSpeech(String title, final WikiHeading posHeading, WikiLineReader wikiLineReader) { String line; System.out.println("***" + title); System.out.println(; while ((line = wikiLineReader.readLine()) != null) { WikiHeading heading = WikiHeading.getHeading(line); if (heading != null) { if (heading.depth <= posHeading.depth) { wikiLineReader.stuffLine(line); return; } } System.out.println(line); } } }