package tim.prune.function.srtm; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Base64; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import tim.prune.App; import tim.prune.GenericFunction; import tim.prune.GpsPrune; import tim.prune.I18nManager; import tim.prune.config.Config; import; import tim.prune.gui.ProgressDialog; /** * Class to provide a download function for the Space Shuttle's SRTM data files. * HGT files are downloaded into memory via HTTP and stored in the map cache. */ public class DownloadSrtmFunction extends GenericFunction implements Runnable { /** Progress dialog */ private ProgressDialog _progress = null; /** Flag to check whether this function is currently running or not */ private boolean _running = false; /** * Constructor * @param inApp App object */ public DownloadSrtmFunction(App inApp) { super(inApp); CookieHandler.setDefault(new CookieManager(null, CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ALL)); } /** @return name key */ public String getNameKey() { return "function.downloadsrtm"; } /** * Begin the download */ public void begin() { _running = true; if (_progress == null) { _progress = new ProgressDialog(_parentFrame, getNameKey()); }; // start new thread for time-consuming part new Thread(this).start(); } /** * Run method using separate thread */ public void run() { // Compile list of tiles to get ArrayList tileList = new ArrayList(); // First, loop to see which tiles are needed DoubleRange lonRange = _app.getTrackInfo().getTrack().getLonRange(); DoubleRange latRange = _app.getTrackInfo().getTrack().getLatRange(); final int minLon = (int) Math.floor(lonRange.getMinimum()); final int maxLon = (int) Math.floor(lonRange.getMaximum()); final int minLat = (int) Math.floor(latRange.getMinimum()); final int maxLat = (int) Math.floor(latRange.getMaximum()); for (int lon=minLon; lon<= maxLon; lon++) { for (int lat=minLat; lat <= maxLat; lat++) { SrtmTile tile = new SrtmTile(lat, lon); boolean alreadyGot = false; for (int t = 0; t < tileList.size(); t++) { if (tileList.get(t).equals(tile)) { alreadyGot = true; } } if (!alreadyGot) {tileList.add(tile);} } } downloadTiles(tileList); // Finished _running = false; } /** * Download the tiles of SRTM data * @param inTileList list of tiles to get */ private void downloadTiles(ArrayList inTileList) { // Update progress bar if (_progress != null) { // advance by 1 for HTTP connection open, then by 1 for every tenth of the download _progress.setMaximum(inTileList.size() * 11); _progress.setValue(0); } String errorMessage = null; // Check the cache is ok final String diskCachePath = Config.getConfigString(Config.KEY_DISK_CACHE); if (diskCachePath != null) { File srtmDir = new File(diskCachePath, "srtm"); if (!srtmDir.exists() && !srtmDir.mkdir()) { // can't create the srtm directory errorMessage = I18nManager.getText("error.downloadsrtm.nocache"); } } else { // no cache set up errorMessage = I18nManager.getText("error.downloadsrtm.nocache"); } // Get urls for each tile URL[] urls = TileFinder.getUrls(inTileList); int numDownloaded = 0; for (int t=0; t 0) { redirects--; conn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "GpsPrune v" + GpsPrune.VERSION_NUMBER); conn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", auth); conn.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false); conn.setUseCaches(false); int status = conn.getResponseCode(); if (status == 200) { inStream = conn.getInputStream(); fileLength = conn.getContentLengthLong(); break; } else if (status == 302) { // redirected to SSO server then back to original resource String newUrl = conn.getHeaderField("Location"); conn = (HttpURLConnection) (new URL(newUrl)).openConnection(); } else { throw new IOException("Invalid response from server: " +status+conn.getContent()); } } _progress.setValue(t * 10 + 1); outStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); // Copy all the bytes to the file int c; long written = 0L; while ((c = != -1) { outStream.write(c); written++; _progress.setValue(t * 10 + 1 + (int) ((10 * written) / fileLength)); } numDownloaded++; } else System.out.println("Don't need to download: " + urls[t].getFile()); } catch (IOException ioe) {errorMessage = ioe.getClass().getName() + " - " + ioe.getMessage(); } // Make sure streams are closed try {inStream.close();} catch (Exception e) {} try {outStream.close();} catch (Exception e) {} } } _progress.dispose(); if (_progress.isCancelled()) { return; } if (errorMessage != null) { _app.showErrorMessageNoLookup(getNameKey(), errorMessage); } else if (numDownloaded == 1) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(_parentFrame, I18nManager.getTextWithNumber("confirm.downloadsrtm.1", numDownloaded), I18nManager.getText(getNameKey()), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } else if (numDownloaded > 1) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(_parentFrame, I18nManager.getTextWithNumber("confirm.downloadsrtm", numDownloaded), I18nManager.getText(getNameKey()), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } else if (inTileList.size() > 0) { _app.showErrorMessage(getNameKey(), "confirm.downloadsrtm.none"); } } /** * See whether the SRTM file is already available locally * @param inUrl URL for online resource * @return file object to write to, or null if already there */ private static File getFileToWrite(URL inUrl) { String diskCachePath = Config.getConfigString(Config.KEY_DISK_CACHE); if (diskCachePath != null) { File srtmDir = new File(diskCachePath, "srtm"); if (srtmDir.exists() && srtmDir.isDirectory() && srtmDir.canRead()) { File srtmFile = new File(srtmDir, new File(inUrl.getFile()).getName()); if (!srtmFile.exists() || !srtmFile.canRead() || srtmFile.length() <= 400) { return srtmFile; } } } return null; } /** * @return true if a thread is currently running */ public boolean isRunning() { return _running; } }