set -e if [ -z $ICU4J ]; then ICU4J=/usr/share/java/icu4j.jar ICU4J=/usr/share/java/ test -r "$ICU4J" || ICU4J=/usr/share/icu4j-55/lib/icu4j.jar fi if [ ! -r "$ICU4J" ] ; then echo "ICU4J needs to be installed" exit 1; fi if [ -z "$JUNIT" ]; then JUNIT=/usr/share/java/junit.jar test -r "$JUNIT" || JUNIT=/usr/share/junit/lib/junit.jar fi if [ ! -r "$JUNIT" ] ; then echo "Junit needs to be installed" exit 1; fi if [ -z "$COMMONS_LANG3" ]; then COMMONS_LANG3=/usr/share/java/commons-lang3.jar test -r "$COMMONS_LANG3" || COMMONS_LANG3=/usr/share/commons-lang-3.3/lib/commons-lang.jar fi if [ ! -r "$COMMONS_LANG3" ] ; then echo "commons-lang needs to be installed" exit 1; fi if [ -z "$COMMONS_COMPRESS" ]; then COMMONS_COMPRESS=/usr/share/java/commons-compress.jar fi if [ ! -r "$COMMONS_COMPRESS" ] ; then echo "commons-compress needs to be installed" exit 1; fi if [ ! -x ../Dictionary ] ; then echo "You need to clone the Dictionary repository (including subprojects) into .." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$JAVA" ]; then JAVA=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java fi if [ ! -r "$JAVA" ]; then echo "could not find java at $JAVA" exit 1 fi JAVAC=${JAVA}c if [ ! -r "$JAVAC" ]; then echo "could not find javac at $JAVAC" exit 1 fi