**** UI: X version number ! enter should hide keyboard icons done: add to wordlist should focus word (so next typing clears text). sideways keyboard appear. **** PC: ! {infl} ! always put defs in list... handle word-info in English. italian verbs... (show conjugation, pulled from a linked place....) done: better handling of language name in foreign sections (might need to append it if it isn't exact) sub-levels in translations. add unit test for: Errors: [Unmatched {{ error: * {{a|US}} {{IPA|[ˈfɔɹ.wɝd]]}} === Bad ordering: ===do=== do {{wikipedia|Do (nota)|lang=it}}{{infl|it|noun|g=m}} :: do, the musical note fare {{it-verb}} {{transitive}} :: To do **** code.google.com: ! Check analytics ! Upload dics **** Wiktionary: in wiktionary futurismo :: futurism () (noun)