]> gitweb.fperrin.net Git - GpsPrune.git/blob - tim/prune/lang/prune-texts.properties
Version 6, October 2008
[GpsPrune.git] / tim / prune / lang / prune-texts.properties
1 # Text entries for the Prune application
2 # English entries as default - others can be added
4 # Menu entries
5 menu.file=File
6 menu.file.open=Open file
7 menu.file.addphotos=Add photos
8 menu.file.loadfromgps=Load from GPS
9 menu.file.save=Save
10 menu.file.exportkml=Export KML
11 menu.file.exportgpx=Export GPX
12 menu.file.exportpov=Export POV
13 menu.file.exit=Exit
14 menu.edit=Edit
15 menu.edit.undo=Undo
16 menu.edit.clearundo=Clear undo list
17 menu.edit.editpoint=Edit point
18 menu.edit.editwaypointname=Edit waypoint name
19 menu.edit.deletepoint=Delete point
20 menu.edit.deleterange=Delete range
21 menu.edit.deleteduplicates=Delete duplicates
22 menu.edit.compress=Compress track
23 menu.edit.interpolate=Interpolate
24 menu.edit.reverse=Reverse range
25 menu.edit.addtimeoffset=Add time offset
26 menu.edit.mergetracksegments=Merge track segments
27 menu.edit.rearrange=Rearrange waypoints
28 menu.edit.rearrange.start=All to start of file
29 menu.edit.rearrange.end=All to end of file
30 menu.edit.rearrange.nearest=Each to nearest track point
31 menu.edit.cutandmove=Cut and move selection
32 menu.select=Select
33 menu.select.all=Select all
34 menu.select.none=Select none
35 menu.select.start=Set range start
36 menu.select.end=Set range end
37 menu.photo=Photo
38 menu.photo.saveexif=Save to Exif
39 menu.photo.connect=Connect to point
40 menu.photo.disconnect=Disconnect from point
41 menu.photo.correlate=Correlate all photos
42 menu.photo.delete=Remove photo
43 menu.view=View
44 menu.view.show3d=Show in three-D
45 menu.view.browser=Map in browser
46 menu.view.browser.google=Google maps
47 menu.view.browser.openstreetmap=Openstreetmap
48 menu.help=Help
49 menu.help.about=About Prune
50 menu.help.checkversion=Check for new version
51 # Popup menu for map
52 menu.map.zoomin=Zoom in
53 menu.map.zoomout=Zoom out
54 menu.map.zoomfull=Zoom to full scale
55 menu.map.newpoint=Create new point
56 menu.map.connect=Connect track points
57 menu.map.autopan=Autopan
58 menu.map.showmap=Show map
60 # Dialogs
61 dialog.exit.confirm.title=Exit Prune
62 dialog.exit.confirm.text=Your data is not saved. Are you sure you want to exit?
63 dialog.openappend.title=Append to existing data
64 dialog.openappend.text=Append this data to the data already loaded?
65 dialog.deletepoint.title=Delete Point
66 dialog.deletepoint.deletephoto=Delete photo attached to this point?
67 dialog.deletephoto.title=Delete Photo
68 dialog.deletephoto.deletepoint=Delete point attached to this photo?
69 dialog.deleteduplicates.title=Delete Duplicates
70 dialog.deleteduplicates.nonefound=No duplicates found
71 dialog.compresstrack.title=Compress Track
72 dialog.compresstrack.parameter.text=Parameter for compression (lower number = more compression)
73 dialog.compresstrack.nonefound=No data points could be removed
74 dialog.openoptions.title=Open options
75 dialog.openoptions.filesnippet=Extract of file
76 dialog.load.table.field=Field
77 dialog.load.table.datatype=Data Type
78 dialog.load.table.description=Description
79 dialog.delimiter.label=Field delimiter
80 dialog.delimiter.comma=Comma ,
81 dialog.delimiter.tab=Tab
82 dialog.delimiter.space=Space
83 dialog.delimiter.semicolon=Semicolon ;
84 dialog.delimiter.other=Other
85 dialog.openoptions.deliminfo.records=records, with
86 dialog.openoptions.deliminfo.fields=fields
87 dialog.openoptions.deliminfo.norecords=No records
88 dialog.openoptions.tabledesc=Extract of file
89 dialog.openoptions.altitudeunits=Altitude units
90 dialog.jpegload.subdirectories=Include subdirectories
91 dialog.jpegload.loadjpegswithoutcoords=Include photos without coordinates
92 dialog.jpegload.loadjpegsoutsidearea=Include photos outside current area
93 dialog.jpegload.progress.title=Loading photos
94 dialog.jpegload.progress=Please wait while the photos are searched
95 dialog.gpsload.title=Load from GPS
96 dialog.gpsload.nogpsbabel=No gpsbabel program could be found. Continue?
97 dialog.gpsload.device=Device name
98 dialog.gpsload.format=Format
99 dialog.gpsload.getwaypoints=Load waypoints
100 dialog.gpsload.gettracks=Load tracks
101 dialog.saveoptions.title=Save file
102 dialog.save.fieldstosave=Fields to save
103 dialog.save.table.field=Field
104 dialog.save.table.hasdata=Has data
105 dialog.save.table.save=Save
106 dialog.save.headerrow=Output header row
107 dialog.save.coordinateunits=Coordinate units
108 dialog.save.altitudeunits=Altitude units
109 dialog.save.timestampformat=Timestamp format
110 dialog.save.overwrite.title=File already exists
111 dialog.save.overwrite.text=This file already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite the file?
112 dialog.exportkml.title=Export KML
113 dialog.exportkml.text=Title for the data
114 dialog.exportkml.altitude=Include altitudes (for aviation)
115 dialog.exportkml.kmz=Compress to make kmz file
116 dialog.exportkml.exportimages=Export image thumbnails to kmz
117 dialog.exportgpx.title=Export GPX
118 dialog.exportgpx.name=Name
119 dialog.exportgpx.desc=Description
120 dialog.exportgpx.includetimestamps=Include timestamps
121 dialog.exportpov.title=Export POV
122 dialog.exportpov.text=Please enter the parameters for the POV export
123 dialog.exportpov.font=Font
124 dialog.exportpov.camerax=Camera X
125 dialog.exportpov.cameray=Camera Y
126 dialog.exportpov.cameraz=Camera Z
127 dialog.exportpov.modelstyle=Model style
128 dialog.exportpov.ballsandsticks=Balls and sticks
129 dialog.exportpov.tubesandwalls=Tubes and walls
130 dialog.exportpov.warningtracksize=This track has a large number of points, which Java3D might not be able to display.\nAre you sure you want to continue?
131 dialog.confirmreversetrack.title=Confirm reversal
132 dialog.confirmreversetrack.text=This track contains timestamp information, which will be out of sequence after a reversal.\nAre you sure you want to reverse this section?
133 dialog.confirmcutandmove.title=Confirm cut and move
134 dialog.confirmcutandmove.text=This track contains timestamp information, which will be out of sequence after a move.\nAre you sure you want to move this section?
135 dialog.interpolate.title=Interpolate points
136 dialog.interpolate.parameter.text=Number of points to insert between selected points
137 dialog.undo.title=Undo action(s)
138 dialog.undo.pretext=Please select the action(s) to undo
139 dialog.undo.none.title=Cannot undo
140 dialog.undo.none.text=No operations to undo!
141 dialog.clearundo.title=Clear undo list
142 dialog.clearundo.text=Are you sure you want to clear the undo list?\nAll undo information will be lost!
143 dialog.pointedit.title=Edit point
144 dialog.pointedit.text=Select each field to edit and use the 'Edit' button to change the value
145 dialog.pointedit.table.field=Field
146 dialog.pointedit.table.value=Value
147 dialog.pointedit.table.changed=Changed
148 dialog.pointedit.changevalue.text=Enter the new value for this field
149 dialog.pointedit.changevalue.title=Edit field
150 dialog.pointnameedit.title=Edit waypoint name
151 dialog.pointnameedit.name=Waypoint name
152 dialog.pointnameedit.uppercase=UPPER case
153 dialog.pointnameedit.lowercase=lower case
154 dialog.pointnameedit.sentencecase=Sentence Case
155 dialog.addtimeoffset.title=Add time offset
156 dialog.addtimeoffset.add=Add time
157 dialog.addtimeoffset.subtract=Subtract time
158 dialog.addtimeoffset.days=Days
159 dialog.addtimeoffset.hours=Hours
160 dialog.addtimeoffset.minutes=Minutes
161 dialog.addtimeoffset.notimestamps=Cannot add a time offset as this selection doesn't contain any timestamp information
162 dialog.connect.title=Connect photo to point
163 dialog.connectphoto.clonepoint=This point already has a photo.\nDo you want to make a copy of the point?
164 dialog.saveexif.title=Save Exif
165 dialog.saveexif.intro=Select the photos to save using the checkboxes
166 dialog.saveexif.nothingtosave=Coordinate data is unchanged, nothing to save
167 dialog.saveexif.noexiftool=No exiftool program could be found. Continue?
168 dialog.saveexif.table.photoname=Photo name
169 dialog.saveexif.table.status=Status
170 dialog.saveexif.table.save=Save
171 dialog.saveexif.photostatus.connected=Connected
172 dialog.saveexif.photostatus.disconnected=Disconnected
173 dialog.saveexif.photostatus.modified=Modified
174 dialog.saveexif.overwrite=Overwrite files
175 dialog.correlate.title=Correlate photos
176 dialog.correlate.notimestamps=There are no timestamps in the data points, so there is nothing to correlate with the photos.
177 dialog.correlate.nouncorrelatedphotos=There are no uncorrelated photos.\nAre you sure you want to continue?
178 dialog.correlate.photoselect.intro=Select one of these correlated photos to use as the time offset
179 dialog.correlate.photoselect.photoname=Photo name
180 dialog.correlate.photoselect.timediff=Time difference
181 dialog.correlate.photoselect.photolater=Photo later
182 dialog.correlate.options.tip=Tip: By manually correlating at least one photo, the time offset can be calculated for you.
183 dialog.correlate.options.intro=Select the options for automatic correlation
184 dialog.correlate.options.offsetpanel=Time offset
185 dialog.correlate.options.offset=Offset
186 dialog.correlate.options.offset.hours=hours,
187 dialog.correlate.options.offset.minutes=minutes and
188 dialog.correlate.options.offset.seconds=seconds
189 dialog.correlate.options.photolater=Photo later than point
190 dialog.correlate.options.pointlater=Point later than photo
191 dialog.correlate.options.limitspanel=Correlation limits
192 dialog.correlate.options.notimelimit=No time limit
193 dialog.correlate.options.timelimit=Time limit
194 dialog.correlate.options.nodistancelimit=No distance limit
195 dialog.correlate.options.distancelimit=Distance limit
196 dialog.correlate.options.correlate=Correlate
197 dialog.correlate.alloutsiderange=All photos are outside the time range of the track, so none can be correlated.\nTry changing the offset or manually correlating at least one photo.
198 dialog.help.help=Please see\n http://activityworkshop.net/software/prune/\nfor more information and user guides.
199 dialog.about.title=About Prune
200 dialog.about.version=Version
201 dialog.about.build=Build
202 dialog.about.summarytext1=Prune is a program for loading, displaying and editing data from GPS receivers.
203 dialog.about.summarytext2=It is released under the Gnu GPL for free, open, worldwide use and enhancement.<br>Copying, redistribution and modification are permitted and encouraged<br>according to the conditions in the included <code>license.txt</code> file.
204 dialog.about.summarytext3=Please see <code style="font-weight:bold">http://activityworkshop.net/</code> for more information and user guides.
205 dialog.about.languages=Available languages
206 dialog.about.translatedby=English text by activityworkshop.
207 dialog.about.systeminfo=System info
208 dialog.about.systeminfo.os=Operating System
209 dialog.about.systeminfo.java=Java Runtime
210 dialog.about.systeminfo.java3d=Java3d installed
211 dialog.about.systeminfo.povray=Povray installed
212 dialog.about.systeminfo.exiftool=Exiftool installed
213 dialog.about.systeminfo.gpsbabel=Gpsbabel installed
214 dialog.about.yes=Yes
215 dialog.about.no=No
216 dialog.about.credits=Credits
217 dialog.about.credits.code=Prune code written by
218 dialog.about.credits.exifcode=Exif code by
219 dialog.about.credits.icons=Some icons taken from
220 dialog.about.credits.translators=Translators
221 dialog.about.credits.translations=Translations helped by
222 dialog.about.credits.devtools=Development tools
223 dialog.about.credits.othertools=Other tools
224 dialog.about.credits.thanks=Thanks to
225 dialog.about.readme=Readme
226 dialog.checkversion.title=Check version
227 dialog.checkversion.error=The version number couldn't be checked.\nPlease check the internet connection.
228 dialog.checkversion.uptodate=You are using the latest version of Prune.
229 dialog.checkversion.newversion1=A new version of Prune is now available!  The latest version is now version
230 dialog.checkversion.newversion2=.
231 dialog.checkversion.releasedate1=This new version was released on
232 dialog.checkversion.releasedate2=.
233 dialog.checkversion.download=To download the new version, go to http://activityworkshop.net/software/prune/download.html.
235 # 3d window
236 dialog.3d.title=Prune Three-d view
237 dialog.3d.altitudecap=Minimum altitude range
238 dialog.3dlines.title=Prune gridlines
239 dialog.3dlines.empty=No gridlines to display!
240 dialog.3dlines.intro=These are the gridlines for the three-d view
242 # Confirm messages || These are displayed as confirmation in the status bar
243 confirm.loadfile=Data loaded from file
244 confirm.save.ok1=Successfully saved
245 confirm.save.ok2=points to file
246 confirm.deleteduplicates.single=duplicate was deleted
247 confirm.deleteduplicates.multi=duplicates were deleted
248 confirm.deletepoint.single=data point was removed
249 confirm.deletepoint.multi=data points were removed
250 confirm.point.edit=point edited
251 confirm.mergetracksegments=Track segments merged
252 confirm.reverserange=Range reversed
253 confirm.addtimeoffset=Time offset added
254 confirm.rearrangewaypoints=Waypoints rearranged
255 confirm.cutandmove=Selection moved
256 confirm.saveexif.ok1=Saved
257 confirm.saveexif.ok2=photo files
258 confirm.undo.single=operation undone
259 confirm.undo.multi=operations undone
260 confirm.jpegload.single=photo was added
261 confirm.jpegload.multi=photos were added
262 confirm.photo.connect=photo connected
263 confirm.photo.disconnect=photo disconnected
264 confirm.correlate.single=photo was correlated
265 confirm.correlate.multi=photos were correlated
266 confirm.createpoint=point created
268 # Buttons
269 button.ok=OK
270 button.back=Back
271 button.next=Next
272 button.finish=Finish
273 button.cancel=Cancel
274 button.overwrite=Overwrite
275 button.moveup=Move up
276 button.movedown=Move down
277 button.showlines=Show lines
278 button.edit=Edit
279 button.exit=Exit
280 button.close=Close
281 button.continue=Continue
282 button.yes=Yes
283 button.no=No
284 button.yestoall=Yes to all
285 button.notoall=No to all
286 button.selectall=Select all
287 button.selectnone=Select none
288 button.preview=Preview
289 button.guessfields=Guess fields
290 button.showwebpage=Show webpage
292 # File types
293 filetype.txt=TXT files
294 filetype.jpeg=JPG files
295 filetype.kmlkmz=KML, KMZ files
296 filetype.kml=KML files
297 filetype.gpx=GPX files
298 filetype.pov=POV files
300 # Display components
301 display.nodata=No data loaded
302 display.noaltitudes=Track data does not include altitudes
303 details.trackdetails=Track details
304 details.notrack=No track loaded
305 details.track.points=Points
306 details.track.file=File
307 details.track.numfiles=Number of files
308 details.pointdetails=Point details
309 details.index.selected=Index
310 details.index.of=of
311 details.nopointselection=No point selected
312 details.speed=Speed
313 details.photofile=Photo file
314 details.norangeselection=No range selected
315 details.rangedetails=Range details
316 details.range.selected=Selected
317 details.range.to=to
318 details.altitude.to=to
319 details.range.climb=Climb
320 details.range.descent=Descent
321 details.coordformat=Coordinate format
322 details.distanceunits=Distance units
323 display.range.time.secs=s
324 display.range.time.mins=m
325 display.range.time.hours=h
326 display.range.time.days=d
327 details.range.avespeed=Ave speed
328 details.range.avemovingspeed=Moving ave
329 details.waypointsphotos.waypoints=Waypoints
330 details.waypointsphotos.photos=Photos
331 details.photodetails=Photo details
332 details.nophoto=No photo selected
333 details.photo.loading=Loading
334 details.photo.connected=Connected
336 # Field names
337 fieldname.latitude=Latitude
338 fieldname.longitude=Longitude
339 fieldname.altitude=Altitude
340 fieldname.timestamp=Time
341 fieldname.waypointname=Name
342 fieldname.waypointtype=Type
343 fieldname.newsegment=Segment
344 fieldname.custom=Custom
345 fieldname.prefix=Field
346 fieldname.distance=Distance
347 fieldname.movingdistance=Moving distance
348 fieldname.duration=Duration
350 # Measurement units
351 units.original=Original
352 units.default=Default
353 units.metres=Metres
354 units.metres.short=m
355 units.feet=Feet
356 units.feet.short=ft
357 units.kilometres=Kilometres
358 units.kilometres.short=km
359 units.kmh=km/h
360 units.miles=Miles
361 units.miles.short=mi
362 units.mph=mph
363 units.degminsec=Deg-min-sec
364 units.degmin=Deg-min
365 units.deg=Degrees
366 units.iso8601=ISO 8601
368 # External urls
369 url.googlemaps=maps.google.co.uk
371 # Cardinals for 3d plots
372 cardinal.n=N
373 cardinal.s=S
374 cardinal.e=E
375 cardinal.w=W
377 # Undo operations
378 undo.load=load data
379 undo.loadphotos=load photos
380 undo.editpoint=edit point
381 undo.deletepoint=delete point
382 undo.deletephoto=remove photo
383 undo.deleterange=delete range
384 undo.compress=compress track
385 undo.insert=insert points
386 undo.deleteduplicates=delete duplicates
387 undo.reverse=reverse range
388 undo.mergetracksegments=merge track segments
389 undo.addtimeoffset=add time offset
390 undo.rearrangewaypoints=rearrange waypoints
391 undo.cutandmove=move section
392 undo.connectphoto=connect photo
393 undo.disconnectphoto=disconnect photo
394 undo.correlate=correlate photos
395 undo.createpoint=create point
397 # Error messages
398 error.save.dialogtitle=Error saving data
399 error.save.nodata=No data to save
400 error.save.failed=Failed to save the data to file:
401 error.saveexif.filenotfound=Failed to find photo file
402 error.saveexif.cannotoverwrite1=Photo file
403 error.saveexif.cannotoverwrite2=is read-only and can't be overwritten. Write to copy?
404 error.load.dialogtitle=Error loading data
405 error.load.noread=Cannot read file
406 error.load.nopoints=No coordinate information found in the file
407 error.load.unknownxml=Unrecognised xml format:
408 error.load.othererror=Error reading file:
409 error.jpegload.dialogtitle=Error loading photos
410 error.jpegload.nofilesfound=No files found
411 error.jpegload.nojpegsfound=No jpeg files found
412 error.jpegload.noexiffound=No EXIF information found
413 error.jpegload.nogpsfound=No GPS information found
414 error.undofailed.title=Undo failed
415 error.undofailed.text=Failed to undo operation
416 error.function.noop.title=Function had no effect
417 error.rearrange.noop=Rearranging waypoints had no effect
418 error.function.notimplemented=Sorry, this function has not yet been implemented.
419 error.function.notavailable.title=Function not available
420 error.function.nojava3d=This function requires the Java3d library,\navailable from Sun.com.
421 error.3d.title=Error in 3d display
422 error.3d=An error occurred with the 3d display
423 error.readme.notfound=Readme file not found
424 error.osmimage.dialogtitle=Error loading map images
425 error.osmimage.failed=Failed to load map images. Please check internet connection.