package; import tim.prune.I18nManager; /** * Class to represent a field of a data point */ public class Field { private String _labelKey = null; private String _customLabel = null; private boolean _builtin = false; public static final Field LATITUDE = new Field("fieldname.latitude", true); public static final Field LONGITUDE = new Field("fieldname.longitude", true); public static final Field ALTITUDE = new Field("fieldname.altitude", true); public static final Field TIMESTAMP = new Field("fieldname.timestamp", true); public static final Field WAYPT_NAME = new Field("fieldname.waypointname", true); public static final Field WAYPT_TYPE = new Field("fieldname.waypointtype", true); public static final Field DESCRIPTION = new Field("fieldname.description", true); public static final Field NEW_SEGMENT = new Field("fieldname.newsegment", true); public static final Field SPEED = new Field("fieldname.speed", true); public static final Field VERTICAL_SPEED = new Field("fieldname.verticalspeed", true); public static final Field MEDIA_FILENAME = new Field("fieldname.mediafilename", true); // TODO: Ability to load media (from text) and save (to text) /** List of all the available fields */ private static final Field[] ALL_AVAILABLE_FIELDS = { LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, ALTITUDE, TIMESTAMP, WAYPT_NAME, WAYPT_TYPE, DESCRIPTION, NEW_SEGMENT, SPEED, VERTICAL_SPEED, new Field(I18nManager.getText("fieldname.custom")) }; /** * Private constructor * @param inLabelKey Key for label texts * @param inBuiltin true for built-in types, false for custom */ private Field(String inLabelKey, boolean inBuiltin) { if (inBuiltin) { _labelKey = inLabelKey; _customLabel = null; } else { _labelKey = null; _customLabel = inLabelKey; } _builtin = inBuiltin; } /** * Public constructor for custom fields * @param inLabel label to use for display */ public Field(String inLabel) { this(inLabel, false); } /** * @return the name of the field */ public String getName() { if (_labelKey != null) return I18nManager.getText(_labelKey); return _customLabel; } /** * Change the name of the (non built-in) field * @param inName new name */ public void setName(String inName) { if (!isBuiltIn()) _customLabel = inName; } /** * @return true if this is a built-in field */ public boolean isBuiltIn() { return _builtin; } /** * Checks if the two fields are equal * @param inOther other Field object * @return true if Fields identical */ public boolean equals(Field inOther) { return (isBuiltIn() == inOther.isBuiltIn() && getName().equals(inOther.getName())); } /** * Get the field for the given field name * @param inFieldName name of field to look for * @return Field if found, or null otherwise */ public static Field getField(String inFieldName) { for (int i=0; i