package; import tim.prune.config.Config; /** * Abstract class to hold static calculation functions * for speed (and vertical speed) */ public abstract class SpeedCalculator { /** * Calculate the horizontal speed value of the track at the specified index * @param inTrack track object * @param inIndex index of point to calculate speed for * @param inValue object in which to place result of calculation */ public static void calculateSpeed(Track inTrack, int inIndex, SpeedValue inValue) { if (inValue != null) { inValue.setInvalid(); } if (inTrack == null || inIndex < 0 || inValue == null) { System.err.println("Cannot calculate speed for index " + inIndex); return; } DataPoint point = inTrack.getPoint(inIndex); if (point == null) {return;} boolean pointHasSpeed = false; double speedValue = 0.0; // First, see if point has a speed value already if (point.hasHSpeed()) { speedValue = point.getHSpeed().getValue(Config.getUnitSet().getSpeedUnit()); pointHasSpeed = true; } // otherwise, see if we can calculate it from the timestamps if (!pointHasSpeed && point.hasTimestamp() && !point.isWaypoint()) { double totalRadians = 0.0; int index = inIndex-1; DataPoint p = null; DataPoint q = point; Timestamp earlyStamp = point.getTimestamp(); boolean stop = false; // Count backwards until timestamp earlier than now; total distances back to this point if (!point.getSegmentStart()) { do { p = inTrack.getPoint(index); boolean timeOk = p != null && p.hasTimestamp() && p.getTimestamp().isBefore(point.getTimestamp()); boolean pValid = timeOk && !p.isWaypoint(); if (pValid) { totalRadians += DataPoint.calculateRadiansBetween(p, q); earlyStamp = p.getTimestamp(); } stop = (p == null) || p.getSegmentStart() || hasSufficientTimeDifference(p, point); index--; if (p != null && !p.isWaypoint()) { q = p; } } while (!stop); } // Count forwards until timestamp later than now; total distances forward to this point Timestamp lateStamp = point.getTimestamp(); q = point; index = inIndex+1; do { p = inTrack.getPoint(index); boolean timeOk = p != null && p.hasTimestamp() && !p.getTimestamp().isBefore(point.getTimestamp()); boolean pValid = timeOk && !p.isWaypoint() && !p.getSegmentStart(); if (pValid) { totalRadians += DataPoint.calculateRadiansBetween(p, q); lateStamp = p.getTimestamp(); } stop = (p == null) || p.getSegmentStart() || hasSufficientTimeDifference(point, p); index++; if (p != null && !p.isWaypoint()) { q = p; } } while (!stop); // See if we've managed to get a time range of at least a second long milliseconds = lateStamp.getMillisecondsSince(earlyStamp); if (milliseconds >= 1000L) { double dist = Distance.convertRadiansToDistance(totalRadians); // Store the value and maintain max and min values speedValue = dist / milliseconds * 1000.0 * 60.0 * 60.0; // convert from per millisec to per hour pointHasSpeed = true; } } // Did we get a value? if (pointHasSpeed) { inValue.setValue(speedValue); } // otherwise, just leave value as invalid } /** * Calculate the vertical speed value of the track at the specified index * @param inTrack track object * @param inIndex index of point to calculate speed for * @param inValue object in which to place the result of calculation */ public static void calculateVerticalSpeed(Track inTrack, int inIndex, SpeedValue inValue) { if (inTrack == null || inIndex < 0 || inValue == null) { System.err.println("Cannot calculate vert speed for index " + inIndex); return; } inValue.setInvalid(); DataPoint point = inTrack.getPoint(inIndex); boolean pointHasSpeed = false; double speedValue = 0.0; // First, see if point has a speed value already if (point != null && point.hasVSpeed()) { speedValue = point.getVSpeed().getValue(Config.getUnitSet().getVerticalSpeedUnit()); pointHasSpeed = true; } // otherwise, see if we can calculate it from the heights and timestamps if (!pointHasSpeed && point != null && point.hasTimestamp() && point.hasAltitude() && !point.isWaypoint()) { int index = inIndex-1; DataPoint p = null; Timestamp earlyStamp = point.getTimestamp(); Altitude firstAlt = point.getAltitude(); boolean stop = false; // Count backwards until timestamp earlier than now if (!point.getSegmentStart()) { do { p = inTrack.getPoint(index); boolean timeOk = p != null && p.hasTimestamp() && p.getTimestamp().isBefore(point.getTimestamp()); boolean pValid = timeOk && !p.isWaypoint(); if (pValid) { earlyStamp = p.getTimestamp(); if (p.hasAltitude()) firstAlt = p.getAltitude(); } stop = (p == null) || p.getSegmentStart() || hasSufficientTimeDifference(p, point); index--; } while (!stop); } // Count forwards until timestamp later than now Timestamp lateStamp = point.getTimestamp(); Altitude lastAlt = point.getAltitude(); index = inIndex+1; do { p = inTrack.getPoint(index); boolean timeOk = p != null && p.hasTimestamp() && !p.getTimestamp().isBefore(point.getTimestamp()); boolean pValid = timeOk && !p.isWaypoint() && !p.getSegmentStart(); if (pValid) { lateStamp = p.getTimestamp(); if (p.hasAltitude()) lastAlt = p.getAltitude(); } stop = (p == null) || p.getSegmentStart() || hasSufficientTimeDifference(point, p); index++; } while (!stop); // See if we've managed to get a non-zero time range long milliseconds = lateStamp.getMillisecondsSince(earlyStamp); if (milliseconds >= 1000L) { double altDiff = (lastAlt.getMetricValue() - firstAlt.getMetricValue()) * Config.getUnitSet().getVerticalSpeedUnit().getMultFactorFromStd(); speedValue = altDiff / milliseconds * 1000.0; // units are feet/sec or metres/sec pointHasSpeed = true; } } // Check whether we got a value from either method if (pointHasSpeed) { inValue.setValue(speedValue); } } /** * Check whether the time difference between P1 and P2 is sufficiently large * @param inP1 earlier point * @param inP2 later point * @return true if we can stop looking now, found a point early/late enough */ private static boolean hasSufficientTimeDifference(DataPoint inP1, DataPoint inP2) { if (inP1 == null || inP2 == null) return true; // we have to give up now if (!inP1.hasTimestamp() || !inP2.hasTimestamp()) return false; // keep looking final long MIN_TIME_DIFFERENCE_MS = 1000L; return inP2.getTimestamp().getMillisecondsSince(inP1.getTimestamp()) >= MIN_TIME_DIFFERENCE_MS; } }