package tim.prune.function; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import; /** * XML handler for dealing with XML returned from the api */ public class OpenCachingDeXmlHandler extends DefaultHandler { private String _value = null; private ArrayList _trackList = null; private SearchResult _track = null; private String _errorMessage = null; /** * React to the start of an XML tag */ public void startElement(String inUri, String inLocalName, String inTagName, Attributes inAttributes) throws SAXException { if (inTagName.equals("result")) { _trackList = new ArrayList(); } else if (inTagName.equals("cache")) { _track = new SearchResult(); } // else if (inTagName.equals("status")) { // _errorMessage = inAttributes.getValue("message"); // } else _value = null; super.startElement(inUri, inLocalName, inTagName, inAttributes); } /** * React to the end of an XML tag */ public void endElement(String inUri, String inLocalName, String inTagName) throws SAXException { if (inTagName.equals("cache")) { // end of the entry _trackList.add(_track); } else if (inTagName.equals("name")) { _track.setTrackName(_value); } else if (inTagName.equals("desc")) { _track.setDescription(_value); } else if (inTagName.equals("lat")) { _track.setLatitude(_value); } else if (inTagName.equals("lon")) { _track.setLongitude(_value); } else if (inTagName.equals("distance")) { try { _track.setLength(Double.parseDouble(_value) * 1000.0); // convert from km to m } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} } else if (inTagName.equals("link")) { _track.setWebUrl(_value); } super.endElement(inUri, inLocalName, inTagName); } /** * React to characters received inside tags */ public void characters(char[] inCh, int inStart, int inLength) throws SAXException { String value = new String(inCh, inStart, inLength); _value = (_value==null?value:_value+value); super.characters(inCh, inStart, inLength); } /** * @return the list of tracks */ public ArrayList getTrackList() { return _trackList; } /** * @return error message, if any */ public String getErrorMessage() { return _errorMessage; } }