package tim.prune.function.srtm; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import tim.prune.App; import tim.prune.DataSubscriber; import tim.prune.GenericFunction; import tim.prune.I18nManager; import tim.prune.UpdateMessageBroker; import; import; import; import; import; import tim.prune.gui.ProgressDialog; import tim.prune.undo.UndoLookupSrtm; /** * Class to provide a lookup function for point altitudes using the Space * Shuttle's SRTM data files. HGT files are downloaded into memory via HTTP and * point altitudes can then be interpolated from the 3m grid data. */ public class LookupSrtmFunction extends GenericFunction implements Runnable { /** Progress dialog */ private ProgressDialog _progress = null; /** Track to process */ private Track _track = null; /** Flag for whether this is a real track or a terrain one */ private boolean _normalTrack = true; /** Flag to check whether this function is currently running or not */ private boolean _running = false; /** Altitude below which is considered void */ private static final int VOID_VAL = -32768; /** * Constructor * @param inApp App object */ public LookupSrtmFunction(App inApp) { super(inApp); } /** @return name key */ public String getNameKey() { return "function.lookupsrtm"; } /** * Begin the lookup using the normal track */ public void begin() { begin(_app.getTrackInfo().getTrack(), true); } /** * Begin the lookup with an alternative track * @param inAlternativeTrack */ public void begin(Track inAlternativeTrack) { begin(inAlternativeTrack, false); } /** * Begin the function with the given parameters * @param inTrack track to process * @param inNormalTrack true if this is a "normal" track, false for an artificially constructed one such as for terrain */ private void begin(Track inTrack, boolean inNormalTrack) { _running = true; if (! SrtmDiskCache.ensureCacheIsUsable()) { _app.showErrorMessage(getNameKey(), "error.cache.notthere"); } if (_progress == null) { _progress = new ProgressDialog(_parentFrame, getNameKey()); }; _track = inTrack; _normalTrack = inNormalTrack; // start new thread for time-consuming part new Thread(this).start(); } /** * Run method using separate thread */ public void run() { // Compile list of tiles to get ArrayList tileList = new ArrayList(); // Now loop again to extract the required tiles for (int i = 0; i < _track.getNumPoints(); i++) { SrtmTile tile = new SrtmTile(_track.getPoint(i)); boolean alreadyGot = false; for (int t = 0; t < tileList.size(); t++) { if (tileList.get(t).equals(tile)) { alreadyGot = true; } } if (!alreadyGot) {tileList.add(tile);} } lookupValues(tileList); // Finished _running = false; } /** * Lookup the values from SRTM data * @param inTileList list of tiles to get * @param inOverwriteZeros true to overwrite zero altitude values */ private void lookupValues(ArrayList inTileList) { UndoLookupSrtm undo = new UndoLookupSrtm(_app.getTrackInfo()); int numAltitudesFound = 0; // Update progress bar if (_progress != null) { _progress.setMaximum(inTileList.size()); _progress.setValue(0); } String errorMessage = ""; for (int t=0; t 0) { // Inform app including undo information _track.requestRescale(); UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(DataSubscriber.DATA_ADDED_OR_REMOVED); // Don't update app if we're doing another track if (_normalTrack) { _app.completeFunction(undo, I18nManager.getTextWithNumber("confirm.lookupsrtm", numAltitudesFound)); } } else if (inTileList.size() > 0) { _app.showErrorMessage(getNameKey(), "error.lookupsrtm.nonefound"); } else { _app.showErrorMessage(getNameKey(), "error.lookupsrtm.nonerequired"); } } /** * Given the height data read in from file, apply the given tile to all points * in the track with missing altitude * @param inTile tile being applied * @param inHeights height data read in from file * @return number of altitudes found */ private int applySrtmTileToWholeTrack(SrtmTile inTile, int[] inHeights, int inRowSize) throws SrtmSourceException { int numAltitudesFound = 0; // Loop over all points in track, try to apply altitude from array for (int p = 0; p < _track.getNumPoints(); p++) { DataPoint point = _track.getPoint(p); if (new SrtmTile(point).equals(inTile)) { double x = (point.getLongitude().getDouble() - inTile.getLongitude()) * (inRowSize - 1); double y = inRowSize - (point.getLatitude().getDouble() - inTile.getLatitude()) * (inRowSize - 1); int idx1 = ((int)y)*inRowSize + (int)x; try { int[] fouralts = {inHeights[idx1], inHeights[idx1+1], inHeights[idx1-inRowSize], inHeights[idx1-inRowSize+1]}; int numVoids = (fouralts[0]==VOID_VAL?1:0) + (fouralts[1]==VOID_VAL?1:0) + (fouralts[2]==VOID_VAL?1:0) + (fouralts[3]==VOID_VAL?1:0); // if (numVoids > 0) System.out.println(numVoids + " voids found"); double altitude = 0.0; switch (numVoids) { case 0: altitude = bilinearInterpolate(fouralts, x, y); break; case 1: altitude = bilinearInterpolate(fixVoid(fouralts), x, y); break; case 2: case 3: altitude = averageNonVoid(fouralts); break; default: altitude = VOID_VAL; } // Special case for terrain tracks, don't interpolate voids yet if (!_normalTrack && numVoids > 0) { altitude = VOID_VAL; } if (altitude != VOID_VAL) { point.setFieldValue(Field.ALTITUDE, ""+altitude, false); // depending on settings, this value may have been added as feet, we need to force metres point.getAltitude().reset(new Altitude((int)altitude, UnitSetLibrary.UNITS_METRES)); numAltitudesFound++; } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException obe) { System.err.println("Point not in tile? lat=" + point.getLatitude().getDouble() + ", x=" + x + ", y=" + y + ", idx=" + idx1+"\n"); } } } return numAltitudesFound; } /** * Perform a bilinear interpolation on the given altitude array * @param inAltitudes array of four altitude values on corners of square (bl, br, tl, tr) * @param inX x coordinate * @param inY y coordinate * @return interpolated altitude */ private static double bilinearInterpolate(int[] inAltitudes, double inX, double inY) { double alpha = inX - (int) inX; double beta = 1 - (inY - (int) inY); double alt = (1-alpha)*(1-beta)*inAltitudes[0] + alpha*(1-beta)*inAltitudes[1] + (1-alpha)*beta*inAltitudes[2] + alpha*beta*inAltitudes[3]; return alt; } /** * Fix a single void in the given array by replacing it with the average of the others * @param inAltitudes array of altitudes containing one void * @return fixed array without voids */ private static int[] fixVoid(int[] inAltitudes) { int[] fixed = new int[inAltitudes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < inAltitudes.length; i++) { if (inAltitudes[i] == VOID_VAL) { fixed[i] = (int) Math.round(averageNonVoid(inAltitudes)); } else { fixed[i] = inAltitudes[i]; } } return fixed; } /** * Calculate the average of the non-void altitudes in the given array * @param inAltitudes array of altitudes with one or more voids * @return average of non-void altitudes */ private static final double averageNonVoid(int[] inAltitudes) { double totalAltitude = 0.0; int numAlts = 0; for (int i = 0; i < inAltitudes.length; i++) { if (inAltitudes[i] != VOID_VAL) { totalAltitude += inAltitudes[i]; numAlts++; } } if (numAlts < 1) {return VOID_VAL;} return totalAltitude / numAlts; } /** * @return true if a thread is currently running */ public boolean isRunning() { return _running; } }