package; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; import tim.prune.I18nManager; /** * Table model for results of weather forecast */ public class WeatherTableModel extends AbstractTableModel { /** Weather results */ private WeatherResults _results; /** Row indices */ public static final int ROW_DAY = 0; public static final int ROW_DESC = 1; public static final int ROW_WIND = 2; public static final int ROW_ICON = 3; public static final int ROW_TEMP = 4; public static final int ROW_HUMID = 5; /** String for degrees Celsius */ private static final String UNITS_DEGC = I18nManager.getText("units.degreescelsius.short"); /** String for degrees Fahrenheit */ private static final String UNITS_DEGF = I18nManager.getText("units.degreesfahrenheit.short"); /** * @return column count */ public int getColumnCount() { if (_results == null) {return 0;} return _results.getNumForecasts(); } /** * @param inColNum column number * @return column label for given column */ public String getColumnName(int inColNum) { if (_results != null && inColNum >= 0 && inColNum < getColumnCount()) { SingleForecast forecast = _results.getForecast(inColNum); if (!forecast.hasTimes() || forecast.getTimeFrom().startsWith("00")) { return forecast.getDate(); } return forecast.getTimeFrom(); } return ""; } /** * @return number of rows */ public int getRowCount() { return 6; } /** @return true if there are no columns */ public boolean isEmpty() { return getColumnCount() == 0; } /** * @param inRowNum row number * @param inColNum column number * @return cell entry at given row and column */ public Object getValueAt(int inRowNum, int inColNum) { if (inColNum < 0 || inColNum >= getColumnCount()) {return "";} SingleForecast forecast = _results.getForecast(inColNum); if (forecast != null) { switch (inRowNum) { case ROW_DAY: { final String dayDesc = forecast.getDayDesc() == null ? "now" : forecast.getDayDesc(); return buildDisplayString(null, I18nManager.getText("" + dayDesc)); } case ROW_DESC: return buildDisplayString(null, forecast.getDescription()); case ROW_WIND: return buildDisplayString(I18nManager.getText(""), forecast.getWindDescription()); case ROW_ICON: return forecast.getImageName(); case ROW_TEMP: return buildDisplayString(I18nManager.getText(""), forecast.getTemps() + (_results.isCelsius() ? UNITS_DEGC : UNITS_DEGF)); case ROW_HUMID: return buildDisplayString(I18nManager.getText(""), forecast.getHumidity()); } } return ""; } /** * Build a html string from the given title and value */ private static final String buildDisplayString(String inTitle, String inValue) { if (inValue == null) {return null;} return "" + (inTitle == null ? "" : (inTitle + ": ")) + "" + inValue.replaceAll(" ", " ") + ""; } /** * Set the results * @param inResults weather results including all forecasts */ public void setResults(WeatherResults inResults) { _results = inResults; fireTableStructureChanged(); } /** * Clear the list of forecasts */ public void clear() { setResults(null); } }