package; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.image.ImageObserver; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import tim.prune.GpsPrune; /** * Class to control the reading and saving of map tiles * to a cache on disk */ public class DiskTileCacher implements Runnable { /** URL to get image from */ private URL _url = null; /** File to save image to */ private File _file = null; /** Observer to be notified */ private ImageObserver _observer = null; /** True if cacher is active, false if blocked */ private boolean _active = false; /** Time limit to cache images for */ private static final long CACHE_TIME_LIMIT = 20 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 20 days in ms /** Hashset of all blocked / 404 tiles to avoid requesting them again */ private static final HashSet BLOCKED_URLS = new HashSet(); /**Hashset of files which are currently being processed */ private static final HashSet DOWNLOADING_FILES = new HashSet(); /** Number of currently active threads */ private static int NUMBER_ACTIVE_THREADS = 0; /** Flag to remember whether any server connection is possible */ private static boolean CONNECTION_ACTIVE = true; /** * Private constructor * @param inUrl URL to get * @param inFile file to save to */ private DiskTileCacher(URL inUrl, File inFile, ImageObserver inObserver) { _url = inUrl; _file = inFile; _observer = inObserver; _active = registerCacher(inFile.getAbsolutePath()); } /** * Get the specified tile from the disk cache * @param inBasePath base path to whole disk cache * @param inTilePath relative path to requested tile * @return tile image if available, or null if not there */ public static MapTile getTile(String inBasePath, String inTilePath) { if (inBasePath == null) {return null;} File tileFile = new File(inBasePath, inTilePath); Image image = null; if (tileFile.exists() && tileFile.canRead() && tileFile.length() > 0) { long fileStamp = tileFile.lastModified(); boolean isExpired = ((System.currentTimeMillis()-fileStamp) > CACHE_TIME_LIMIT); try { image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(tileFile.getAbsolutePath()); return new MapTile(image, isExpired); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("createImage: " + e.getClass().getName() + " _ " + e.getMessage()); } } return null; } /** * Save the specified image tile to disk * @param inUrl url to get image from * @param inBasePath base path to disk cache * @param inTilePath relative path to this tile * @param inObserver observer to inform when load complete */ public static void saveTile(URL inUrl, String inBasePath, String inTilePath, ImageObserver inObserver) { if (inBasePath == null || inTilePath == null) {return;} // save file if possible File basePath = new File(inBasePath); if (!basePath.exists() || !basePath.isDirectory() || !basePath.canWrite()) { // Can't write to base path return; } File tileFile = new File(basePath, inTilePath); // Check if it has already failed if (BLOCKED_URLS.contains(inUrl.toString())) { return; } File dir = tileFile.getParentFile(); // Construct a cacher to load the image if necessary if ((dir.exists() || dir.mkdirs()) && dir.canWrite()) { DiskTileCacher cacher = new DiskTileCacher(inUrl, tileFile, inObserver); cacher.startDownloading(); } } /** * Start downloading the configured tile */ private void startDownloading() { if (_active) { new Thread(this).start(); } } /** * Run method for loading URL asynchronously and saving to file */ public void run() { waitUntilAllowedToRun(); if (doDownload()) { if (!CONNECTION_ACTIVE) { // wasn't active before but this download worked - we've come back online BLOCKED_URLS.clear(); CONNECTION_ACTIVE = true; } } // Release file and thread unregisterCacher(_file.getAbsolutePath()); threadFinished(); } /** * Blocks (in separate thread) until allowed by concurrent thread limit */ private void waitUntilAllowedToRun() { while (!canStartNewThread()) { try { Thread.sleep(400); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } } /** * @return true if download was successful */ private boolean doDownload() { boolean finished = false; InputStream in = null; FileOutputStream out = null; File tempFile = new File(_file.getAbsolutePath() + ".temp"); if (tempFile.exists()) { tempFile.delete(); } try { if (!tempFile.createNewFile()) {return false;} } catch (Exception e) {return false;} try { // Open streams from URL and to file out = new FileOutputStream(tempFile); //System.out.println("DiskTileCacher opening URL: " + _url.toString()); // Set http user agent on connection URLConnection conn = _url.openConnection(); conn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "GpsPrune v" + GpsPrune.VERSION_NUMBER); in = conn.getInputStream(); int d = 0; // Loop over each byte in the stream (maybe buffering is more efficient?) while ((d = >= 0) { out.write(d); } finished = true; } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("ioe: " + e.getClass().getName() + " - " + e.getMessage()); BLOCKED_URLS.add(_url.toString()); CONNECTION_ACTIVE = false; } finally { // clean up files try {in.close();} catch (Exception e) {} // ignore try {out.close();} catch (Exception e) {} // ignore if (!finished) { tempFile.delete(); } } boolean success = false; // Move temp file to desired file location if (tempFile.exists() && tempFile.length() > 0L) { if (tempFile.renameTo(_file)) { success = true; } else { // File couldn't be moved - delete both to be sure System.out.println("Failed to rename temp file: " + tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); tempFile.delete(); _file.delete(); } } // Tell parent that load is finished (parameters ignored) _observer.imageUpdate(null, ImageObserver.ALLBITS, 0, 0, 0, 0); return success; } // Blocking of cachers working on same file /** * Register a cacher writing to the specified file path * @param inFilePath destination path to tile file * @return true if nobody else has claimed this file yet */ private synchronized static boolean registerCacher(String inFilePath) { if (DOWNLOADING_FILES.contains(inFilePath)) { return false; } // Nobody has claimed this file yet DOWNLOADING_FILES.add(inFilePath); return true; } /** * Cacher has finished dealing with the specified file * @param inFilePath destination path to tile file */ private synchronized static void unregisterCacher(String inFilePath) { DOWNLOADING_FILES.remove(inFilePath); } // Limiting of active threads /** * @return true if another thread is allowed to become active */ private synchronized static boolean canStartNewThread() { final int MAXIMUM_NUM_THREADS = 8; if (NUMBER_ACTIVE_THREADS < MAXIMUM_NUM_THREADS) { NUMBER_ACTIVE_THREADS++; return true; } // Already too many threads active return false; } /** * Inform that one of the previously active threads has now completed */ private synchronized static void threadFinished() { if (NUMBER_ACTIVE_THREADS > 0) { NUMBER_ACTIVE_THREADS--; } } }