package tim.prune.load; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; import tim.prune.I18nManager; import; /** * Class to hold the table model for the field selection table */ public class FieldSelectionTableModel extends AbstractTableModel { private int _numRows = 0; private Field[] _fieldArray = null; private String _customText = null; /** * Constructor */ public FieldSelectionTableModel() { // Cache the custom text for the table so it doesn't // have to be looked up so often _customText = I18nManager.getText("fieldname.custom"); } /** * @return the column count */ public int getColumnCount() { return 3; } /** * @param inColNum column number * @return name of the column */ public String getColumnName(int inColNum) { if (inColNum == 0) return I18nManager.getText("dialog.load.table.field"); else if (inColNum == 1) return I18nManager.getText("dialog.load.table.datatype"); return I18nManager.getText("dialog.load.table.description"); } /** * @return the row count */ public int getRowCount() { if (_fieldArray == null) return 2; return _numRows; } /** * @param inRowIndex row index * @param inColumnIndex column index * @return the value of the specified cell */ public Object getValueAt(int inRowIndex, int inColumnIndex) { if (_fieldArray == null) return ""; if (inColumnIndex == 0) return ("" + (inRowIndex+1)); Field field = _fieldArray[inRowIndex]; if (inColumnIndex == 1) { // Field name - take name from built-in fields if (field.isBuiltIn()) return field.getName(); // Otherwise take custom name return _customText; } // description column - builtin fields don't have one if (field.isBuiltIn()) return ""; return field.getName(); } /** * Make sure only second and third columns are editable * @param inRowIndex row index * @param inColumnIndex column index * @return true if cell editable */ public boolean isCellEditable(int inRowIndex, int inColumnIndex) { if (inColumnIndex <= 1) return (inColumnIndex == 1); // Column is 2 so only edit non-builtin field names Field field = _fieldArray[inRowIndex]; return !field.isBuiltIn(); } /** * Update the data * @param inData 2-dimensional Object array containing the data */ public void updateData(Field[] inData) { _fieldArray = inData; if (_fieldArray != null) { _numRows = _fieldArray.length; } fireTableStructureChanged(); } /** * React to edits to the table data * @param inValue value to set * @param inRowIndex row index * @param inColumnIndex column index */ public void setValueAt(Object inValue, int inRowIndex, int inColumnIndex) { super.setValueAt(inValue, inRowIndex, inColumnIndex); if (inColumnIndex == 1) { Field field = _fieldArray[inRowIndex]; if (!field.getName().equals(inValue.toString())) { manageFieldChange(inRowIndex, inValue.toString()); } } else if (inColumnIndex == 2) { // change description if it's custom Field field = _fieldArray[inRowIndex]; if (!field.isBuiltIn()) field.setName(inValue.toString()); } } /** * Move the selected item up one place * @param inIndex index of item to move */ public void moveUp(int inIndex) { if (inIndex > 0) { swapItems(inIndex-1, inIndex); } } /** * Move the selected item down one place * @param inIndex index of item to move */ public void moveDown(int inIndex) { if (inIndex > -1 && inIndex < (_numRows - 1)) { swapItems(inIndex, inIndex+1); } } /** * Swap the specified items in the array * @param inIndex1 index of first item * @param inIndex2 index of second item (higher than inIndex1) */ private void swapItems(int inIndex1, int inIndex2) { Field temp = _fieldArray[inIndex1]; _fieldArray[inIndex1] = _fieldArray[inIndex2]; _fieldArray[inIndex2] = temp; fireTableRowsUpdated(inIndex1, inIndex2); } /** * React to a requested change to one of the fields * @param inRow row number of change * @param inValue new string value */ private void manageFieldChange(int inRow, String inValue) { // check if it's lat or long - don't allow changes to these fields Field field = _fieldArray[inRow]; if (field == Field.LATITUDE || field == Field.LONGITUDE) return; if (inValue.equals(I18nManager.getText("fieldname.latitude")) || inValue.equals(I18nManager.getText("fieldname.longitude"))) return; // Changes to custom field need to be handled differently boolean changeToCustom = inValue.equals(I18nManager.getText("fieldname.custom")); if (changeToCustom) { if (field.isBuiltIn()) { String customPrefix = I18nManager.getText("fieldname.prefix") + " "; int index = inRow + 1; while (hasField(customPrefix + index)) index++; _fieldArray[inRow] = new Field(customPrefix + index); } // ignore custom to custom changes } else { // Change to a fixed field - check we've not already got it if (!hasField(inValue)) { // Change is ok - find new Field object corresponding to text _fieldArray[inRow] = Field.getField(inValue); } } // fire change fireTableRowsUpdated(inRow, inRow); } /** * @return array of Field objects */ public Field[] getFieldArray() { return _fieldArray; } /** * @param inName Name of field to find * @return true if this field is already present */ private boolean hasField(String inName) { if (_fieldArray == null || inName == null) return false; for (int i=0; i<_numRows; i++) if (_fieldArray[i].getName().equals(inName)) return true; return false; } }