package; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; import tim.prune.I18nManager; /** * Class to hold table model information for save exif dialog */ public class PhotoTableModel extends AbstractTableModel { private PhotoTableEntry[] _photos = null; private int _addIndex = 0; /** * Constructor giving list size * @param inSize number of photos */ public PhotoTableModel(int inSize) { _photos = new PhotoTableEntry[inSize]; } /** * Set the given PhotoTableEntry object in the array * @param inEntry PhotoTableEntry object describing the photo */ public void addPhotoInfo(PhotoTableEntry inEntry) { if (_addIndex < _photos.length && inEntry != null && inEntry.getStatus() != null) { _photos[_addIndex] = inEntry; _addIndex++; } } /** * @return the number of photos in the list whose status has changed */ public int getNumSaveablePhotos() { return _addIndex; } /** * @see javax.swing.table.TableModel#getColumnCount() */ public int getColumnCount() { return 3; } /** * @see javax.swing.table.TableModel#getRowCount() */ public int getRowCount() { return _addIndex; } /** * @see javax.swing.table.TableModel#getValueAt(int, int) */ public Object getValueAt(int inRowIndex, int inColumnIndex) { if (inColumnIndex == 0) { return _photos[inRowIndex].getName(); } else if (inColumnIndex == 1) { return _photos[inRowIndex].getStatus(); } return Boolean.valueOf(_photos[inRowIndex].getSaveFlag()); } /** * @return true if cell is editable */ public boolean isCellEditable(int inRowIndex, int inColumnIndex) { // only the save column is editable return inColumnIndex == 2; } /** * Set the given cell value * @see javax.swing.table.TableModel#setValueAt(java.lang.Object, int, int) */ public void setValueAt(Object inValue, int inRowIndex, int inColumnIndex) { // ignore edits to other columns if (inColumnIndex == 2) _photos[inRowIndex].setSaveFlag(((Boolean) inValue).booleanValue()); } /** * @return Class of cell data */ public Class getColumnClass(int inColumnIndex) { if (inColumnIndex < 2) return String.class; return Boolean.class; } /** * Get the name of the column */ public String getColumnName(int inColNum) { if (inColNum == 0) return I18nManager.getText("dialog.saveexif.table.photoname"); else if (inColNum == 1) return I18nManager.getText("dialog.saveexif.table.status"); return I18nManager.getText(""); } /** * Retrieve the object at the given index * @param inIndex index, starting at 0 * @return PhotoTableEntry object at this position */ public PhotoTableEntry getPhotoTableEntry(int inIndex) { if (inIndex < 0 || inIndex >= _photos.length) { return null; } return _photos[inIndex]; } }