package tim.prune.undo; import tim.prune.I18nManager; import tim.prune.UpdateMessageBroker; import; import; import; import; /** * Operation to undo a conversion from names to times */ public class UndoConvertNamesToTimes implements UndoOperation { /** Start and end indices of section */ private int _startIndex, _endIndex; /** Waypoint names before operation */ private String[] _waypointNames = null; /** Timestamp strings before operation */ private String[] _timestamps = null; /** * Constructor * @param inTrackInfo track info object to copy values from */ public UndoConvertNamesToTimes(TrackInfo inTrackInfo) { _startIndex = inTrackInfo.getSelection().getStart(); _endIndex = inTrackInfo.getSelection().getEnd(); final int numPoints = _endIndex - _startIndex + 1; _waypointNames = new String[numPoints]; _timestamps = new String[numPoints]; // Loop over points in selection, and copy names and timestamps for (int i=_startIndex; i<=_endIndex; i++) { DataPoint point = inTrackInfo.getTrack().getPoint(i); if (point.isWaypoint()) { _waypointNames[i-_startIndex] = point.getWaypointName(); _timestamps[i-_startIndex] = point.getFieldValue(Field.TIMESTAMP); } } } /** * @return description of operation */ public String getDescription() { return I18nManager.getText("undo.convertnamestotimes"); } /** * Perform the undo operation on the given Track * @param inTrackInfo TrackInfo object on which to perform the operation */ public void performUndo(TrackInfo inTrackInfo) throws UndoException { // Sanity check Track track = inTrackInfo.getTrack(); if (track.getNumPoints() <= _endIndex || _endIndex <= _startIndex) { throw new UndoException("Cannot undo conversion, track length doesn't match"); } // Loop over points in selection and replace names and timestamps for (int i=_startIndex; i<=_endIndex; i++) { String storedName = _waypointNames[i-_startIndex]; if (storedName != null) { // point had a name before the operation, so might have been converted DataPoint point = track.getPoint(i); point.setFieldValue(Field.WAYPT_NAME, storedName, true); point.setFieldValue(Field.TIMESTAMP, _timestamps[i-_startIndex], true); } } track.requestRescale(); UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(); } }