package tim.prune.function.srtm; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JProgressBar; import tim.prune.App; import tim.prune.DataSubscriber; import tim.prune.GenericFunction; import tim.prune.I18nManager; import tim.prune.UpdateMessageBroker; import; import; import; import tim.prune.undo.UndoLookupSrtm; /** * Class to provide a lookup function for point altitudes * using the Space Shuttle's SRTM data files. * HGT files are downloaded into memory via HTTP and point altitudes * can then be interpolated from the 3m grid data. */ public class LookupSrtmFunction extends GenericFunction implements Runnable { /** function dialog */ private JDialog _dialog = null; /** Progress bar for function */ private JProgressBar _progressBar = null; /** Cancel flag */ private boolean _cancelled = false; /** Expected size of hgt file in bytes */ private static final long HGT_SIZE = 2884802L; /** Altitude below which is considered void */ private static final int VOID_VAL = -32768; /** * Constructor * @param inApp App object */ public LookupSrtmFunction(App inApp) { super(inApp); } /** @return name key */ public String getNameKey() { return "function.lookupsrtm"; } /** * Begin the lookup */ public void begin() { if (_dialog == null) { _dialog = new JDialog(_parentFrame, I18nManager.getText(getNameKey()), false); _dialog.setLocationRelativeTo(_parentFrame); _dialog.getContentPane().add(makeDialogComponents()); _dialog.pack(); } _progressBar.setMinimum(0); _progressBar.setMaximum(100); _progressBar.setValue(20); _cancelled = false; // start new thread for time-consuming part new Thread(this).start(); } /** * Make the dialog components * @return the GUI components for the dialog */ private Component makeDialogComponents() { JPanel dialogPanel = new JPanel(); dialogPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); dialogPanel.add(new JLabel(I18nManager.getText("confirm.running")), BorderLayout.NORTH); _progressBar = new JProgressBar(); _progressBar.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250, 30)); dialogPanel.add(_progressBar, BorderLayout.CENTER); // Cancel button at the bottom JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); buttonPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT)); JButton cancelButton = new JButton(I18nManager.getText("button.cancel")); cancelButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { _cancelled = true; _dialog.dispose(); } }); buttonPanel.add(cancelButton); dialogPanel.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); return dialogPanel; } /** * Run method using separate thread */ public void run() { // Compile list of tiles to get Track track = _app.getTrackInfo().getTrack(); ArrayList tileList = new ArrayList(); boolean hasZeroAltitudePoints = false; boolean hasNonZeroAltitudePoints = false; // First, loop to see what kind of points we have for (int i=0; i inTileList, boolean inOverwriteZeros) { Track track = _app.getTrackInfo().getTrack(); UndoLookupSrtm undo = new UndoLookupSrtm(_app.getTrackInfo()); int numAltitudesFound = 0; // Update progress bar _progressBar.setMaximum(inTileList.size()); _progressBar.setIndeterminate(inTileList.size() <= 1); _progressBar.setValue(0); String errorMessage = null; // Get urls for each tile URL[] urls = TileFinder.getUrls(inTileList); for (int t=0; t= 32768) {heights[i] -= 65536;} } } //else { // System.out.println("length not ok: " + entry.getSize()); //} // Close stream from url inStream.close(); if (entryOk) { // Loop over all points in track, try to apply altitude from array for (int p=0; p 0) System.out.println(numVoids + " voids found"); double altitude = 0.0; switch (numVoids) { case 0: altitude = bilinearInterpolate(fouralts, x, y); break; case 1: altitude = bilinearInterpolate(fixVoid(fouralts), x, y); break; case 2: case 3: altitude = averageNonVoid(fouralts); break; default: altitude = VOID_VAL; } if (altitude != VOID_VAL) { point.setFieldValue(Field.ALTITUDE, ""+altitude, false); numAltitudesFound++; } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException obe) { //System.err.println("lat=" + point.getLatitude().getDouble() + ", x=" + x + ", y=" + y + ", idx=" + idx1); } } } } } } catch (IOException ioe) { errorMessage = ioe.getClass().getName() + " - " + ioe.getMessage(); } } } _dialog.dispose(); if (_cancelled) {return;} if (numAltitudesFound > 0) { // Inform app including undo information track.requestRescale(); UpdateMessageBroker.informSubscribers(DataSubscriber.DATA_ADDED_OR_REMOVED); _app.completeFunction(undo, I18nManager.getText("confirm.lookupsrtm1") + " " + numAltitudesFound + " " + I18nManager.getText("confirm.lookupsrtm2")); } else if (errorMessage != null) { _app.showErrorMessageNoLookup(getNameKey(), errorMessage); } else if (inTileList.size() > 0) { _app.showErrorMessage(getNameKey(), "error.lookupsrtm.nonefound"); } else { _app.showErrorMessage(getNameKey(), "error.lookupsrtm.nonerequired"); } } /** * Perform a bilinear interpolation on the given altitude array * @param inAltitudes array of four altitude values on corners of square (bl, br, tl, tr) * @param inX x coordinate * @param inY y coordinate * @return interpolated altitude */ private static double bilinearInterpolate(int[] inAltitudes, double inX, double inY) { double alpha = inX - (int) inX; double beta = 1 - (inY - (int) inY); double alt = (1-alpha)*(1-beta)*inAltitudes[0] + alpha*(1-beta)*inAltitudes[1] + (1-alpha)*beta*inAltitudes[2] + alpha*beta*inAltitudes[3]; return alt; } /** * Fix a single void in the given array by replacing it with the average of the others * @param inAltitudes array of altitudes containing one void * @return fixed array without voids */ private static int[] fixVoid(int[] inAltitudes) { int[] fixed = new int[inAltitudes.length]; for (int i=0; i