package tim.prune.load; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.CardLayout; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent; import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener; import javax.swing.table.TableCellEditor; import; import tim.prune.App; import tim.prune.I18nManager; import; import; /** * Class to handle loading of text files including GUI options, * and passing loaded data back to App object */ public class TextFileLoader { private File _file = null; private App _app = null; private JFrame _parentFrame = null; private JDialog _dialog = null; private JPanel _cardPanel = null; private CardLayout _layout = null; private JButton _backButton = null, _nextButton = null; private JButton _finishButton = null; private JButton _moveUpButton = null, _moveDownButton = null; private JRadioButton[] _delimiterRadios = null; private JTextField _otherDelimiterText = null; private JLabel _statusLabel = null; private DelimiterInfo[] _delimiterInfos = null; private FileCacher _fileCacher = null; private JList _snippetBox = null; private FileExtractTableModel _fileExtractTableModel = null; private JTable _fieldTable; private FieldSelectionTableModel _fieldTableModel = null; private JComboBox _unitsDropDown = null; private int _selectedField = -1; private char _currentDelimiter = ','; // previously selected values private char _lastUsedDelimiter = ','; private Field[] _lastSelectedFields = null; private int _lastAltitudeFormat = Altitude.FORMAT_NONE; // constants private static final int SNIPPET_SIZE = 6; private static final int MAX_SNIPPET_WIDTH = 80; private static final char[] DELIMITERS = {',', '\t', ';', ' '}; /** * Inner class to listen for delimiter change operations */ private class DelimListener implements ActionListener, DocumentListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { informDelimiterSelected(); } public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { informDelimiterSelected(); } public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { informDelimiterSelected(); } public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { informDelimiterSelected(); } } /** * Constructor * @param inApp Application object to inform of track load * @param inParentFrame parent frame to reference for dialogs */ public TextFileLoader(App inApp, JFrame inParentFrame) { _app = inApp; _parentFrame = inParentFrame; } /** * Open the selected file and show the GUI dialog * to select load options */ public void openFile(File inFile) { _file = inFile; if (preCheckFile(_file)) { _dialog = new JDialog(_parentFrame, I18nManager.getText("dialog.openoptions.title"), true); _dialog.setLocationRelativeTo(_parentFrame); _dialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); _dialog.getContentPane().add(makeDialogComponents()); // select best separator according to row counts (more is better) int bestDelim = getBestOption(_delimiterInfos[0].getNumWinningRecords(), _delimiterInfos[1].getNumWinningRecords(), _delimiterInfos[2].getNumWinningRecords(), _delimiterInfos[3].getNumWinningRecords()); if (bestDelim >= 0) _delimiterRadios[bestDelim].setSelected(true); else _delimiterRadios[_delimiterRadios.length-1].setSelected(true); informDelimiterSelected(); _dialog.pack();; } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(_parentFrame, I18nManager.getText("error.load.noread"), I18nManager.getText("error.load.dialogtitle"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } /** * Check the given file for readability and funny characters, * and count the fields for the various separators * @param inFile file to check */ private boolean preCheckFile(File inFile) { // Check file exists and is readable if (inFile == null || !inFile.exists() || !inFile.canRead()) { return false; } // Use a FileCacher to read the file into an array _fileCacher = new FileCacher(inFile); // Check each line of the file String[] fileContents = _fileCacher.getContents(); boolean fileOK = true; _delimiterInfos = new DelimiterInfo[5]; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) _delimiterInfos[i] = new DelimiterInfo(DELIMITERS[i]); String currLine = null; String[] splitFields = null; int commaFields = 0, semicolonFields = 0, tabFields = 0, spaceFields = 0; for (int lineNum=0; lineNum= 0) {fileOK = false;} // check for commas splitFields = currLine.split(","); commaFields = splitFields.length; if (commaFields > 1) _delimiterInfos[0].incrementNumRecords(); _delimiterInfos[0].updateMaxFields(commaFields); // check for tabs splitFields = currLine.split("\t"); tabFields = splitFields.length; if (tabFields > 1) _delimiterInfos[1].incrementNumRecords(); _delimiterInfos[1].updateMaxFields(tabFields); // check for semicolons splitFields = currLine.split(";"); semicolonFields = splitFields.length; if (semicolonFields > 1) _delimiterInfos[2].incrementNumRecords(); _delimiterInfos[2].updateMaxFields(semicolonFields); // check for spaces splitFields = currLine.split(" "); spaceFields = splitFields.length; if (spaceFields > 1) _delimiterInfos[3].incrementNumRecords(); _delimiterInfos[3].updateMaxFields(spaceFields); // increment counters int bestScorer = getBestOption(commaFields, tabFields, semicolonFields, spaceFields); if (bestScorer >= 0) _delimiterInfos[bestScorer].incrementNumWinningRecords(); } return fileOK; } /** * Get the index of the best one in the list * @return the index of the maximum of the four given values */ private static int getBestOption(int inOpt0, int inOpt1, int inOpt2, int inOpt3) { int bestIndex = -1; int maxScore = 1; if (inOpt0 > maxScore) {bestIndex = 0; maxScore = inOpt0;} if (inOpt1 > maxScore) {bestIndex = 1; maxScore = inOpt1;} if (inOpt2 > maxScore) {bestIndex = 2; maxScore = inOpt2;} if (inOpt3 > maxScore) {bestIndex = 3; maxScore = inOpt3;} return bestIndex; } /** * Make the components for the open options dialog * @return Component for all options */ private Component makeDialogComponents() { JPanel wholePanel = new JPanel(); wholePanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // add buttons to south JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); buttonPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); _backButton = new JButton(I18nManager.getText("button.back")); _backButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { _layout.previous(_cardPanel); _backButton.setEnabled(false); _nextButton.setEnabled(true); _finishButton.setEnabled(false); } }); _backButton.setEnabled(false); buttonPanel.add(_backButton); _nextButton = new JButton(I18nManager.getText("")); _nextButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { prepareSecondPanel();; _nextButton.setEnabled(false); _backButton.setEnabled(true); _finishButton.setEnabled(_fieldTableModel.getRowCount() > 1); } }); buttonPanel.add(_nextButton); _finishButton = new JButton(I18nManager.getText("button.finish")); _finishButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { finished(); } }); _finishButton.setEnabled(false); buttonPanel.add(_finishButton); JButton cancelButton = new JButton(I18nManager.getText("button.cancel")); cancelButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { _dialog.dispose(); } }); buttonPanel.add(cancelButton); wholePanel.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // Make the two cards, for delimiter and fields _cardPanel = new JPanel(); _layout = new CardLayout(); _cardPanel.setLayout(_layout); JPanel firstCard = new JPanel(); firstCard.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JPanel delimsPanel = new JPanel(); delimsPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 2)); delimsPanel.add(new JLabel(I18nManager.getText("dialog.delimiter.label"))); delimsPanel.add(new JLabel("")); // blank label to go to next grid row // radio buttons _delimiterRadios = new JRadioButton[5]; _delimiterRadios[0] = new JRadioButton(I18nManager.getText("dialog.delimiter.comma")); delimsPanel.add(_delimiterRadios[0]); _delimiterRadios[1] = new JRadioButton(I18nManager.getText("")); delimsPanel.add(_delimiterRadios[1]); _delimiterRadios[2] = new JRadioButton(I18nManager.getText("dialog.delimiter.semicolon")); delimsPanel.add(_delimiterRadios[2]); _delimiterRadios[3] = new JRadioButton(I18nManager.getText("")); delimsPanel.add(_delimiterRadios[3]); JPanel otherPanel = new JPanel(); otherPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 0, 0)); _delimiterRadios[4] = new JRadioButton(I18nManager.getText("dialog.delimiter.other")); otherPanel.add(_delimiterRadios[4]); _otherDelimiterText = new JTextField(new OneCharDocument(), null, 2); otherPanel.add(_otherDelimiterText); // Group radio buttons ButtonGroup delimGroup = new ButtonGroup(); DelimListener delimListener = new DelimListener(); for (int i=0; i<_delimiterRadios.length; i++) { delimGroup.add(_delimiterRadios[i]); _delimiterRadios[i].addActionListener(delimListener); } _otherDelimiterText.getDocument().addDocumentListener(delimListener); delimsPanel.add(new JLabel("")); delimsPanel.add(otherPanel); _statusLabel = new JLabel(""); delimsPanel.add(_statusLabel); firstCard.add(delimsPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // load snippet to show first few lines _snippetBox = new JList(_fileCacher.getSnippet(SNIPPET_SIZE, MAX_SNIPPET_WIDTH)); _snippetBox.setEnabled(false); firstCard.add(makeLabelledPanel("dialog.openoptions.filesnippet", _snippetBox), BorderLayout.CENTER); // Second screen, for field order selection JPanel secondCard = new JPanel(); secondCard.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // table for file contents _fileExtractTableModel = new FileExtractTableModel(); JTable extractTable = new JTable(_fileExtractTableModel); JScrollPane tableScrollPane = new JScrollPane(extractTable); extractTable.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(350, 80)); extractTable.getTableHeader().setReorderingAllowed(false); secondCard.add(makeLabelledPanel("dialog.openoptions.tabledesc", tableScrollPane), BorderLayout.NORTH); JPanel innerPanel2 = new JPanel(); innerPanel2.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); _fieldTable = new JTable(new FieldSelectionTableModel()); _fieldTable.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); // add listener for selected table row _fieldTable.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener( new ListSelectionListener() { public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { ListSelectionModel lsm = (ListSelectionModel) e.getSource(); if (lsm.isSelectionEmpty()) { //no rows are selected selectField(-1); } else { selectField(lsm.getMinSelectionIndex()); } } }); JPanel tablePanel = new JPanel(); tablePanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); tablePanel.add(_fieldTable.getTableHeader(), BorderLayout.NORTH); tablePanel.add(_fieldTable, BorderLayout.CENTER); innerPanel2.add(tablePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); JPanel innerPanel3 = new JPanel(); innerPanel3.setLayout(new BoxLayout(innerPanel3, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); _moveUpButton = new JButton(I18nManager.getText("button.moveup")); _moveUpButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int currRow = _fieldTable.getSelectedRow(); closeTableComboBox(currRow); _fieldTableModel.moveUp(currRow); _fieldTable.setRowSelectionInterval(currRow-1, currRow-1); } }); innerPanel3.add(_moveUpButton); _moveDownButton = new JButton(I18nManager.getText("button.movedown")); _moveDownButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int currRow = _fieldTable.getSelectedRow(); closeTableComboBox(currRow); _fieldTableModel.moveDown(currRow); _fieldTable.setRowSelectionInterval(currRow+1, currRow+1); } }); innerPanel3.add(_moveDownButton); innerPanel3.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(70)); innerPanel2.add(innerPanel3, BorderLayout.EAST); secondCard.add(innerPanel2, BorderLayout.CENTER); JPanel altUnitsPanel = new JPanel(); altUnitsPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); altUnitsPanel.add(new JLabel(I18nManager.getText("dialog.openoptions.altitudeunits"))); String[] units = {I18nManager.getText("units.metres"), I18nManager.getText("units.feet")}; _unitsDropDown = new JComboBox(units); altUnitsPanel.add(_unitsDropDown); secondCard.add(altUnitsPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); _cardPanel.add(firstCard, "card1"); _cardPanel.add(secondCard, "card2"); wholePanel.add(_cardPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); return wholePanel; } /** * Close the combo box on the selected row of the field table * @param inRow currently selected row number */ private void closeTableComboBox(int inRow) { TableCellEditor editor = _fieldTable.getCellEditor(inRow, 1); if (editor != null) { editor.stopCellEditing(); } } /** * change the status based on selection of a delimiter */ protected void informDelimiterSelected() { int fields = 0; // Loop through radios to see which one is selected for (int i=0; i<(_delimiterRadios.length-1); i++) { if (_delimiterRadios[i].isSelected()) { // Set label text to describe records and fields int numRecords = _delimiterInfos[i].getNumRecords(); if (numRecords == 0) { _statusLabel.setText(I18nManager.getText("dialog.openoptions.deliminfo.norecords")); } else { fields = _delimiterInfos[i].getMaxFields(); _statusLabel.setText("" + numRecords + " " + I18nManager.getText("dialog.openoptions.deliminfo.records") + fields + " " + I18nManager.getText("dialog.openoptions.deliminfo.fields")); } } } // Don't show label if "other" delimiter is chosen (as records, fields are unknown) if (_delimiterRadios[_delimiterRadios.length-1].isSelected()) { _statusLabel.setText(""); } // enable/disable next button _nextButton.setEnabled((_delimiterRadios[4].isSelected() == false && fields > 1) || _otherDelimiterText.getText().length() == 1); } /** * Get the delimiter info from the first step * @return delimiter information object for the selected delimiter */ public DelimiterInfo getSelectedDelimiterInfo() { for (int i=0; i<4; i++) if (_delimiterRadios[i].isSelected()) return _delimiterInfos[i]; // must be "other" - build info if necessary if (_delimiterInfos[4] == null) _delimiterInfos[4] = new DelimiterInfo(_otherDelimiterText.getText().charAt(0)); return _delimiterInfos[4]; } /** * Use the delimiter selected to determine the fields in the file * and prepare the second panel accordingly */ private void prepareSecondPanel() { DelimiterInfo info = getSelectedDelimiterInfo(); FileSplitter splitter = new FileSplitter(_fileCacher); // Check info makes sense - num fields > 0, num records > 0 // set "Finished" button to disabled if not ok // TODO: Work out if there are header rows or not, save? // Try to match header rows with fields // Try to match data with fields // Add data to GUI elements Object[][] tableData = splitter.splitFieldData(info.getDelimiter()); // possible to ignore blank columns here _currentDelimiter = info.getDelimiter(); _fileExtractTableModel.updateData(tableData); _fieldTableModel = new FieldSelectionTableModel(); // Check number of fields and use last ones if count matches Field[] startFieldArray = null; if (_lastSelectedFields != null && splitter.getNumColumns() == _lastSelectedFields.length) startFieldArray = _lastSelectedFields; else startFieldArray = splitter.makeDefaultFields(); _fieldTableModel.updateData(startFieldArray); _fieldTable.setModel(_fieldTableModel); // add dropdowns to second column JComboBox fieldTypesBox = new JComboBox(); for (int i=0; i 0); _moveDownButton.setEnabled(inFieldNum >= 0 && inFieldNum < (_fieldTableModel.getRowCount()-1)); } } /** * @return the last delimiter character used for a load */ public char getLastUsedDelimiter() { return _lastUsedDelimiter; } }