Prune version 1 =============== Prune is an application for viewing, editing and managing coordinate data from GPS systems. Prune is copyright and distributed under the terms of the Gnu GPL version 2. You may freely use the software, and may help others to freely use it too. For further information on your rights and how they are protected, see the included license.txt file. Prune comes without warranty and without guarantee - the authors cannot be held responsible for losses incurred through use of the program, however caused. Running ======= To run Prune from the jar file, simply call it from a Command Prompt or shell: java -jar prune_1.jar If the jar file is saved in a different directory, you will need to include the path. Depending on your system settings, you may be able to click or double-click on the jar file in a file manager window to execute it. A shortcut, menu item, desktop icon or other link can of course be made should you wish. Further information and updates =============================== To obtain the source code (if it wasn't included in your jar file), or for further information, please visit the website: You will find there user guides and screenshots illustrating the major features. As Prune is further developed, subsequent versions of the program will also be made freely available at this website. You can also provide feedback on Prune, and find out more about contributing to the development, especially with regard to language translations.